25 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu Berkarakter Menggunakan Pendekatan Humanistik Berbantu Alat Peraga Murah

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    Tujuan dari penelitian adalah menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran IPA terpadu yang dapat memfasilitasi siswa untuk mengembangkan kemampuan yang dimiliki secara menyeluruh sehingga memiliki daya saing yang unggul, mampu mengikuti perkembangan IPTEK, dan memiliki karakter yang bersumber pada nilai-nilai pancasila. Dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran IPA terpadu berkarakter menggunakan pendekatan humanistik berbantu alat peraga murah di sekolah menengah berupa silabus, RPP, alat peraga, LKS, dan modul yang dihasilkan melalui alur Four-D model, yaitu definition (pendefinisian), design (perancangan), development (pengembangan) dan disseminate (penyebaran) yang telah melalui tahap validasi dan revisi.Ă‚ The purpose of the research is to produce an integrated science learning tools that can facilitate learners to develop the capabilities of the whole so that it has a superior competitive, able to follow the development of science and technology, and has a character which is based on the values of Pancasila. From the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the development of the integrated science learning character humanistic approach berbantu cheap props in the form of school syllabi, lesson plans, visual aids, worksheets, and the modules produced by Four-D flow model, the definition (defining), design (design), development (development) and disseminate (spread) that have gone through the validation and revision

    Pengembangan Science Comic Berbasis Problem Based Learning Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pada Tema Bunyi Dan Pendengaran Untuk Siswa SMP

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana kelayakan dan keefektifan media science comic berbasis PBL pada tema bunyi dan pendengaran. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan R and D (Research and Development). Hasil penilaian pakar terhadap science comic berbasis PBL memperoleh kriteria sangat layak dengan persentase penilaian pakar media sebesar 95,83%, pakar materi sebesar 95,37%, dan pakar bahasa sebesar 99,07%. Hasil belajar siswa meningkat dengan kategori sedang dengan nilai N-gain sebesar 0,62. Selain itu, kemampuan berpikir siswa juga mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan berdasarkan perhitungan t test dengan nilai thitung> ttabel (22,4>1,68). This research gives countenance to curriculum 2013 with development science comic based PBL on sound and hearing. This research type is R and D (Research and Development). The validation result shows that science comic has very feasible as a learning media by score percentage from medium expert at 95.83%, material expert at 95.37%, and language expert at 99.07Student's learning outcome increases in average category which showed from N-gain score at 0.62. In addition, student's critical thinking skill increases significanly by score of tscore > ttabel (22.4>1.68)

    Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek Untuk Mengembangkan Alat Peraga IPA Dengan Memanfaatkan Bahan Bekas Pakai

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan dan memproduksi alat peraga IPA melalui pembelajaran berbasis proyek dengan memanfaatkan bahan bekas pakai. Temuan dosen menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa ketika diberikan penugasan memproduksi/memodifikasi alat peraga IPA mengalami kesulitan. Sebagian besar mahasiswa mengumpulkan desain produk penugasan bukan hasil karya sendiri atau kelompok, melainkan hasil penelusuran internet. Dari penilaian hasil penugasan, kurang dari 25% mahasiswa yang mendapatkan nilai ≥ 75. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Prodi Pendidikan IPA FMIPA Unnes dengan sasaran mahasiswa semester V rombel 3 yang berjumlah 30 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan pembelajaran proyek mahasiswa telah mampu mengembangkan dan menghasilkan alat peraga IPA dengan baik, dibuktikan dari penilaian laporan yang berisikan rancangan desain produk dengan rentang skor yang diperoleh antara 82 sampai dengan 92 dan dari penilaian produk yang telah dibuat mahasiswa lebih dari 85% telah mendapatkan kategori baik. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penerapan pembelajaran berbasis proyek dapat mengembangkan alat peraga IPA dengan memanfaatkan bahan bekas pakai.This research is aimed to develop and produce science props through project based learning by using used goods. The lecturer found that the students had some difficulties to produce or modify the props. They submitted the props design that they downloaded from the internet. From the assignment score data, it is identified that less than 25% of student that got score ≥ 75. This research was conducted in Science Education Study Program Mathematics and Natural Science Semarang State University. The object of research was 30 students of fifth semester students. The research result shows that by using project based learning the students are able to develop and produce science props better than previous learning activity. It is proven by assessment report that consists of product design with range of the score of 82 – 92, so it turns out that 85% students have achieved the score in good criteria. It can be concluded that the implementation of project based learning can develop the students’ skill to produce science props by using used goods

    Pengembangan Lks IPA Terpadu Berbasis Inkuiri Tema Darah Di SMP N 2 Tengaran

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan LKS IPA terpadu berbasis inkuiri tema darah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengunakan metode Research and Development (R&D). Hasil penilaian dari pakar terhadap produk yang telah dikembangkan memiliki persentase rata-rata 3,72 untuk pakar isi, 3,44 pakar penyajian, 3,79 pakar bahasa. Selain itu 100% siswa telah mencapai batas nilai KKM yang ditetapkan yaitu untuk ketuntasan individu ≥72 dan untuk keterampilan proses ilmiah siswa telah mencapai kategori baik. Produk yang telah dikembangkan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran IPA di sekolah.This study aims to develop an integrated inquiry-based science worksheets blood theme. Research was conducted using the method of Research and Development (R & D). Results of the experts’ assessment who have developed products have an average percentage of 3.72 to content experts, presentation experts 3.44, 3.79 linguists. In addition 100% of students have reached the limit values specified passing grade is for completeness individuals ≥ 72 and for the scientific process skills students have achieved good category. The product that has been developed effectively used in science teaching in schools

    Pembelajaran Kebencanaan Alam Bervisi Sets Terintegrasi Dalam Mata Pelajaran Fisika Berbasis Kearifan Lokal

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    Kearifan lokal merupakan nilai-nilai yang berlaku dalam suatu mayarakat, yang diyakini kebenarannya dan menjadi acuan dalam bertingkah laku sehari-hari, serta menggambarkan cara bersikap dan bertindak untuk merespons Perubahan-Perubahan yang khas dalam ingkungan fisik maupun kultural. Kearifan lokal yang ada di setiap daerah di Inonesia merupakan satu aset atau harta terpendam bagi bangsa Indonesia yang harus digali dan terus dipertahankan sebagai satu kesatuan dalam hidup dan kehidupan semua masyarakat Indonesia. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah menentukan cara (1) menanamkan kearifan lokal bagi generasi muda, (2) mendesiminasikan kearifan lokal dilakukan melalui pendidikan. Metode penelitian analisis kepustakaan. Hasil analisis menyimpulkan salah satu cara menanamkan kearifan lokal dengan mengaitkannya pada pembelajaran Fisika terintegrasi kebencanaan alam bervisi Science Environment Technology and Society (SETS). Desiminasi kearifan lokal dapat dilakukan melalui pendidikan, termasuk dalam pembelajaran dan penelitian kependidikan, serta penulisan artikel di media. Local wisdom is the values prevailing in a society, which is believed to be true and become a reference in the daily activity, and describe how to behave and act in response to specific changes in physical and cultural environment. Local wisdom in every region in Indonesia is an asset or a hidden treasure for the nation of Indonesia to be collected and maintained as a unity in life and the lives of all the people of Indonesia. The purpose of writing this article is to determine how to (1) embed local wisdom to the younger generation, (2) disseminate local wisdom through education. Analysis of the literature research method. Results of the analysis concluded one way of instilling local wisdom by associating the natural disaster integrated physics learning in the vision of Environment Science Technology and Society (SETS). Dissemination of local wisdom can be done through education, including the teaching and educational research, as well as writing articles in the media

    Penerapan Study Visit Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mahasiswa Dalam Mengembangkan Teknologi Tepat Guna Bidang Pendidikan

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    The team's findings pengampu lecturer in learning suggests that students when given an assignment to create / modify props / lab science experience difficulties. Most students collect assignments product is not the work itself or the group, but the Internet search results. From the assessment results of the assignment, less than 30% of students who scored ≥ 75 so that if no immediate action is taken, the course learning objectives IPA Professional Development Teacher is not reached. Research purposes to improve the ability of students in developing appropriate technology fields Science Education. The study was conducted in a class action Prodi Science Education with the goal of student rombel 2, which amounted to 25 people. Results showed students have been able to create or modify props / lab science well, evidenced from the appraisal report containing a draft study visit product design with a range of scores obtained between 82 to 91 and from assessments of products that have made students more than 70% have earned a good category. The conclusions of this research is the ability of students in developing appropriate technology education can be improved through the implementation of study visit

    The Effectiveness of Ctl Model Guided Inquiri-based in the Topic of Chemicals in Daily Life to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes and Activeness

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    Science learning in school can be applied by connecting the material in the learning with real life. However in fact science learning process in SMP Negeri 10 Magelang has not emphasized students' activity to relate science to real life. Learning science using CTL guided inquiry-based model implement the learning in where teacher provides initial questions related issues or events in everyday life, then students do experiments to prove concepts of science guided by teacher.The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness the model in topic of learning of chemicals in life to improve students' learning outcomes and activity. This research was a quasi-experimental research. The research was conducted in SMP Negeri 10 Magelang with 8th grade students as research subjects. The sample in this study was taken using purposive sampling technique then resulting VIIIA as experiment group and VIIIC as control group. The result shows that experiment group's learning outcomes increased with N-gain value of 0.62 in the medium criteria. Experiment group's average of learning outcomes is higher than control group based on the calculation t test with tcount ≥ ttable (5.42 ≥ 1.67). Experiment group's activity also increased every meeting, first meeting was 36.9% in less active criteria, the second meeting increased to be quite active of 60.5%, the third meeting was in the active criteria of 78.2%, and the fourth meeting was 81.4% in very active criteria. It can be concluded that the CTL guided inquiry-based model is effective to improve students' learning outcomes and activity

    Sounds Learning Using Teams Games Tournament with Flash Card as Media at the 13th Junior High School of Magelang

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    The aim of this research is to know about students' response and the effectiveness of Teams Games Tournament learning model with Flash Card as media. This research type is Quasi Experimental Nonequivalent Group Design. The subject of the study is the students of 8 E and 8 F of the 13th junior high school of Magelang. The result of cognitive assessment showed that the classical learning achievement was 87% and the gained score was 0.46 which is included in media category. Value of Sig. (2-tailed) of Mann-Whitney U-Test is 0.01. It means that there is the significant difference of academic achievement between the experiment group and the control group. The result of affective and pshycomotoric assessments are included in good category at average score 75% and 71%. Correlation among cognitive, affective, and psychomotoric learning achievements was strong at R Score 0.684. Students' response toward the learning showed average score at 74%, and it was included in good category. Based on the result, Teams Games Tournament learning model with Flash Card as media in learning about sounds at the 13th junior high school in Magelang is effective towards the learning achievement and the responses of the 8 D graders towards the learning is categorized good

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu Berkarakter Peduli Lingkungan Tema “Konservasi” Berpendekatan Science-edutainment

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran IPA terpadu berkarakter peduli lingkungan pada tema konservasi dengan pendekatan science-edutainment. Metode yang dipakai untuk mencapai tujuan yaitu melalui penelitian pengembangan (Development Research) yang diarahkan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran IPA terpadu berkarakter peduli lingkungan tema konservasi bagi siswa SMP, yang berupa puzzle, crossword maupun squareword berbasis TIK. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar IPA terpadu tema konservasi mengalami peningkatan. Secara keseluruhan peningkatan (gain) hasil belajar sebesar 0,85 yang artinya peningkatannya dengan kriteria tinggi. Rata-rata total skor indikator karakter peduli lingkungan adalah 93,75 yaitu telah menunjukkan kriteria membudaya (MK) dikalangan siswa. The aim of this research is to develop a character integrated science learning media on the theme of conservation with science edutainment approach. The method used to achieve the goal of development through Research and Development (R and D) is directed to develop media integrated science learning environment characterized by caring conservation theme for junior high school students, in the form of puzzles, crossword and ICT-based squareword. The results of this study indicate that the integrated science learning outcomes increased conservation theme. Overall of the improvement (gain) learning outcomes of 0.85, means increase with height criteria. The average total score of the indicator is 93.75 environmentally conscious characters that have shown entrenched criteria (MK) among students