67 research outputs found
Sperm DNA adducts impair fertilization during ICSI but not during IVF.
Many studies emphasize the influence of the status of spermatozoal nucleus on fertilization, mainly with regard to DNA fragmentation. This study was undertaken to analyze the influence of DNA adducts content in spermatozoa on fertilization during assisted reproduction. Ovarian hyperstimulation, oocyte retrieval and laboratory work-up in 61 IVF (in vitro fertilization) and 118 ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) first cycles were performed according to the same protocol. Semen analysis was made according to WHO Manual (1999). DNA adducts assay in spermatozoa was performed by 32Ppostlabeling method. In total 331 fertilizable oocytes were obtained during IVF and 659 during ICSI. Both groups differed significantly by sperm count, motility and morphology but not by the concentration of DNA adducts in spermatozoa (0.0306 +/- 0.0217 in IVF versus 0.0373 +/- 0.0321 in ICSI). The fertilization rate during IVF was significantly influenced by sperm count (p=0.0002) and motility (p=0.0037) but not by DNA adducts concentration (p=0.30528), whereas during ICSI was positively influenced by sperm motility (p=0.04669) and negatively by DNA adducts concentration (p=0.00796). DNA adducts concentration in spermatozoa significantly negatively influences fertilization rate during ICSI, but not during IVF
Plasma cell myeloma – therapeutic opportunities
Introduction: Plasmocytic myeloma (PCM) is a neoplastic disease with a multistage course. Monoclonal plasmocytes undergo uncontrolled, multifocal growth in the bone marrow, which results in the production of monoclonal immunoglobulin or its fragments that damage the bone marrow.
Aim: The aim of this study is to present selected therapeutic possibilities of multiple myeloma.
Materials and methods: The work uses the method of non-systematic review and analysis of the available scientific literature. Databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Arianta, Scopus, Web of Science were searched. The years 2005-2022 were assumed as the review period.
Discussion: Multiple myeloma accounts for 1-2% of all cancer cases, and 10-15% of all hematological cancers. It is the third most common lymphoid neoplasm after chronic lymphocytic leukemia and large B-cell lymphoma. The diagnosis of PCM requires the presence of a minimum of 10% clonal plasmocytes in the bone marrow or biopsy confirmed plasmocytoma. Moreover, the CRAB and SLiM CRAB criteria are also important. Treatment should be initiated in all symptomatic patients meeting the SLiM CRAB criteria. The first stage of treatment is to induce remission of the disease.
Conclusions: Thanks to the progress of medicine, an increasing percentage of patients achieve permanent remissions. The success of the therapy is a component of the earliest possible detection of the disease and the use of appropriate, individually selected drugs
Media as a determinant of the sexuality of young Poles
Objective of the work: The aim of this study is to learn about the influence of the media on the sexuality of young Poles.
Material and methods: The diagnostic survey method and the survey technique were used, based on the research tool which was the original questionnaire. 310 respondents, different in terms of sex, faith, place of residence and education, current family situation, aged from 16 to 21, participated in the study. Statistical analysis was carried out with the use of Exel 2019 and the SPSS Statisctics package, version 25, using the ANOVA analysis of variance and the Mann-Whitney and H Kruskal-Wallis t-tests. The data collection stage was carried out in the period from October to December 2019, via the Internet.
Results and conclusions: Both men and women participating in the study view sexual, erotic and pornographic content in the mass media available to them, but women viewed pornographic content significantly less often than men. The main source of knowledge about sexuality for young Poles is the Internet. Television is relatively rare. Most of the respondents find it difficult to assess whether the media is a credible source of information on human sexuality. Most of the survey participants believe that the media content does not accelerate sexual initiation and does not affect their attitude towards sex. Believers were much less likely to support the credibility of mass media in the context of sexuality than non-believers.
Key words: sexuality, sexual behavior, youth, medi
Tumor molecular margins
Zmiany molekularne charakterystyczne dla guza nowotworowego, takie jak mutacje genetyczne czy zmieniony poziomswoistych transkryptów i białek, obserwowane są niekiedy w obrębie prawidłowych morfologicznie i histologicznietkanek otaczających nowotwór. Taki obszar tkanek otaczających nowotwór nazywany jest marginesem molekularnymguza. Zakłada się, że zmiany molekularne obserwowane w tym obszarze mogą być etapem poprzedzającymzmiany morfologiczne i histologiczne. Skuteczność operacyjnego leczenia nowotworów zależy od całkowitej resekcjiguza, a przyczyną niepowodzenia leczenia mogą być wznowy miejscowe, będące efektem pozostawienia pozapolem operacyjnym komórek nowotworowych. Nie można jednak wykluczyć, że wznowy miejscowe są efektemtransformacji nowotworowej sąsiadujących z guzem tkanek histologicznie prawidłowych, zainicjowanej występującymitu wcześniej zmianami molekularnymi. W takim ujęciu zdefiniowanie marginesów molekularnych guza i ichusunięcie razem z nowotworem może być kluczowe dla skuteczności leczenia operacyjnego. Istnieje szereg narzędzidiagnostycznych umożliwiających zdefiniowanie obszaru i określenie właściwości molekularnych marginesów guzanowotworowego. Do najczęściej stosowanych należą metody immunohistochemiczne i metody oparte na reakcjiPCR, umożliwiające analizę wybranych białek, transkryptów i genów. W ostatnim czasie podejmowane są równieżpróby wykorzystania do badania marginesów molekularnych guza nowotworowego zaawansowanych techniczniemetod genomiki i proteomiki. Do najbardziej obiecujących wśród nich należy metoda obrazowania molekularnegotkanek za pomocą spektrometrii mas (Imaging Mass Spectrometry).Molecular changes characteristic of malignant tumors such as genetic mutations or altered levels of specific transcriptsand proteins are sometimes observed within the morphologically and histologically normal tissue adjacent to thetumor. Such an area of morphologically normal yet molecularly changed tissue is called a molecular margin of tumor.It has been suggested that molecular changes observed in this area might be followed by a further transformationinto a malignant tumor. The efficacy of surgical treatment of the tumor depends on complete resection of cancercells, hence local recurrence and failure of the treatment might result from tumor cells residing outside the resectedarea. However, a local recurrence could also result from malignant transformation of cells in morphologically andhistologically normal tissue adjacent to the tumor where molecular cancer-initiating changes were pre-existing. Henceidentification and delineation of molecular margins of tumor (and removing them together with the cancer) mightbe crucial for the efficacy of the treatment. There are several diagnostic tools that can be used for identification andcharacterization of tumor molecular margins. The most commonly used include immunohistochemistry and PCR-basedmethods, which allows analysis of pre-selected proteins, transcripts and genes. Most recently, technically advancedmethods of genomics and proteomics have been also proposed in studies of molecular margins of cancer, includingmolecular imaging of tissue by mass spectrometry (so called Imaging Mass Spectrometry)
Effect of low-frequency magnetic field (magnetic stimulation) and kinesitherapy on the level of selected blood parameters in haemodialysis patients
Introduction: Abnormalities in the secretory and endocrine functions of the kidneys are often diagnosed in patients with chronic kidney disease and undergoing haemodialysis, leading to disturbances in body homeostasis. Frequent multimorbidity is an additional factor that negatively affects homeostasis. These factors contribute to a decrease in cardiopulmonary fitness, deterioration of the patient’s psychophysical status, and, consequently, a decrease in quality of life. Due to several limitations of rehabilitation in this group of patients, solutions are constantly being sought to safely avoid or reduce the problems resulting from the above health burdens. Among the least invasive methods are magnetic stimulation and properly prepared and administered kinesitherapy.
Aim of the study: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of magnetic stimulation and kinesitherapy on selected blood parameters in haemodialysis patients.
Material and methods: The study covered 26 people. Six patients received magnetic stimulation and kinesitherapy, 10 received only kinesitherapy, and the others were in the control group. At baseline and after 6 and 12 weeks, blood tests were performed in all three groups to evaluate changes in the parameters studied (RBC, Hb, HCT, WBC, PLT, Na ions, K ions, Cl ions, urea, Pi, tCa, ALP and parathormone). Results: There were no statistically significant differences in the blood parameters studied, except for urea. The urea level in the group where patients underwent magnetic stimulation and exercise increased in the second collection but decreased in the third, whereas in the exercise-only group, it showed an increasing trend in all 3 collections.
Conclusions: The levels of the assessed blood parameters do not show statistically significant changes (except for urea). However, one can observe certain non-statistically significant changes in the assessed blood parameters that are more noticeable in the study groups than in the control group. Therefore, it can be suspected that both treatments involving magnetic stimulation in combination with exercise and exercise alone have an impact on the human body. However, further research in this area is necessary
The problem of tissue and organ transplantation in the light of the dogma of world religions
Background: Transplantation affects almost everyone, often affecting many almost directly, whether as donor or recipient. The presence of an incurable disease, failure, or irreversible damage to a particular organ leads the patient and his or her treatment team to seek effective life-saving methods, including the possibility of tissue or organ transplantation. The development of the field of transplantology has enabled many patients to continue living. Paradoxically, the death of one person can offer life to another.
Aim of the study: To analyse the attitude towards transplantation about the dogmas of the main world religions.
Material and method: A non-systematic review of Polish and English-language scientific literature was carried out according to keywords: transplantation, transplantology, religion, denomination, and attitude. No time or methodological limitation (quantitative, qualitative, etc.) was indicated to qualify publications for review. The following databases were searched: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar.
Results and conclusions: The Catholic Church, the Protestant Church, the Orthodox Church, Islam, Judaism, and Jehovah's Witnesses do not directly oppose organ transplantation, although some denominations place certain conditions on the acceptance of transplantation. Gypsies, followers of Confucianism and Shintoism are opposed to performing transplants from deceased persons. The religions presented do not promote among their followers either to be donors or recipients of transplants. The level of transplantation worldwide varies. So far, there is a perception that undergoing this procedure is against one's religion and tradition.
Standards of conduct in residential long-term nursing care in view of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic
Introduction: SARS - CoV - 2 virus, which causes COVID - 19 disease, is transmitted mainly by droplets. The symptoms of infection are: fever, wet cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, headache, pain in muscles and bones, general malaise accompanied by exhaustion. Anosomy (loss of smell) and dysgeusia are also common, as well as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea. The diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection is based on molecular tests involving the detection of fragments of the viral genome in real time PCR (real time polymerase reaction) in nasopharyngeal swabs, less often throat swabs.
Objective of the work: The aim of the study is to summarize the guidelines for long-term nursing care for a patient infected with SARS - CoV - 2 in the patient's home environment.
Material and methods: The work was based on the method of non-systematic review of scientific literature. The following databases were searched: PubMed, EBESCO, SCOPUS, Web of Science, according to keywords in Polish and English: SARS - CoV - 2, long-term care, nursing, recommendations. The annual limits 2019 - 2020 were assumed as the search period.
Results and conclusions:The SARS-CoV-2 virus appears in residential long-term care facilities primarily through its transmission from the external environment by the entity's employees. Proper management of long-term care facilities is the basis for reducing COVID - 19 transmission, and thus the number of confirmed cases. The knowledge about the recommendations and recommendations of authorized bodies regarding the proceedings limiting the transmission of the virus should be regularly updated
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