84 research outputs found

    Persepsi Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro Terhadap Akne Vulgaris

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    Background: Acne is not a disease that is Malignant or dangerous, because acne can be cured by itself. But the disease can affect personality, emotions, confidence, and relationship to socializing in adolescents and young adults who experience it. Because in adolescents and young adults, physical appearance, especially the face clean without acne is important in supporting the performance crown for the association even to a job or career.Methods: This study is an observational study with cross sectional design with a sample of 100 male college student in the Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University who met the inclusion criteria (listed as a student of the Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University, aged between 18-25 years old, willing to sign informed consent). The data is the primary data collected by questionnaire and examination of acne vulgaris. Data analysis was performed with the Fisher test, with a significance level of p <0.05.Results of the study: age students in the early onset of acne vulgaris appears highest incidence occurs in the age of 14-16 years (60.00%), the lowest incidence at the age of 17-20 years (16.00%), and at the age of 11-13 years (21.00%). While the rest (3.00%) respondents did not answer the question. Family history of acne vulgaris affects less (42.00%), behavioral cleanse your face regularly (89.00%), stress factors affect acne vulgaris (54.00%), the type of food that affect the onset of acne vulgaris is nuts (35.00%), fried foods (18.00%), spicy food (3.00%), cocoa (2.00%), and others (33.00%).Conclusions: Perceptions of students who suffer from acne vulgaris stated that there is improvement after the treatment of acne vulgaris medis.Persepsi student to declare that there is no relationship between the risk factors and causes of acne acne vulgaris vulgaris.Persepsi student to declare that there is no relationship between the treatment and prevention of acne vulgaris

    Makna Filosofis Kembar Mayang Dalam Kehidupan Masyarakat Jawa

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    Kembar Mayang is one of the elements in a Javanesetraditional ceremony. The terminology of Kembar Mayang isknown in a form of janur (young coconut leaf) which is decorated with flowers and leaves in such manner on a banana bar. Kembar Mayang as a typical Javanese flowers arrangement can be seen on an engraving relief which is located on Prambanan temple and named as Kalpataru. The eldest form of Kembar Mayang can be found in Keraton Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta Palace) which is made by the year 1906 in the era of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VII (King of Yogyakarta Palace). There has been many changes of Kembar Mayang style since the year 1950. In Javanese society Kembar Mayang has a philosophical meaning which expresses relation between human being and environment/ nature. Human being and nature/ environment have a cosmological bond. While the Kembar Mayang form shows the existence of aesthetic values,in fact, it is a medium of both human and his/ her ancestors to have a mutual relationship, especially for a king. Kembar Mayang functions as a witness of an event and a guardian. Symbolically Kembar Mayang is a witness of status change from a bachelor/virgin (single) to marital status. Kembar Mayang also can be used as a death witness. Therefore, there are two terms of Gagar Mayang for a witness of bachelor/ virgin passing away, and Kembar Mayang for a witness in marriage ceremony as a ceremonial medium

    Pengaruh Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok Peningkatan Harga Diri terhadap Harga Diri Klien Menarik Diri di Ruang Seruni RS Jiwa Dr Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang

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    PENGARUH TERAPI AKTIVITAS KELOMPOK PENINGKATAN HARGA DIRI TERHADAP HARGA DIRI KLIEN MENARIK DIRI DI RUANG SERUNI RS JIWA DR RADJIMAN WEDIODININGRAT LAWANGEffect of Therapy Group Activities Increase In Price of Self Interest Clients In The Soul Dr Seruni Rs Radjiman Wediodiningrat LawangSri Widowati1, Nur Lailatul M2, Widayanti31, 2)Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang3)Alumni Mahasiswa Program Studi Diploma III Keperawatan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangJl. Bendungan Sutami 188A Malang 65145*)e-mail: [email protected] satu terapi modalitas adalah Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok (TAK) yang ditujukan untuk klien dengan masalah yang sama. TAK merupakan salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan harga diri pasien agar dapat kembali ke masyarakat sehingga dapat berinteraksi dengan orang lain dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Untuk pasien menarik diri kita dapat melakukan dengan TAK peningkatan harga diri yang bertujuan untuk menerima dirinya sendiri dengan penuh kepercayaan, menghargai dirinya, dan menilai positif diri sendiri. TAK peningkatan harga diri merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan harga dirinya bagi pasien menarik diri yang harga dirinya rendah. Tujuannya mengidentifikasi ada tidaknya pengaruh TAK peningkatan harga diri terhadap harga diri pasien menarik diri. Desain penelitian menggunakan preexperiment design dengan pendekatan pre test-post test design. Menggunakan purposive sampling sebanyak 5 responden. Alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi dengan menggunakan uji wilcoxon signed ranks test. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama sebulan pada bulan Juli 2009 di Ruang Seruni. Dari hasil analisa data dan interpretasi data dapat disimpulkan, harga diri pada pasien menarik diri sebelum diberikan TAK peningkatan harga diri mean untuk pre test = 11,8000 dan setelah dilakukan TAK peningkatan harga diri mengalami penurunan tanda gejala harga diri rendah mean untuk post test = 4,2000. Dan didapatkan perhitungan menggunakan uji wilcoxon signed ranks test adalah z = -5a dan p = 0,00 (p < 0,05). Sehingga Ho ditolak, artinya ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara sebelum dan setelah dilakukan terapi aktivitas kelompok peningkatan harga pada pasien menarik diri di RS Jiwa DR Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang.Kata kunci: TAK peningkatan harga diri, peningkatan harga diri, menarik diriABSTRACTOne of modality therapy is group activity therapy addressed for client with the same problem. Group activity therapy be one of way applied to increase patient self-regard to regain to public causing interaction can with others and vicinity area. For patient withdraws we can do with group activity therapy of increase of self-regard with aim to receive their/his self fully trust, esteems self, and assess positive of own self. Group activity therapy of increase of self-regard is striving to increase the price of self for patient withdraws which the price of low self. As for purpose of generally is identify there are not of increase group activity therapy influence of self-regard to increase of self-regard at patient withdraws. Research design applied is research design of pre method pre-experiment design with approach of pre test-post test design. Sample taken is purposive sampling counted five responders. Data collecting method applied is observation sheet by using wilcoxon signed ranks test. Research executed during one month in July 2009 in chamber Seruni. From result analysis data interpretation and data can be concluded, self regard at patient withdraw before given do not the make-up of self regard of mean for the pre of test = 11,8000 and after conducted do not the make-up of natural self regard of degradation of low self regard symptom sign of mean for the post of test = 4,2000. And got by calculation use test of wilcoxon ranks signed test is z = - 5a and p = 0,00 ( p < 0,05). So that Ho refused, mean there is influence which isn't it between before and after conducted by group activity therapy is make-up of price at patient withdraw in DR Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang Mental Hospital

    Analisis Ekspor Kopi Indonesia

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    This study aimed at analyzing, firstly, the factors influencing the coffee export of Indonesia; secondly, the factors influencing the domestic coffee supply; and thirdly, the factors influencing the domestic coffee demand. This research used secondary data, time series data of 1975–1997 which were collected from many resources, i.e. Statistical Center Bureau (BPS), Trade Department, Indonesian Coffee Exporter Association, Forestry and Commercial Agricultural Enterprise Department, and the Indonesian Bank. The factors influencing the coffee export of Indonesia as well as the domestic coffee demand and supply were analyzed by simultaneous equation model in the form of double logarithm using the two stage least square method (2SLS). The research results show that the factors influencing the export quantity of coffee were the coffee FOB price, the coffee price in domestic markets, the exchange rate and the coffee supply of the previous year. The coffee export price had negative correlation with the coffee export quantity of Indonesia with export supply elasticity toward the export price of 2.04. In other words, the increase of coffee export price was followed by the decrease of coffee export quantity. This condition was due to the low quality of the coffee export of Indonesia. The coffee price at domestic markets has positive correlation with the coffee export quantity of Indonesia. Export was still conducted when the coffee price at domestic markets increased because the demand for domestic coffee was still very low. Other factors positively influencing the coffee export quantity were the exchange rate of rupiah and the coffee supply of the previous year. The factors influencing the domestic coffee supply were the domestic coffee price, technology level and the coffee supply of the previous year. The domestic coffee price positively related to the coffee supply at domestic markets with a supply elasticity of 0.04. This means that the coffee farmers in Indonesia insufficiently responded to the change of price as shown by the low adjustment coefficient of 0.07. The technology level had positive correlation with the domestic coffee supply. This implies that the increase in coffee productivity yielded an increase in coffee supply at domestic level. The factor influencing the coffee demand at domestic level was the income level of the society with the coffee demand elasticity toward the income of 0.59

    Gambaran Makna Keluarga Ditinjau Dari Status Dalam Keluarga, Usia, Tingkat Pendidikan, Dan Jenis Pekerjaan (Studi Pendahuluan)

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    Tujuan penelitian pendahuluan ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran makna keluarga di daerah Jawa Tengah pesisir (Semarang, Demak, dan Kendal). Selain itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui makna keluarga ditinjau dari status keluarga, usia, tingkat pendidikan, dan jenis pekerjaan. Jumlah subjek penelitian ini adalah 425 orang, dengan rincian 212 anak remaja akhir dan 33 orangtua. Analisis konten, kategorisasi, dan tabulasi silang digunakan untuk menganalisa hasil penelitian ini. Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah terungkap enam katagorisasi makna keluarga (keluarga sebagai orang-orang terdekat; keluarga adalah harta paling berharga; keluarga adalah segalanya; keluarga merupakan tempat/wadah; keluarga adalah bagian terpenting; serta keluarga adalah kehidupan). Selain itu, dijelaskan bahwa perbedaan makna keluarga memiliki kaitan dengan usia (chi-square = 47,735; p<0,05) dan status di dalam keluarga (chi-square = 20,094; p<0,05). Orangtua dan anak remajanya memiliki perbedaan dalam memaknai keluarga. Dan makna keluarga dipahami melalui struktur dan fungsi keluarga bagi anggotanya
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