750 research outputs found

    Meaning in the Process of Signification by the Advertisement of Honda

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    This study mainly deals with the process of signification in order to reveal how meaning is created by the advertisement of Honda HR-V 2014 through the use of expressions. In this study, “Meaning” is an integrated form consisting the three elements which are denotative form, connotative form, and myth form. Using qualitative content analysis (Schreier, 2012), the writer did this study based on Barthes's process of signification (1987) and Peirce's indexicality (1931-58). From the analysis, the writer found out that meaning is created by indexicality. The index connects the product and the traits that the product possesses. Then, the use of expressions in the advertisement visualises the index of the product. The index which was visualised by the use of expressions which produces denotative meaning and connotative meaning. Those denotative meaning and connotative meaning are perceived by the audiences and creates myth which naturalises the index itself. It can be concluded from this study that meaning is created by the index and has undergone several steps in order for audiences to perceive the myth and become unaware of the index

    Upaya Memperkecil Kesenjangan Kompetensi Lulusan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan dengan Tuntutan Dunia Industri

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    Vocational High Schools are concerned with human resources development to cope the requirements of fast developing market. Indonesian education is still not comprehensive as it emphasizes on the hard skills and neglects the soft skills and eventually the graduates find difficulty to compete in the workforce. In preparing competent human resources as expected by the industry, the prioritised programs to be undertaken by the Vocational High Schools are (1) conducting the teaching factory program; (2) collaborative programs with the industry that consist of: field practices, internship (on the job training), industrial visits, recruitments, industrial classes; and (3) stakeholders\u27 guidance related to workforce.Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) sebagai salah satu pemegang peranan penting dalam penyiapan tenaga kerja dituntut untuk selalu dapat mengikuti kebutuhan pasar yang terus berkembang. Sekolah yang ada di Indonesia belum membentuk lulusan yang mempunyai dua keterampilan yaitu hard skillsdan soft skillsdan pada akhirnya lulusannya akan sulit bersaing di dunia kerja.Dalam menyiapkan tenaga kerja yang berkompeten sesuai harapan industri, SMK dapat melaksanakan program-program kegiatan yaitu: (1) program teaching factory; (2) Jalinan kerjasama dengan industri yang berbentuk: pengelolaan prakerin yang baik, magang (on the job training), pengelolaan kunjungan industri, rekruitmen tenaga kerja, penyelenggaraan kelas industri; dan (3) Penyuluhan dan pembinaan dari stake holder terkait dengan ketenagakerjaan

    Struktur dan Distribusi Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Serta Strategi Kebijakan Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Petani Jagung di Lahan Perhutani di Kecamatan Tanggungharjo Kabupaten Grobogan Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mengetahui struktur dan distribusi pendapatan rumah tangga petani jagung peserta pesanggem dan bukan peserta pesanggem di lahan Perhutani, dan 2) merumuskan strategi kebijakan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani jagung peserta pesanggem. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode diskriptif analitis. Struktur pendapatan menggunakan analisis persentase sedangkan untuk analisis distribusi pendapatan dengan Gini Indeks serta strategi kebijakan dengan analisis SWOT. Rata-rata pendapatan petani jagung peserta pesanggem pada tahun 2012 dari hasil usahatani jagung sebesar Rp. 11.126.270.- dan dari non usahatani jagung sebesar Rp.2.475.670 dengan struktur pendapatan 81,80% dan 18,20%. Sedangkan rata-rata pendapatan petani jagung bukan peserta pesanggem dari hasil usahatani jagung sebesar Rp. 6.854.300.- dan dari non usahatani jagung sebesar Rp. 2.421.800.- dengan struktur pendapatan 73,89% dan 26,11%. Nilai Gini Index (GI) lebih besar dari 0,5 artinya distribusi pendapatan petani jagung termasuk tingkat ketimpangan tinggi. Pemerintah memberikan pinjaman dengan bunga rendah, melaksanakan pelatihan keterampilan di bidang lain untuk mengantisipasi kehilangan lapangan pekerjaan.Kata kunci: Pendapatan, struktur dan distribusi pendapatan, peningkatan kesejahteraan

    Perancangan Interior Restoran Bandar Djakarta Di Surabaya

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    Many seafood restaurants opened in every corner of the city of Surabaya due to high demand of seafood in this city, but the existing seafood restaurants provide less information about seafood they sell. Consequently, many seafood enthusiasts who just ordered a seafood menu that they know without daring to try other seafood species. Interior Design Restaurant Bandar Djakarta in Surabaya aims to create restaurants that provide comfort, a different atmosphere and informative for consumers while still maintaining the image or the image of the restaurant Bandar Djakarta itself. To achieve the goals and answer the problems are then given the concept of the indoor garden is informative yet retain a characteristic of Bandar Djakarta itself. This was achieved by using a design concept that characterizes the city Djakarta garden seafood that is applied to the interior elements of both walls, floor, ceiling, furniture and other decorative elements. Informative value provided to consumers aiming to provide more knowledge to consumers menengenai seafood sold in restaurants Bandar Djakarta. Mation is expected to know the information provided, the consumer better understand and know what they are eating and the benefits obtaine

    Pengaruh Pajak Restoran Terhadap Penerimaan Pad Pada Pemerintahan Daerah Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    This study aims to determine whether the effect on the restaurant tax revenues in localgovernment districts PAD rokan upstream . This type of research is descriptive research is one way tostudy with a portrait and interpret an object to the fact that there is no exaggeration . the type of data isquantitative data and data sources is Data Secondary.From the calculation above , it can be concluded that there is a negative relationship or in astatistical technique is said to have a relationship that is nil , when the rise of the variables that sometimesaccompanied the fall of the value of other variables , and sometimes followed by a rise in the value ofother variables . by the following equation Y = -0.26 + 4.1 X. From the above calculations can be in theknow t counted 0.33 and t table by 3.18 . because thitung smaller than ttable it can be concluded nosignificant difference between the restaurant tax to revenue ( PAD )

    Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Pengenalan Budaya Batak Toba Untuk Anak-Anak

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    Merantau adalah kebiasaan masyarakat suku Batak Toba untuk mencapai nilai budaya hamajuon atau kemajuan. Dalam perantauan, masyarakat Batak Toba kerap meninggalkan budayanya. Padahal sebagai warisan nenek moyang, budaya haruslah dilestarikan ke anak cucu. Pada Kenyataannya anak-anak suku Batak Toba perantauan kini kurang mengenal budayanya sendiri. Oleh karena itu, dibuatlah sebuah buku yang mengenalkan budaya Batak Toba untuk anak-anak dengan menggunakan cerita sehari-hari dan gambar penjelas, agar budaya Batak Toba dapat dikenali oleh anak-anak dimanapun mereka berada. Buku pengenalan budaya Batak Toba ini dibuat dengan kertas yang cukup tebal agar tidak mudah robek, serta berwarna pada setiap halamannya, selain itu warna yang digunakan menggunakan warna cerah dan warna khas Batak yaitu merah, hitam, dan putih. Sampul buku dibuat tebal dan keras agar tidak mudah rusak
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