42 research outputs found

    Deep brain stimulation for substance use disorders?:An exploratory qualitative study of perspectives of people currently in treatment

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    Objective: Although previous studies have discussed the promise of deep brain stimulation (DBS) as a possible treatment for substance use disorders (SUDs) and collected researcher perspectives on possible ethical issues surrounding it, none have consulted people with SUDs themselves. We addressed this gap by interviewing people with SUDs.Methods: Participants viewed a short video introducing DBS, followed by a 1.5-hour semistructured interview on their experiences with SUDs and their perspective on DBS as a possible treatment option. Interviews were analyzed by multiple coders who iteratively identified salient themes.Results: We interviewed 20 people in 12-step–based, inpatient treatment programs (10 [50%] White/Caucasian, 7 Black/African American [35%], 2 Asian [10%], 1 Hispanic/Latino [5%], and 1 [5%] Alaska Native/American Indian; 9 women [45%], 11 men [55%]). Interviewees described a variety of barriers they currently faced through the course of their disease that mirrored barriers often associated with DBS (stigma, invasiveness, maintenance burdens, privacy risks) and thus made them more open to the possibility of DBS as a future treatment option.Conclusions: Individuals with SUDs gave relatively less weight to surgical risks and clinical burdens associated with DBS than previous surveys of provider attitudes anticipated. These differences derived largely from their experiences living with an often-fatal disease and encountering limitations of current treatment options. These findings support the study of DBS as a treatment option for SUDs, with extensive input from people with SUDs and advocates.<br/

    Estimating Dynamic Signals From Trial Data With Censored Values

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    Censored data occur commonly in trial-structured behavioral experiments and many other forms of longitudinal data. They can lead to severe bias and reduction of statistical power in subsequent analyses. Principled approaches for dealing with censored data, such as data imputation and methods based on the complete data’s likelihood, work well for estimating fixed features of statistical models but have not been extended to dynamic measures, such as serial estimates of an underlying latent variable over time. Here we propose an approach to the censored-data problem for dynamic behavioral signals. We developed a state-space modeling framework with a censored observation process at the trial timescale. We then developed a filter algorithm to compute the posterior distribution of the state process using the available data. We showed that special cases of this framework can incorporate the three most common approaches to censored observations: ignoring trials with censored data, imputing the censored data values, or using the full information available in the data likelihood. Finally, we derived a computationally efficient approximate Gaussian filter that is similar in structure to a Kalman filter, but that efficiently accounts for censored data. We compared the performances of these methods in a simulation study and provide recommendations of approaches to use, based on the expected amount of censored data in an experiment. These new techniques can broadly be applied in many research domains in which censored data interfere with estimation, including survival analysis and other clinical trial applications

    Physiologically informed neuromodulation

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    The rapid evolution of neuromodulation techniques includes an increasing amount of research into stimulation paradigms that are guided by patients' neurophysiology, to increase efficacy and responder rates. Treatment personalisation and target engagement have shown to be effective in fields such as Parkinson's disease, and closed-loop paradigms have been successfully implemented in cardiac defibrillators. Promising avenues are being explored for physiologically informed neuromodulation in psychiatry. Matching the stimulation frequency to individual brain rhythms has shown some promise in transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Matching the phase of those rhythms may further enhance neuroplasticity, for instance when combining TMS with electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings. Resting-state EEG and event-related potentials may be useful to demonstrate connectivity between stimulation sites and connected areas. These techniques are available today to the psychiatrist to diagnose underlying sleep disorders, epilepsy, or lesions as contributing factors to the cause of depression. These technologies may also be useful in assessing the patient's brain network status prior to deciding on treatment options. Ongoing research using invasive recordings may allow for future identification of mood biomarkers and network structure. A core limitation is that biomarker research may currently be limited by the internal heterogeneity of psychiatric disorders according to the current DSM-based classifications. New approaches are being developed and may soon be validated. Finally, care must be taken when incorporating closed-loop capabilities into neuromodulation systems, by ensuring the safe operation of the system and understanding the physiological dynamics. Neurophysiological tools are rapidly evolving and will likely define the next generation of neuromodulation therapies

    Neuroimaging Biomarkers in Schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia is a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome with a heterogeneous genetic, neurobiological, and phenotypic profile. Currently, no objective biological measures-that is, biomarkers-are available to inform diagnostic or treatment decisions. Neuroimaging is well positioned for biomarker development in schizophrenia, as it may capture phenotypic variations in molecular and cellular disease targets, or in brain circuits. These mechanistically based biomarkers may represent a direct measure of the pathophysiological underpinnings of the disease process and thus could serve as true intermediate or surrogate endpoints. Effective biomarkers could validate new treatment targets or pathways, predict response, aid in selection of patients for therapy, determine treatment regimens, and provide a rationale for personalized treatments. In this review, the authors discuss a range of mechanistically plausible neuroimaging biomarker candidates, including dopamine hyperactivity, -methyl-d-aspartate receptor hypofunction, hippocampal hyperactivity, immune dysregulation, dysconnectivity, and cortical gray matter volume loss. They then focus on the putative neuroimaging biomarkers for disease risk, diagnosis, target engagement, and treatment response in schizophrenia. Finally, they highlight areas of unmet need and discuss strategies to advance biomarker development