10 research outputs found

    Meconium in the Amniotic Fluid of Pregnancies Complicated by Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes Is Associated With Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis

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    Objective: This study was to determine the significance of meconium in the amniotic fluid of pregnancies complicated by preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) without labor

    Improving Maternal Healthcare Access and Neonatal Survival through a Birthing Home Model in Rural Haiti

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    High neonatal mortality in Haiti is sustained by limited access to essential maternity services, particularly for Haiti’s rural population. We investigated the feasibility of a rural birthing home model to provide basic prenatal, delivery, and neonatal services for women with uncomplicated pregnancies while simultaneously providing triage and transport of women with pregnancy related complications. The model included consideration of the local context, including women’s perceptions of barriers to healthcare access and available resources to implement change. Evaluation methods included the performance of a baseline community census and collection of pregnancy histories from 791 women living in a defined area of rural Haiti. These retrospective data were compared with pregnancy outcome for 668 women subsequently receiving services at the birthing home. Of 764 reported most recent pregnancies in the baseline survey, 663(87%) occurred at home with no assistance from skilled health staff. Of 668 women followed after opening of the birthing home, 514 (77%) subsequently gave birth at the birthing home, 94 (14%) were referred to a regional hospital for delivery, and only 60 (9%) delivered at home or on the way to the birthing home. Other measures of clinical volume and patient satisfaction also indicated positive changes in health care seeking. After introduction of the birthing home, fewer neonates died than predicted by historical information or national statistics. The present experience points out the feasibility of a rural birthing home model to increase access to essential maternity services

    Evaluation of Transdermal Steroids for Trapeziometacarpal Arthritis

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    Purpose One conservative treatment for trapeziometacarpal joint arthritis is the delivery of steroids transdermally. In prior transdermal studies on the elbow and foot, there are mixed reports of success. It appears that the benefits of the treatment might be limited to short-term relief (approximately one week). It was hypothesized that transdermal steroid delivery would yield short-term improvements for trapezial-metacarpal joint arthritis, although these improvements would not persist at later follow-up (3 or 6 months). Methods Eighty-four consecutive trapeziometacarpal joints in 62 patients presenting to an orthopedic hand surgeon were randomized to receive either steroid delivery by iontophoresis or phonophoresis or placebo delivery via iontophoresis or phonophoresis. The researchers and patients were blinded as to the treatment assignment. Patients were evaluated before treatment and at 3 follow-up appointments. Subjects were assessed via the Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire, Short Form 12, analog pain score, and provocative and strength testing. The subjects\u27 study group, gender, and arthritic grade were statistically analyzed versus patient-reported and physician-assessed data over the different time points. Following subject recruitment, 17 joints discontinued the study due to joint discomfort, electing for other treatments. Approximately half of the 67 subject joints opted for alternative treatment after the first or second follow-up; 34 subject joints completed all follow-up time points. Results There was no significant predictive relationship between the independent variables and their ability to predict the 9 dependent measures of pain, strength, and well-being. There were trends for the pain to decrease over time, although the trends were not uniform between the different pain metrics and groups. The strength for both iontophoresis groups tended to increase over time, whereas the phonophoresis groups tended to decline. Conclusions Although there were some trends in the follow-up data, the overall lack of significant differences in the data suggests that transdermal steroid delivery might not be helpful in providing short- or long-term relief of arthritic symptoms

    Mechanical forces across compartments coordinate cell shape and fate transitions to generate tissue architecture

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    Morphogenesis and cell state transitions must be coordinated in time and space to produce a functional tissue. An excellent paradigm to understand the coupling of these processes is mammalian hair follicle development, which is initiated by the formation of an epithelial invagination-termed placode-that coincides with the emergence of a designated hair follicle stem cell population. The mechanisms directing the deformation of the epithelium, cell state transitions and physical compartmentalization of the placode are unknown. Here we identify a key role for coordinated mechanical forces stemming from contractile, proliferative and proteolytic activities across the epithelial and mesenchymal compartments in generating the placode structure. A ring of fibroblast cells gradually wraps around the placode cells to generate centripetal contractile forces, which, in collaboration with polarized epithelial myosin activity, promote elongation and local tissue thickening. These mechanical stresses further enhance compartmentalization of Sox9 expression to promote stem cell positioning. Subsequently, proteolytic remodelling locally softens the basement membrane to facilitate a release of pressure on the placode, enabling localized cell divisions, tissue fluidification and epithelial invagination into the underlying mesenchyme. Together, our experiments and modelling identify dynamic cell shape transformations and tissue-scale mechanical cooperation as key factors for orchestrating organ formation.Villeneuve et al. report coordination of contractile forces during mammalian hair follicle development, with actomyosin contractility and mechanical forces from the epidermis and underlying tissue regulating placode invagination and Sox9 expression.Peer reviewe

    Changing Habits of Practice: Transforming Internal Medicine Residency Education in Ambulatory Settings

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    PURPOSE: The majority of health care, both for acute and chronic conditions, is delivered in the ambulatory setting. Despite repeated proposals for change, the majority of internal medicine residency training still occurs in the inpatient setting. Substantial changes in ambulatory education are needed to correct the current imbalance. To assist educators and policy makers in this process, this paper reviews the literature on ambulatory education and makes recommendations for change. METHODS: The authors searched the Medline, Psychlit, and ERIC databases from 2000 to 2004 for studies that focused specifically on curriculum, teaching, and evaluation of internal medicine residents in the ambulatory setting to update previous reviews. Studies had to contain primary data and were reviewed for methodological rigor and relevance. RESULTS: Fifty-five studies met criteria for review. Thirty-five of the studies focused on specific curricular areas and 11 on ambulatory teaching methods. Five involved evaluating performance and 4 focused on structural issues. No study evaluated the overall effectiveness of ambulatory training or investigated the effects of current resident continuity clinic microsystems on education. CONCLUSION: This updated review continues to identify key deficiencies in ambulatory training curriculum and faculty skills. The authors make several recommendations: (1) Make training in the ambulatory setting a priority. (2) Address systems problems in practice environments. (3) Create learning experiences appropriate to the resident's level of development. (4) Teach and evaluate in the examination room. (5) Expand subspecialty-based training to the ambulatory setting. (6) Make faculty development a priority. (7) Create and fund multiinstitutional educational research consortia

    Integrin Cytoplasmic Tail Interactions

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