6 research outputs found

    Description of Parents' Knowledge About First Aid for Febrile Seizures at Home for Toddlers in the Melati Room of The Hospital Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Samarinda

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    Background: Febrile seizures are a medical emergency that requires immediate help. Proper management is needed to avoid more severe defects resulting in frequent seizures. So first aid to deal with victims is immediately carried out to prevent severe injuries and complications in children. Aim : to describe the characteristics of respondents based on age, education, and level of knowledge of parents about first aid for febrile seizures at home for toddlers. Method: The design of this study used a quantitative descriptive approach with a survey technique with a total of 60 respondents. Data collection by filling out a questionnaire was carried out by parents who have children, with inclusion criteria: parents whose children are under five, hospitalized with a diagnosis of febrile seizures, cooperative, exclusion criteria for parents whose children are treated with a diagnosis of complex febrile seizures and the like. Results: the characteristics of respondents based on age obtained information that the majority of respondents were in the early adult age category, namely as many as 50 respondents (83.3%), and respondents who were in the late adult category, namely as many as ten people (16.7%), the characteristics of respondents based on the level high school/vocational high school education, namely 48 respondents (80%), junior high school education as many as ten respondents (16.7%) and the minor distribution was respondents with undergraduate education level, namely two respondents (3.3%). The description of the level of knowledge of respondents obtained from the results of parents' knowledge about first aid for febrile seizures at home in toddlers in the Melati room of Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Hospital Samarinda, which is included in the category of less knowledge level is 40 respondents (66.7%). The ideal type is 18 respondents (30 %) and good knowledge of 2 respondents (3.3%). Conclusion: based on the results of the study of 60 respondents, the results obtained about characteristics based on age and early adulthood were 50 respondents (83.3%), the majority of respondents had high school/vocational high school education, namely 48 respondents (80%). The level of knowledge of respondents about first aid for febrile seizures at home in toddlers was mainly in the less category, with 40 respondents (66.7%)

    The Influence of Breastfeeding On Nutritional Status, and the Frequency of Children Experience Tropical Diseases during the Covid 19 Pandemic in Samarinda

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    Warm temperatures, humidity, and high rainfall are factors in the high incidence of infectious diseases in the tropics. This condition is certainly risky for children's health. COVID-19 pandemic also adds to the risk of endangering the health of children in the golden period. In the golden period, infants and toddlers need adequate nutritional intake. Many factors hinder the provision of nutrition (ASI), one of which is the COVID 19 pandemic. Inadequate nutritional intake can lead to suboptimal growth and development of children, decreased immunity. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of breastfeeding on nutritional status, and the frequency of children experiencing tropical diseases during the COVID 19 pandemic. Methods: Quantitative study with a categorical analytic research design. with a cross-sectional analytic approach. The sampling technique used a purposive sampling technique and the data collection tool was a questionnaire to measure the frequency of illness. Nutritional status measurement used anthropometric assessment. Conclusion: there is a significant relationship between breastfeeding and nutritional status and the frequency of illness in children. Recomedations:Therefore it is Important to campaign more intensively on the importance of breastfeeding for children's nutritional adequacy

    The Effect of Kangaroo Care on Body Temperature Stability of Low Body Weight : Literature Review

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    Background : Low Birth Weight Babies (LBW) are babies born with birth weight <2500  grams  regardless  of gestational age. One  of the complications of LBW is the  instability  of  body  temperature,   so   to   maintain  its  stability  the  kangaroo method  of  care  is  used. The  purpose of this  study is u ntuk  identify  and  analyze articles related  to  the kangaroo  method  of treatment influences the stability of the baby's body temperature  LBW. Methods   of study : This   study   is   a   literature review   premises  using   the   3 articles that are tailored  to the inclusion  criteria  and were analyzed  methods critical appraisal . Research Results : Based  on the results of the research, the three articles showed that the characteristics of the majority of respondents were female, aged 3-28 days and   the   majority   weighed   1500-2000   grams. There  is  a  difference  in  body temperature  of  LBW  babies  before  and  after  Kangaroo  Method  Treatment  and there  is  an  effect  of  Kangaroo   Method   Care  on  the  stability  of  the  body temperature of LBW babies. Conclusion :   There is differences  in  body  temperature  of  LBW  before  and  after  being given kangaroo   method   treatment  and  there  is  an  effect  of  kangaroo  method  care on body temperature of LBW babies..

    Telenursing Integrated Application-Based Home Care Services as an Effort to Improve Children's Health in the "Zettabyte" Era

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    Perkembangan  teknologi dan informasi yang begitu pesat  memberikan dampak positif terhadap perkembangan  pelayanan kesehatan.  Sistem komputerisasi  merebak disemua lini pelayanan. Bertambahnya jumlah pengguna internet dan smartphone melahirkan inovasi baru untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat. Seperti bermunculan aplikasi-aplikasi dibidang pelayanan keperawatan diantaranya  home care berbasis aplikasi online dan telenursing. Letak geografis yang sulit yang tidak dapat di jangkau oleh home care konvensional, saat ini dengan  telenursing  terintegrasi  pelayanan homecare online, asuhan keperawatan  dapat diberikan langsung ke masyarakat.Tujuan : memberikan pemahaman tentang pelayanan keperawatan jarak jauh dengan mengunakan sistem informasi dan telekomunikasi telenursing yang  yang diintegrasikan pada pelayanan home care berbasis aplikasi online

    The Use of Breastfeeding Pillow to Reduce Discomfort for Breastfeeding Mothers

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    The process of breastfeeding for newborns in the special care room often experiences obstacles due to diverse factors, such as environmental factors, hospitalization impact, and maternal discomfort during breastfeeding. The aim of this study was to determine whether breastfeeding pillows decrease maternal discomfort during breastfeeding. This research employed a randomized control trial (RCT) design involving 70 participants who were divided into an intervention (n=35) and a control group (n=35) based on the inclusion criteria. The intervention group used a breastfeeding pillow while breastfeeding the baby, and the control group provided ASI (breast milk) as recommended in the treatment room. The data measurement instruments were an observation sheet and the body part discomfort scale (BPDS). The BPDS comprised 4 assessments: the initial assessment, day I assessment, day II assessment, and the final assessment. The results of the GLM-RM analysis showed a significant reduction in maternal discomfort among participants using breastfeeding pillows (P&lt;0.05). Supporting facilities such as breastfeeding pillows are needed to improve maternal comfort to increase the breastfeeding period and ensure optimal nutrition

    Pemberian Suplemen Jahe Merah Dan Senam Kaki Diabetik Bagi Jamaah Masjid Alam Semesta (MAS) Sempaja Samarinda

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    ABSTRAK Pelaksanaan kegiatan ibadah di masjid memiliki risiko terjadinya penularan covid-19. Upaya yang dilakukan mencegah penularan selain menerapkan protokol kesehatan adalah dengan meningkatkan imunitas dan meningkatkan kebugaran jamaah masjid melalui pemberian jahe dan senam kaki diabetic. Pengabdian masyarakat bertujuan jamaah masjid Alam Semesta Sempaja Samarinda mampu mempraktikan senam kaki diabetik dan meminum jahe dalam rangka meningkatkan kebugaran dan imunitas tubuh. Metode yang digunakan adalah mendemontrasikan senam kaki diabetic, senam bersama, edukasi manfaat jahe, meminum jahe bersama dan membagikan jahe untuk 7 hari. Kegiatan menerapkan protokol kesehatan melalui pengukuran suhu dan membagikan masker, Kegiatan dikuti oleh seluruh jamaah Masjid Alam Semesta Sempaja berjumlah 80 orang. Para jamaah mampu melakukan senam kaki diabetic dan rutin meminum jahe.    Kata kunci : Senam Kaki Diabetic, Jahe ABSTRACT The implementation of worship activities in mosques has a risk of covid-19 transmission. Efforts made to prevent transmission in addition to implementing health protocols are to increase immunity and improve the fitness of mosque’s congregations through the provision of ginger water and diabetic foot exercises. Community service aims at the congregation of the Alam Semesta Sempaja Samarinda mosque to be able to practice diabetic foot exercises and drink ginger water in order to improve fitness and immunity. The method used was to demonstrate diabetic foot exercise, doing the exercise together, educate the benefits of ginger water, drink ginger water together and distribute ginger water for 7 days. The activity of implementing health protocols by measuring temperature and distributing masks, this activity was attended by 80 congregations of the Alam Semesta Sempaja Mosque. The congregation is able to do diabetic foot exercises and drink ginger water regularly. Keyword: Diabetic Foot Gymnastics, Ginger Wate