6 research outputs found

    Strategi Pengembangan Puri Agung Kendran sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata Unggulan Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali

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    Salah satu objek wisata di Bali terletak di Puri Agung Kendran, Desa Kendran, Kecamatan Tegalalang, Gianyar Bali. Puri ini memiliki objek wisata seperti seni arsitektur tradisional Bali, serta penerapan konsep Sanga Mandala dan Asta Kosala Kosali yang masih lestari sampai sekarang. Selain itu, kegiatan di lokasi tersebut tetap mencerminkan budaya kental Bali, apalagi di lingkungan yang sejuk dan dekat dengan tempat wisata terkenal lainnya seperti Ubud, Tegalalang, dan Tampak Siring. Wisatawan dapat melakukan berbagai hal di puri Kendran seperti berwisata keliling lingkungan puri, berfoto, menikmati hidangan tradisional, dan menikmati pernikahan kerajaan Bali. Para wisatawan dapat berkeliling Desa Kendran dengan bersepeda atau berjalan di sepanjang sawah yang sejuk dan pemandangan yang indah. Wawancara dilakukan dengan tokoh-tokoh Puri Agung.sebagai objek wisata unggulan di Kabupaten Gianyar dalam pelaksanaan penelitian. Data primer dan data sekunder diperoleh dan dianalisis dengan Analisis SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Puri Agung Kendran berada di Kwadran V, yang berarti menjaga dan mempertahankan (strategi tidak berubah) untuk terus dikembangkan sebagai objek wisata budaya unggulan di Kabupaten Gianyar. Pengembangan Daya tarik budaya dengan keberadaan Puri Agung Kendran harus dikaitkan dengan berbagai kegiatan wisata lainnya, baik di Desa Kendran maupun objek wisata terkenal lainnya seperti Ubud, Tampak Siring, Tegalalang dan lain-lain. Perkembangan daya tarik wisata budaya tidak hanya dari Puri Agung Kendran sendiri tapi juga lingkungan sekitar Desa Kendran pada umumnya

    Identifikasi Aspek Hukum Dalam Hal Dirumahkannya Karyawan Industri Pariwisata (Hotel) Sebagai Dampak Pandemi Corona

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    The world health organization (WHO) had designated the outbreak of the corona virus as a pandemic, which started in the Chinese city of Wuhan. The corona pandemic has an impact on the tourism industry sector around the world, including in Badung Regency, Bali. In the tourism industry there was also a tourist accommodation component, including hotels. The existence of hotels in Bali has contributed greatly to the absorption of workers who came from Balinese residents and residents outside Bali and even foreign workers, which greatly impacts the economy of the community and regional income. Entrepreneurs in the tourism sector are forced to lay off their employees. Especially with the application of Lock Down which is applied in the International world. The implementation of domestic policies will certainly have an impact on employers, employees and local governments, in this case the Badung Regency Government. This policy requires assistance from the government, the Department of Industry and Manpower, as a mediator to get an agreement related to employee dismissal decisions. For this reason, the act of laying off employees is an act of salvation for both the employer and the employee side. Therefore, in this study it is necessary to know the legal aspects or basis and procedures for their implementation that must be taken in the face of the corona pandemic. Keywords: legal aspects, housing, employees, corona pandemic

    Identifikasi Aspek Hukum dalam Pengembangan Desa Wisata (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Badung Bali)

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    Keberadaan Desa wisata di Kabupaten Badung merupakan jawaban atas keinginan berbagai pihak stakeholders untuk memanfaatkan dan meningkatkan potensi wisata yang ada di suatu desa. Saat ini telah berdiri 11 desa wisata dengan berbagai tempat wisata, baik berupa keindahan alam maupun budaya setempat. Adanya 11 desa wisata tentunya menyebabkan desa lain ingin mengembangkan potensi desanya. Maka itulah kriteria dalam penelitian ini untuk menjadi desa wisata dari segi hukum, strategi pengembangannya hingga penetapan hukum desa wisata di Kabupaten Badung. Semua data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan metode penelitian studi pustaka, observasi dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh berasal dari instansi pemerintah khususnya Dinas Pariwisata, akademisi dan juga kelompok masyarakat yang mengetahui proses pengambilan keputusan dalam pembangunan desa wisata ini. Setelah data diperoleh, maka teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain: Metode Deskriptif Kualitatif. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka desa tersebut secara hukum layak untuk ditetapkan sebagai desa wisata, dan digunakan desa lain sebagai contoh dalam mengembangkan potensi wisata untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat setempat. The tourism village in Badung Regency is a response to the desire of stakeholders (stakeholders) to utilize and enhance the tourism potential in a village. When this has been established 11 tourist villages with various tourist attractions, both in the form of natural beauty and local culture. The existence of 11 tourist villages is certainly causing other villages to develop their village potential. So that's the criterion in this research to become a tourism village from a legal aspect, its development strategy to the legal determination of a tourism village in Badung Regency. All data in this study were obtained by the research methods of study literature, observation and documentation. Data obtained are from government agencies, especially the Tourism Office, academics and also community groups who know the decision making process in the development of this tourism village. After the data is obtained, the data analysis techniques used in this study include: Qualitative Descriptive Method. With these things in mind, the tourism village is legally feasible to be designated as a tourist village, and other villages can use it as an example in developing tourism potential legal aspectsfor the welfare of the local community. Kata kunci: aspek hukum, strategi pembangunan, desa wisata

    Strategi Pengembangan Potensi Alam Banjar Pakraman Sidembunut Kelurahan Cempaga sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata Unggulan Kabupaten Bangli

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    In general, tourism potential is divided into two groups, namely: cultural potential and natural potential. Tourism potential is everything in an area / tourist spot that can be developed into a tourist attraction so that it can become an attraction for tourists to visit the area. Banjar Pakraman Sidembunut has many tourist attractions, including natural, spiritual, culinary, cultural and historical attractions, which are centered in the catus patha or pempatan agung area. This area also has a village temple with kori agung with unique Balinese architecture since the 8th century. The community establishes a shelter around this catus patha by utilizing the natural potential that has existed for a long time. Ecotourism Bukit Cemeng is one of them, which is located at the eastern end of Bukit Bangli, the western boundary is at Banjar Brahmana Bukit and the eastern boundary is in Sidembunut with many potentials, among others Pancuran Suji Tourism is two pancoran locations where one is used for a holy place to do melukat while the other is a public bath, Hyang Ukir Temple which is worthy of being a spiritual location and starting trekking towards the Bukit Cemeng ecotourism, there is also Taman Sari River which is a public bath and irrigation route for rice fields, and in Taman Sari there is also an artificial cave, Gua Merku, besides that there is also a small industry of making souvenirs from solid stone chisels, wood and woven bamboo. So that with this great potential, Bukit Cemeng Ecotourism can develop into a leading tourist attraction in Bangli Regency. Keywords: tourism potential, tourist attraction, ecotouris