2 research outputs found

    The Social Engagement to Agricultural Issues using Social Network Analysis

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    Twitter is one of the micro-blogging social media which emphasizes the speed of communication. In the 4.0 era, the government also promotes the distribution of information through social media to reach the community from various lines.  In previous research, Social Network Analysis was used to see the relationship between actors in a work environment, or as a basis for identifying the application of technology adoption in decision making, whereas no one has used SNA to see trends in people's response to agricultural information. This study aims to see the extent to which information about agriculture reaches the community, as well as to see the community's response to take part in agricultural development.  This article also shows the actors who took part in disseminating information. Data was taken on November 13 to 20, 2020 from the Drone Emprit Academic, and was taken limited to 3000 nodes. Then, the measurements of the SNA are represented on the values of Degree Centrality, Betweenness Centrality, Closeness Centrality, and Eigenvector Centrality. @AdrianiLaksmi has the highest value in Eigenvector Centrality and Degree Centrality, he has the greatest role in disseminating information and has many followers among other accounts that spread the same information. While the @RamliRizal account ranks the highest in Betweenness Centrality, who has the most frequently referred information, and the highest Closeness Centrality is owned by the @baigmac account because of the fastest to re-tweet the first information


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    Perkembangan teknologi dan komunikasi semakin mempermudah dalam penyebaran informasi. Hal ini membuat sebagian orang memanfaatkannya untuk menyebarkan informasi yang berbau SARA dan iklan, yang biasa dianggap sebagai spam. Penyebaran informasi spam ini tidak hanya berupa email, namun juga bisa saja melalui sms (Short Message Service). Maka dari itu, diperlukan adanya suatu aplikasi dengan metode tertentu sebagai solusi penyaring konten pesan spam. Metode yang digunakan dalam mengembangkan sistem ini adalah Metode Bayesian Filtering, sebagai penyaring konten pesan yang keluar masuk ke dalam sistem. Tahapan pengembangannya adalah dilakukan analisis terhadap sistem yang sudah ada, yaitu Communication Bridge, kemudian membuat desain dari pengembangan sistem dengan menanamkan spam filter terhadap sistem Communication Bridge agar dapat berjalan dua arah, sehingga diharapkan menjadi lebih optimal, kemudian dilakukan pengujian dengan metode pengujian Alpha dan Beta Testing. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan, pesan spam yang keluar masuk melalui sistem dapat tersaring dengan baik menggunakan metode Bayesian. Kata kunci : SMS, Bayesian, Filtering, Spam, Konten