218 research outputs found

    Faktor Orang Tua Tidak Menyekolahkan Anaknya Kejenjang yang Lebih Tinggi di Desa Binuang Kecamatan Bangkinang

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    Research it is based on factors some parents do not send their children to higher degrees in the village Binuang Kecamatan Bangkinang Seen from the parents are send their children to school. Factors some parents do not send their children to higher degrees in the village Binuang Kecamatan Bangkinang Seen from the education, the economic and the community. What factors some parents do not send their children to higher degrees in the village Binuang Kecamatan Bangkinang?. So the purpose this study is to some parents do not send their children to higher degrees in the village Binuang Kecamatan Bangkinang. And, research is expected to become guidelines for older people in send their children to school. The research also is expected to help and loosening take actions repair to next, for parents to send their children. Population in this study as many as 50 people. Then the researcher take intended to the sample 30 people for research and 20 people we will try to, with uses the technique of sampling jenuh. An instrument data collection namely poll with 40 a statement and if the trial live 37 a statement that valid to make instrument in research. Through data analysis of the quantitative descriptive analysis. So, a conclusion can be drawn that, some parents do not send their children to higher degrees in the village Binuang Kecamatan Bangkinang within high. Indicators the community higher than indicators the education level of parents and the level economic

    Identifikasi Problematika Wanita Bekerja Di PT. Interyasa Melur Pekanbaru

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    This research purpose this to determine the identification of the problems of women working in PT. InteryasaMelurPekanbaru. This research uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Qualitative methods attempt to understand and interpret the meaning of an event interaction of human behavior in specific situations according to the researcher\u27s own perspective. To obtain an objective conclusion, qualitative research to try to explore and break through to interpreting symptoms or problems with collecting a combination of the various issues presented in the situation. Data collection techniques in this research is by observation, interview and documentation. Data obtained from informants. Informants in this study were taken as many as four people with one person as an observer. Where the research was conducted at PT. InteryasaMelurPekanbaru. When the study was planned since this research proposal seminar and followed by the writing of undergraduate education up to the test of S1. Based on the analysis of data that has the writer suggested, outlined the following conclusions on research findings about the identification of the problems of women working in PT. InteryasaMelurPekanbaru, is as follows: 1) Problems of women working in PT. InteryasaMelurPekanbaru based on internal factor for yourself, the cost requirements for children, career, household and family income. 2) Problems of women working in PT. InteryasaMelurPekanbaru based on external factors as it has got the support of her husband, the presence of children and the support of close family (father / mother / uncle and others).3) Problems of women working in PT. Interyasa Melur Pekanbaru based relational factors are not ashousekeeper, bustleand family problems

    Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Pramuka di SD Negeri 164 Kelurahan Tuah Karya Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru

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    Scouting is one of the compulsory extracurricular activities. This is in accordance with the regulations of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 81A Year 2013 On Implementation of Curriculum , explained that the extracurricular activities is one of the operational tools ( supplements and complements ) curriculum .Scouting is one of the extracurricular activities that could form the self and personality of students who become knowledgeable Indonesian human knowledge and can apply the high - noble noble values of the nation. This study aims to investigate the implementation extracurricular scouts of SD Negeri 164 in Pekanbaru . The method in this research is qualitative descriptive . The theory underlying this study is a component of the implementation of learning . The data collection techniques used in this research is interview , observation and documentation. Implementation of the scouts in terms of the various components, namely : (a) Interest , (b) materials , (c) Methods , (d) Media (e) Assessment. Results obtained from the data : 1) the purpose of the implementation of the scouts from the general and specific objectives .2) The material taught during a semester that lasts scout ceremonies material , material code , material and semaphore and rigging material. 3) methods are often used in learning scout is a lecture and practice . 4) The media used consisted of two kinds, namely two or three-dimensional media and media projectors

    Wayang Sasak

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    Bagian Proyek Pengembangan Permuseuman Nusa Tenggara Barat Tahun Anggaran 1987 /1 988 telah menyusun Naskah Koleksi yang berjudul " Wayang Sasak ". Naskah ini telah disusun oleh team yang ditunjuk oleh Pemimpin Bagian Proyek Pengembangan Permuseuman Nusa Tenggara Barat berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Nomor : 170/B.6/P3NTB/V 1/1987 atas dasar persetujuan dari Kakanwil Depdikbud Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

    Pertumbuhan Dan Kelangsungan Hidup (Survival Rate) Ikan Mas (Cyprinus Carpio) Yang Dipelihara Dalam Wadah Terkontrol Dengan Padat Penebaran Yang Berbeda

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menentukan padat penebaran yang menghasilkan pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup (Survival rate) ikan mas tertinggi yang dipelihara dalam wadah terkontrol. Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah ikan mas Majalaya yang mempunyai berat berkisar antara 6,22 – 6,92 gram. Wadah yang digunakan berupa jaring persegi dengan ukuran luas permukaan 1 m2 dengan kedalaman 1 m. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan dan 5 kali ulangan. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan padat penebaran berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap pertumbuhan relatif ikan mas yang dipelihara dalam wadah terkontrol. Padat penebaran ikan mas 5 ekor/m2 menunjukkan pertumbuhan relatif tertinggi (343,4) dibandingkan dengan padat penebaran 10 ekor/m2 (246,03) dan 15 ekor/m2 (218,1). Kelangsungan hidup ikan mas selama penelitian rata-rata 97%. Kualitas air (suhu, O2, CO2, pH, amoniak) masih dalam kondisi yang layak untuk menunjang pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup ikan mas

    Bakti Anak Keturunan Tionghoa Kepada Orang Tua di SMP Patria Dharma Kecamatan Tebing Tinggi Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti

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    Formulation of the problem in this research is how high Consecrated children of Chinese descent in the District Patria Dharma Junior High Cliff Meranti Islands District. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of Consecrated children of Chinese descent in the District Patria Dharma Junior High Cliff Meranti Islands District. The benefits of this research can provide additional information to the parents about the efforts of parents to instill character values. This is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The population is 65 people. The samples in this study using a sample of Simple Random Sampling technique. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire containing 60 items of the statement of Consecrated children of Chinese descent in the District Patria Dharma Junior High Cliff Meranti Islands regency, with the indicator 1) receive advice, 2) pleasing to parents, 3) do not precede the elderly, 4) please parents, 5) facing parents who fall into error, and 6) taking care of the elderly sick to death. Alternative answers each item has a statement strongly agree categories (SS) was scored 5, agrees (S) was given a score of 4, less amenable (KS) was given a score of 3, disagree (TS) was given a score of 2, and strongly disagree (STS) given a score of 1. The survey results revealed that the consecrated child of Chinese descent in the District Patria Dharma Junior High Cliff Meranti Islands District is very high

    Cara Belajar Warga Belajar Paket C Di Pkbm Mitra Riau Jaya Cemerlang Pekanbaru

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    The formulation of the problem in this research whether the learning style of students group C at PKBM Mitra Riau Jaya Cemerlang Pekanbaru is classified good level. And the objective of this research in order to know about learning style of students group C at PKBM Mitra Riau Jaya Cemerlang Pekanbaru. This is descriptive research by quantitative approach. In addition, the researcher chose thirty people as the samples of this research that was taken from fifty people as the population of this research. The researcher took the samples by using random sampling. In collecting data, the researcher used questionnaire as the research instrument which contains forty statements. Furthermore, the alternative answer of each statement has four categories which always category is given score 4, an often category is scored 3, sometimes categories is scored 2, and never categories is scored 1. Based on the research findings, learning style of students group C at PKBM Mitra Riau Jaya Cemerlang Pekanbaru is excellent. It was proven from the description of data recapitulation as the follows: 1) in the ways of making schedules, there are 91,2 % respondents determined always and often, 2) in the ways of reading, there is 89,6% respondents determined always and often, 3) in the ways of reviewing the material, there are 85,7% respondents stated always and often, 4) in the ways of concentrating, there are 91,4% stated always and often, 5) in the ways of doing tasks, there are 89,8 % stated always and often. Therefore, the researcher concluded that the learning style of students group C is classified excellent
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