5 research outputs found

    A Shift in The Meaning of Deer Head Sculpture in Javanese House Interior

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    Kejawen community of Java, syncretism from Java, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam possess many kinds decoration in their houses (Javanese houses). One of them is deer head sculpture. Even though it is an imported culture, the deer head sculpture can be easily accepted by the Javanese people because references regarding deer story have been found since the old time. Even though related to deer are quite common, there has not been any research on the shift in the meaning of deer in the context of Javanese culture. The method used in this study is qualitative research with the paradigm interpretation. The results of the analysis found that the deer head sculpture, which was originally a preserved and displayed ravin at home as a symbol of prestige, has a connection with Hindu culture, Majapahit culture, Mataram dynasty royal regalia, and Javanese (commonner) Javanese culture. In the context of today\u27s modern culture, deer head sculptures are displayed in today\u27s interiors to present a traditional atmosphere and for the sake of nostalgia Keywords meaning, deer head sculture, Javanese hous

    Spirit dari Rumah Gaya Jengki Ulasan Tentang Bentuk Estetika dan Makna

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    This paper began from writer's concern regarding the decrease in Jengki style houses and threatened to be lost from our sight. Whereas, this Indonesian house or architectural style had coloured the big cities and even the small cities back in the sixties till the seventies. This had triggered the writer to attempt to present the Jengki house style regarding its form, aesthetics, and its meaning. Based on several concept approaches such as form follows function, eclectic concept, and art (architecture) as an expressive symbol, it is hoped that Jengki style houses could be revived in its former position of dominance in Indonesian architecture, in other words, not forgotten just like that. But more than that, it could promote the spirit in giving rebirth to unique Indonesian styles in houses and architecture

    Krobongan Ruang Sakral Rumah Tradisi Jawa

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    Krobongan located in dalem at Java tradition house is room equiped with langse (gordyn), bed, bolster and pillow, lamp, decorated in such of way, do not use for daily sleep, but for the first night nuptials sleep, heirloom saving place, rice plant seed saving place, and supply of prosperity divice. Krobongan assumed as sacred room which only dedicated to mbok Sri or Goddess Sri representing agriculture goddess, prosperity, bliss and fertility. Tradition make of krobongan as that sacred house at Java the rising generation this time have next to nothing. But tradition make of holy room require to be continued although with different function, meaning and form

    Pencahayaan Alami pada Ruang Baca Perpustakaan Umum Kota Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengevaluasi kondisi pencahayaan alami di Perpustakaan Umum Kota Surabaya, (2) mengidentifikasi karakter elemen pembentuk ruang dan pengisi ruang baca terkait pencahayaan alami. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan membaca literatur yang berkaitan dengan pancahayaan alami, observasi lapangan, melakukan pengukuran dengan alat Luxmeter, simulasi menggunakan Sketchup, dan wawancara dengan pengunjung. Data menunjukkan bahwa intensitas cahaya alami di ruang baca Perpustakaan Umum Kota Surabaya tidak sesuai dengan standar yang dianjurkan untuk ruang baca. Hal ini bisa disebabkan oleh luas bukaan yang kurang dari standar. Kondisi ini diperburuk dengan penataan furniture dan tambahan bangunan yang memblokade bukaan dan membuat cahaya alami tidak dapat masuk ke dalam ruang baca secara optimal. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah cahaya alami di ruang baca perpustakaan umum Kota Surabaya tidak memenuhi standar yang dianjurkan. Kondisi tersebut dapat dibenahi dengan menambah bukaan dengan ukuran yang tepat dan penataan furniture yang tidak memblokade pencahayaan