7 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Keamanan Sistem Informasi Sst (Self Service Terminal) STMIK Pradnya Paramita Malang

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    Information System Security is essential to ensure the proper functioning of the information system. Weak information system security may result that other people who do not have the right can be entered into the system information without passed the security and perform activities that can damage or destroy data on the information system, even can destroy that information system itself. On one side, security of the information system needs to be improved, like in login process to get into the information system. Login process becames a tool to pave the ways for someone to infiltrate into the information system. There are several ways to do so that login process to be secure, such as anti SQL Injection and Verification login with SMS Gateway. Expected by using the login process with anti SQL Injection and Verification login with SMS Gateway can reduce the occurrence of fraud against Information Systems in STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita Malang

    Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Lokasi Terbaik Jual Bakso Di Kota Malang Dengan Metode Basis Data Fuzzy

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    The meatballs are very popular and can be found throughout Indonesia from the cart street vendor to big restaurant. Emerging entrepreneurs meatballs good food at a roadside Malang and building a medium-sized or large like kiosks, shops and malls most locations are not chosen properly and appropriately.The purpose of this research is a decision support system by determining the best location in town selling meatballs poor with fuzzy database method. The method applied in this study is developing a system (SDLC) Software Development Life Cycle.Based on test results concluded that the Decision Support System Application provides information determining the best location to display the options that facilitate decisions on employers in determining the best location and the right to run a business Keywords: Decision Support Systems, Location, Database Fuzz

    Desain Dan Implementasi Sistem Penyusunan Jadwal Asisten Praktikum Pada Laboratorium Komputer Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika Dan Komputer (STMIK) Pradnya Paramita Malang Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika

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    Scheduling at the College of Information Management and Computer Pradnya Paramita Malang (STIMATA) is a routine that is always done at every turn of the semester. One of the scheduling assistant in the laboratory. Currently scheduling lab assistant in STIMATA is still done manually. Students who wish to register as a lab assistant, must submit a schedule of lectures and lab courses specialization are available. Coordinator / Lab administration then choose which of the candidates for an assistant who register to be placed in the laboratory according to the specialty. However, if the schedule constraints often occur in conjunction with the lab assistant lecture schedule as a student STIMATA. Therefore we need a system that can automatically schedule the deployment assistant fast and easy and can solve problems in the manufacturing schedule. Genetic algorithm is a method often used in the search for the best solution of the many solutions, especially in the case of scheduling. Therefore, it is expected through the facility / application might help solve the problems at the lab assistant schedule preparation STIMATA as a case study in to provide the optimum solution using a genetic algorithm

    Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Mesin Pengering Teh Di Wonosari Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining

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    An expert system was developed in line with the information technology . Development of an expert system is intended as aids to provide solutions in our lives .. This expert system could help technicians in getting solutions quickly and can save time . Expert systems use computer technology to integrate , manipulate and display information or characteristics . Expert systems can also help in making a better solution. With the rapid advancement in technology today, emerged an idea to implement a program of expert system application into a computer technician service quality activities . The author tries to build an application that will help to facilitate in providing solutions damage the dryer Wonosari tea in tea gardens so as to facilitate the user or technician to get a solution quickly sehinnga reduce impact damage diimbulkan by damage to the dryer. The system created is " Diagnosis Expert System Design Issues in Computer Using Visual Basic " The system uses a method and prototype tool for modeling using UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) . The system is built using PHP and MySQL for database processing use . This system is useful for diagnosing damage to the dryer tea in tea garden wonosari