61 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Dan Iklim Organisasi Terhadap Turnover Intention Karyawan Melalui Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening ( Studi Kasus Pada Karyawan PT. Intinusa Selareksa,tbk)

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    The fairly tight business competition at the global level will lead to rapid environmental change, characterized by the advancement of information, the variety of high demand, the demographic changes and economic fluctuations. That tight business requires the personnel in the organization to have a better performance.In the relation of human resources, the changes organizational environment, both internal and external, directly or indirectly, might affect employees\u27 work motivation and organizational climate that can increasing or reducing the level of job satisfaction that evoke employees\u27 intention to move from their recent jobs (turnover inention) and it could evoke the actual turnover. In PT. Intinusa Selareksa,Tbk., there is an indication in decreasing of the level of job satisfaction, that can lead to employees\u27 turnover intention.The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of work motivation and organizational climate toward employees\u27 turnover intention through job satisfaction at PT. Intinusa Selareksa,Tbk. The type of this research is explanatory research, with interviews and questionnaires as data collection technique. The sampling method using proportionate random sampling with 105 employees of PT. Intinusa Selareksa,Tbk. as the participants. The data analysis conducted quantitatively with SPSS version 20.The result of the research indicates that work motivation and organizational climate have positive effect to job satisfaction, and the job satisfaction has negative effect to turnover intention. The organizational climate has the dominant influence, that indicated from primary data analysis using test validity, test reliability, coefficient of correlation, linear regression, coefficient of determination, t-test and two pass regression. The result of this study tells us that the company should improving and keeping good work environment in order to better employees\u27 performances, that will lead to the increase of job satisfaction, and reducing the turnover intention

    Pengaruh Information Sharing, Knowledge Sharing Dan Relation Terhadap Performance Perusahaan

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    In the 21st century is a lot going on to high competition in all fields, especially in the field of global free trade. More than a decade ago, the leaders of ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, and Cambodia) have agreed to form a single market in Southeast Asia in late 2015. The high level of competition is not only experienced by big companies but also to the small and medium enterprises in Indonesia, such as small and medium industries in Sub furniture Tahunan Jepara regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of information sharing, knowledge sharing, and relation to the performance of the company. This type of research is explanatory research. The sampling technique using non-probability sampling techniques. The total sample of 70 respondents, using a sampling technique that is saturated with a certain considerations. This study uses qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques. Quantitative analysis using validity, reliability test, correlation coefficient, simple regression analysis, coefficient of determination, significance test (t test) using SPSS 16.0. The results of this study indicate that the company's performance can be explained by information sharing with the result of 36.9% amounting to 6,301 t count> t table 1.9955. The company's performance can be explained by knowledge sharing by 30.9% with the results of the t calculate equal to 5.511> t table 1.9955. The company's performance can be explained by a 42.8% relation to hasilt calculate equal to 7.134> t table 1.9955. Suggestions in this research that employers should always share information (information sharing) between the human resources that exist in the organization, but it is also needed to share knowledge (knowledge sharing) which will provide convenience to every employee with their innovation. From the sharing of information and knowledge sharing are also needed in a firm relation, a relation (relation) who nurtured will produce menuntungkan mutual relationships between one another. With the sharing of information, knowledge sharing, and relations can improve company performance

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Dan Konten Pekerjaan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Melalui Motivasi Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Kasus Pada Karyawan CV. Cita Nasional Semarang)

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    Nowadays , business competition in the industrial sector is very competitive. Human resources is one of the main factors to compete with the other company. CV.Cita Nasional is one of milk processing industry company in Semarang, Central Java. Problems in this research is performance reduction of production employee 2013-2015, This was happen due to less leadership and job content that is not in suits with employees. This study attempts to find out whether there is impact of leadership and job content to employees performance by motivation on production employees CV.Cita Nasional. Data collection techniques used the interview and questionnaires , while the sample techniques used non probability of sampling with 94 the total sample. The research results show that leadership and job content having a positive influence and significantly to employee performance by motivation. This can be seen from the results of the simple analysis linear regression, multiple linear regression, t test, the coefficients determination test , sobel test and path analysis. Motivation as variable intervening mediate between leadership against employee performance that is both partial mediation as well as motivation as variable intervening mediate between leadership against employee performance that is both full mediation

    Pengaruh Motivasi, Gaya Kepemimpinan Transaksional Dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bagian Produksi PT. Njonja Meneer

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    This research is motivated by the increasingly strict business world, accompanied by the times that requires every manufacturer to be able to improve the performance of each employee. One of the products that can be affected by the times are herbs. Herbal products become one of the favorite alternative medicine in Indonesian society given the herbal raw material and has become an entity of hereditary tradition. However, in the period 2010-2013 year results that employee performance production departement of PT. Njonja Meneer Semarang fluctuated. If this is not addressed then feared PT. Njonja Meneer Semarang can not meet the needs of the market and the popularity of herbal medicine will be replaced by other manufacturers. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of motivation, transactional leadership styles and organizational culture on employee performance of production of PT. Njonja Meneer Semarang. This research method is explanatory, with data collection through questionnaires and interviews. The sampling technique used purposive technique sampling. The samples are 90 peoples whom are employees of the production departement of PT. Njonja Meneer Semarang. The analysis technique used was qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative analysis using validity, reliability, cross tabulation, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, simple and multiple regression analysis, as well as the significance test (t test and F test). The results of this study showed All independent variables, namely motivation (X1), transactional leadership style (X2), and organizational culture (X3) together (simultaneously) or individually (partial) affect employee performance dependent variable (Y). Advice can be given that the need for the physical layout of a good and convenient for employees as the embodiment of a strong organizational culture of the company. In addition, companies need to provide training for employees and distribution of informative information, considering the standard of the company that changes according to market conditions at that time

    Pengaruh Produk Wisata, Dan Word of Mouth Terhadap Keputusan Berkunjung Dengan Citra Destinasi Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Pada Obyek Wisata Colo Kudus)

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    Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries today. Consequently, people think that travelling is alifestyle nowadays. The developing tourism business industry creates high competition among tourismdestinations. The organizers of tourism destinations are competing to increase the number of tourist visitors.Tourism Site in Colo Kudus which is the main tourist destination of Kudus Regency, is prioritized to gain morevisitors. However since 2010 until 2014 there was a fluctuation in decline of tourist visitors.The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of tourism products, and word of mouth to thedecision to visit the destination's image as an intervening variable study of Tourism Site in Colo Kudus. Thetype of researh is explanatory research. Questionnaire were adopted for data collection in this study. Hundredpeople were employed as respondent by convenience sampling technique. The respondents were Tourism Site inColo Kudus who have made a purchase of at least two times over the last three years. This research is usesqualitative and quantitative analysis technique. Quantitative analysis use validity test, reliability test,correlation coefficient, two-stage regression analysis, the coefficient of determination, a signification test (ttest).The result of this research approved that tourism products (X1), and word of mouth (X2) simultaneouslycan influenced destination's image (Y1) and decision to visit (Y2). According the result of two-stage regressionanalysis showed that visitors' destination's image (Y1) variable is not intervening variable word of mouth (X2)to the decision to visit (Y2) in this research.Based on the results, the researcher suggests that Tourism Site in Colo Kudus management has toimprove infrastructures such as roads and road signage, provision of public transportation, provide innovationon tourism products, so the tourist numbers can increase

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Daya Saing Destinasi Dan Pengalaman Sebelumnya Terhadap Keputusan Berkunjung Kembali Dengan Kepuasan Pengunjung Sebagai Variabel Intervening

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    Based on the need of vacation in the society nowdays, tourism industry offer many choices to fulfill it's need. Beside, the tourism industry is a potential industry to support ecconomy. Goa Kreo as one of the natural tourism object in Semarang has many potentials but, there was a current condition where the number of visitor's fluctuating. Goa Kreo is stimulating service quality, destination competitiveness, previous experience and tourist satisfaction to increase revisit intention in Goa Kreo.The aim of this study is to measure the influence of service quality, destination competitiveness, and previous experience toward revisit decision trough tourist satisfaction. The population of this resarch is visitors of Goa Kreo, while the sample is 100 visitor of Goa Kreo with some certain prerequirements. The data was analyzed using two-step analysis with SPSS 17.0 for windows where the validity test, reliability test,doefficient of correlation, coefficient of determination, test of significance (t-test and f-test) in advance has been done before.The result of this study is showing that service quality, destination competitiveness and previous experience has positive impact toward visitor satisfaction, where the biggest impact is own by previous experience. Based on the result of two-step analysis, tourist satisfaction is an intervening variable toward revisit decision in this study.Some recomendations are added based on those result. It's recomended that hygine, security, and hospitality in Goa Kreo must be incerased. Moreover, it's neccesary to increase destination competitiveness like facility's maintenance and added up some general facility so that visitor will be satisfied with their experiences and willing to come back to Goa Kreo

    Pengaruh Kompensasi, Lingkungan Kerja, Dan Beban Kerja Terhadap Loyalitas Karyawan Melalui Kepuasan Kerja ( Studi Kasus Pada Karyawan PT. Kawasan Berikat Nusantara Persero Jakarta)

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    Businnes competition now demanding companies to have competitive employee in many aspects. The availability of company to compensate their employee, to establish pleasant working environment, and ability to allocating workload fairly are factors which is make employee stay longer working in the company and give a satisfaction feeling in every job they done. The objective of this research is to measure the influence of compensation, working environment, and workload to employee loyality through work satisfaction. Data accumulation using interview techniquie by questionnaire instrument. The data analyze using qualitative and quantitative using coefficient determination test, simple and double linear regretion, cross table, significant test, path analysis, and trimming.The result of this research showing corelation of compenasation to working satisfactory strongly with correlation number 0,715. Coefficient determination (R2) of working environment to working satisfactory 46,9%. The result of path analyzing workload to working satisfactory have 0,268 and have to be proceed by trimming (exluding process of eksogen variable which have insignifacant number). Simultaneously compensation, working environment, workload, and working satisfaction have significant influences to employee loyality with F count > F table (13,972 > 2,487) with significant number 0,000 < 0,005
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