594 research outputs found

    Impoliteness Strategies Used on Online Comments in an Indonesian Football Website

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    This research investigates linguistic impoliteness used in online football comments through the examination of impoliteness strategies proposed by Jonathan Culpeper. It examines how impoliteness strategies are used on online comments and what strategy mostly used by Indonesian participants in Okezone, an Indonesian football website. The research uses descriptive qualitative method supported by quantitative data. First, the writer found that Indonesian participants mostly used positive impoliteness strategy to express their negative attitude on giving comments. Second, there are four out of five impoliteness strategies used by Indonesian participants. Withhold politeness strategy is excluded

    The Law and Institutional Aspect in Increasing the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Coastal Area Management

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    This research is intended to identify the regulation and institution related to management of coastal area. Regarding the subject matter of this study, this research is a normative legal research. It employed several approach, i.e. conceptual approach and statutory approach.From this research, find out that (1) the authority of coastal area management can be found in sector regulation such as tourism, environmental, land, mining, forestry regulation, etc. It consequence that many institution will take about the coastal authority, (2) From the Institutional view, the activities of cross sector, overlapping and potentially creating a conflict of authority, all of this, need the institutional system with integration and coordinating priority, (3) The institutional approach by clear authority, strong institution and good procedure, can be increased effectively by the management of sustainable coastal area

    Analisa Yuridis Biaya Eksekusi pada Lembaga Pembiayaan

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    The purchase of consumer goods for the public through financial institutions can answer and be a solution for the community to have these goods, while for financing institutions this is an opportunity to develop their business, both for goods such as cars, motorbikes, furniture and also electronic goods. The community gets the convenience of payments that can be paid in installments according to their ability. The problems and dynamics that arise in this consumer financing agreement are interesting things to study so that people will understand and find solutions. The method used in this study is juridical empirical, using primary data and secondary data and then analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques. The results of the study can answer that the relationship between consumers and financing institutions or companies is the relationship of consumer financing agreements. Consumer financing agreements are always in written form where the agreement clause has been provided by a finance company, or commonly referred to as a standard agreement. With limited purchasing power

    Public Debt and Economic Growth in the SouthEast Asian Countries

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    This study examines the relationship between public debt and economic growth in eight countries in Southeast Asia that are members of ASEAN. Through the study will contribute reference for each country to establish their macroeconomic policies. Using 10 years of data from 2006 to 2015 and analysis tools Autoregression Vector (VAR), the study attempts to test the theory of finance led growth. The main finding of this study is that public debt is actually able to increase the economic growth of a country significantly, although it takes a few years of its existence. This finding supports several previous studies that demonstrate the important role of government debt to the economy of a country.DOI: 10.15408/sjie.v6i1.477

    Perancangan Buku Panduan Pariwisata Kabupaten Sumenep

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    Sumenep adalah salah satu destinasi wisata yang patut dikunjungi. Karena dari Sumenep kita dapat belajar tentang sejarah, religi sekaligus menikmati pemandangan alam yang indah. Sejarah Sumenep adalah salah satu sejarah yang menarik untuk dipelajari dan sejarah ini harus diketahui banyak orang agar tidak hilang oleh jaman

    Aspek Hukum dan Kelembagaan dalam Peningkatan Efisiensi dan Efektivitas Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir

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    This research is intended to identify about the regulation and institution related to management of coastal area. Regarding the subject matter of this study, this research is a normative legal research. It employed several approach, i.e. conceptual approach and statutory approach. From this research, find out that (1) the authority of coastal area management can be find in sectoral regulation as such as tourism, environmental, land, mining, forestry regulation, etc. It consequence that many institution will be take about the coastal authority, (2) From the Institutional of view, the activities of cross sectoral, overlapping and potentialy conflict of authority, all of this, need the instotutional system with integration and coordination priority (3) The institutional approach by clear authority, strong institution and good procedure, can be increase efectively management of sustainable coastal area

    Pendekatan Inversi 1d untuk Mengurangi Efek Galvanic pada Model 2d Magnetotellurik Daerah Panasbumi Danau Ranau

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    Metode magnetotelurik adalah metode sounding elektromagnetik untuk mengetahui struktur tahanan jenis bawah permukaan dengan cara melakukan pengukuran pasif komponen medan listrik dan medan magnet alam yang berubah terhadap waktu. Data MT tidak begitu stabil pada lapisan dangkal karena perbedaan topografi yang mencolok yang disebut juga efek galvanik (distorsi galvanic). Untuk mengatasi data yang mengalami shift tersebut dilakukanlah koreksi statik dengan menggunakan data TDEM. Dari informasi yang penulis dapat dari pihak Pusat Sumber Daya Geologi (PSDG), pada saat melakukan pengukuran di daerah Danau Ranau tidak menggunakan TDEM. Sehingga untuk menginterpretasikan titik-titik tersebut agar pemodelan sesuai dengan karakteristik sistem panasbumi yang diinginkan, maka penulis menggunakan pendekatan hasil inversi 1D untuk menghilangkan efek galvanik. Daerah impermeable (Claycap) ditunjukkan oleh lapisan dengan nilai resistivitas ≤ 10 Ohm.m dengan ketebalan 700-1000 meter

    Penggunaan Regresi Logistik Stepwise Dan Algoritma Genetika Dalam Pemilihan Rasio Keuangan Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Rating Issuer

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    Obligation is one of the financial instruments that can be traded in stock exchange. To help investors, an obligation has rating that shows its prospect. Obligation rating is influenced by many factors. This research will study the effects of financial ratio to rating. Unfortunately, there are many financial ratios that influence rating, so selection to financial ratio must be done. For this purpose, two methods will be applied, i.e stepwise logistics regression and genetics algorithm-artificial neural network. The result shows, that for stepwise logistic regression correctly gives classification 71%, and genetics algorithm 100% training data. For testing data, both methods give the same result, 62% correctly. Genetics algorithm results selected financial ratio more better than stepwise logistic regression
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