32 research outputs found

    Examining the Adoption of Mobile Payment Service: Expectation Confirmation Model with Trust

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    This study has a purpose to examine the acceptance of mobile payment services by employing a modified ECM model with Trust. Several related studies on e-commerce and mobile payment have been investigated to derive important variables which can be employed on a wanted model. The model expresses the effect of customers' trust on their satisfaction in using mobile payment services and their continuance intention in using it. The online questionnaires constructed based on the proposed model were distributed to mobile payment users to gather their perceptions in using it. The 338 questionnaires gathered were analyzed statistically by SEM to test the hypotheses of the study. The results of the analysis reveal that customers' trust is an significant variable to enhance customers' satisfaction and continuance intention in using mobile payment services. Other output refer that Trust and Confirmation have a direct effect on the Perceived Usefulness of the services. Furthermore, both Perceived Usefulness and Trust will make consumers feel satisfied and tend to continuance their intention in using mobile payment services. This study contributes to financial service providers in delivering an obviousness, how was the trust of services can make consumers feel satisfy and use the service continually

    sebagai reviewer Journal of Information Systems and Informatics Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2022

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    sebagai reviewer Journal of Information Systems and Informatics Volume 4, Issue 4, December 202

    Designing Learning Game for Human Digestive System Based on Motion Sensors

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    Nowaday rapid development of communication and information technology also influences the sector of education. The main activity in the education process is learning. Learning is a process of interaction between students and their environment, leading to better behavior changes [1]. One of the learning subjects that students must learn is science. But Indonesian student’s scientific literacy is still low [2]. Students still consider science subjects difficult and boring [3]. One learning material that is classified difficult is the human digestive system [4]. Therefore a solution is needed to make interesting learning one of them by using learning media. Learning media that can be used for the solution is game based on motion sensors. By using games, students will be happy to accept the learning process. Based on a survey conducted on 30 respondents of junior high school students in the Semarang, it turns out that the game used as a human digestive system learning media is able to provide positive results. Through this game students can understand the digestive system material and more enthusiastic in learning

    User Sentiment Analysis in the Fintech OVO Review Based on the Lexicon Method

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    Abstract—User reviews are important in the new approach to fintech services. To learn this information, a simple sentiment analysis can make the right observations to support the OVO fintech system in analyzing the success of the fintech system.The analysis has several stages, starting from how to extract comment data from the play store, extracting meaningful information from the play store platform, and extracting the data into valuable information. Moreover, accurate topic modeling and document representation is another challenging task in sentiment analysis. We propose a lexicon-based topic modeling in observing user sentiment simply by looking at the number of words that appear. The proposed system retrieves OVO fintech comment data from the Play Store, removes irrelevant content to extract meaningful information, and generates topics and features from the extracted data using NLTK. Data processing using google collab in Python language where data is used freely. Data analysis using the word cloud method, Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), correlation analysis between words, ordering the number of words in sentences revealed that OVO comments in that period tended to be negativ

    Modest Android Application Development for the Entrepreneurship in Art and Culture Organization

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    Currently, several platforms to develop an Android Application are available freely at the internet. People who do not have any major in computer science are able to create the mobile application by themselves. The technical aspects on creating the application have been successfully minimized and the creators do not need to type any programming code to create the application. However, most of them need to understand the pattern to create the menu and its function to work. The simplicity in making the Android application could help the managers of art and culture performances to spread the information and knowledge of their business to the modern users. This paper explores the possibility and technical aspects in developing a simple Android application for the entrepreneurship in art and culture organization. The approach in developing the Android application should be able to help the organization that manages art and culture in spreading the information to the people simultaneously

    Preservation of Indonesian Culture through Traditional Games Application

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    In the face of technological developments that are more advanced, it takes action to preserve the culture. Preservation of Indonesian culture can be done through the media game. Although the game play still has a bad image in the eyes of the parents, but slowly this negative stigma may be reduced if the digital game can be packaged properly as an example as a means to educate children. For that traditional game application titled Ensiklo Dolanan made with the concept of educational games by presenting information and games around the traditional games are packaged in an interesting way to increase the enthusiasm of children in the effort to preserve the traditional gam


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    This research was held to design create games that can provide children with knowledge of traditional musical instruments in Central Java. The initial design of the game is done by collecting data by interviewing the speakers. The game was created using Construct 2. This game has 5 different gameplay and when completing each stage you will get 3 traditional musical instruments except stage 5. Players can get information about traditional musical instruments and the sounds they produce. The game was tested on 41 respondents and the results of the game had a positive impact on players and provided new knowledge about traditional musical instruments

    The Difference Adoption of E-Commerce Technology among Z and Y Generations

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    The rapid growth of e-commerce transactions among Y and Z generations in Indonesia goes along with the large number of internet users on both of the generations. Indonesia has become a potential market for the digital creative industry, especially to applications of online payments, online shopping, online booking, and online banking. In-depth investigations into these two generations in the form of developing e-commerce technology adoption models will provide valuable contributions in the development of models and implementation of e-commerce industries in Indonesia. This study aims to obtain factors that influence the acceptance of generation Z and Y against e-commerce technology and reveal the differences in their acceptance of it. Investigation was done by collecting 343 questionnaires in age range of Y and Z generations. The results of this study reveal that all variables employing in the model naming Satisfaction, Trust, Perceived Information Quality, Perceived Service Quality, Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Hedonic Motivation, Social Influence, Price Value, Habit, and Facilitating Conditions have statistically significantly correlation to Behavioral Intention and to each other. The significantly difference of adoption of ecommerce technology among Z and Y generations are only found on Hedonic Motivation and Social Influence. The other difference on gender is found on Age, Education, Satisfaction, Effort Expectancy, and Perceive Information Quality. This study can contribute to who have concern on enhance adopting of e-commerce technology especially to the two generations, especially developers of e-commerce application considering the factors that have correlation to intention to use e-commerce