11 research outputs found

    Allmän Introduktion til CFD-teknik

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    Methods for Optimizing of Energy Systems

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    Decision Theory and Biofuels

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    Energy Efficient Operation of Pumps

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    Energy Supply Systems Based on Micro Gas Turbines for Industrial Applications

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    Energoefektīva sūkņa regulēšana

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    Nesen pabeigtais demonstrācijas projekts, sadarbojoties Latvijas un Dānijas partneriem, pierādīja, ka, regulējot sūkņa darbības ātrumu saskaņa ar plūsmu sistēmā, var panākt ievērojamus elektroenerģijas ietaupījumus

    Energy Efficient Pump Control

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    A number of recently completed installations have shown that considerable electricity savings may be achieved by controlling the speed of the pump according to the flow demand of the system. This article describes the theoretical background, the equipment used, necessary preparations and evaluations, as well as the experience achieved and results obtained from some Danish and foreign installations