9 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Konseling untuk Meningkatkan ASI Eksklusif pada Ibu Hamil di Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara

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    Effectiveness of counseling to increase exclusive breastfeeding practice among pregnant women in Tenggarong, Kutai KartanegaraPurposeThis research aimed to examine the effectiveness of breastfeeding counseling, to increase knowledge, attitudes, perception for behavioral control, intention and behavior of mothers in exclusive breastfeeding (EBF).MethodsA quasi-experiment study was conducted by comparing an experimental group (29 participants) and a control group (29 participants). The research was conducted in two public health center at different districts at Kutai Kartanegara. Respondents were pregnant women attending antenatal care. The independent variable was breastfeeding counseling, while dependent variables included knowledge, attitudes, perceived behavioral control, intention and behavior of mother on exclusive breastfeeding.ResultsBreastfeeding counseling during pregnancy increased knowledge about EBF. Counselling increased intentions to EBF as well. However, statistical analyses showed that counseling did not make changes to pregnant women's attitude, perceived behavioral control, and intention to provide EBF. Similarly, there was no difference regarding the behavioral control and attitude towards EBF.ConclusionCounseling increased knowledge and intention to EBF. However, knowledge and intention were not necessarily improved with behavior in terms of EBF. Further research is needed to improve educational techniques

    Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kawasan tanpa Rokok Kota Padang Panjang

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    Latar belakang: 25,3% penduduk Kota Padang Panjang merokok setiap hari dan diperkirakan 91,9% diantaranya merokok di dalam rumah. Kawasan tanpa rokok menjadi cara alternatif untuk menurunkan prevalensi perokok dan mengurangi dampak merokok terhadap kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penerapan peraturan daerah kawasan tanpa rokok di Kota Padang Panjang.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain mixed methods dengan rancangan sequential explanatory design. Data kuantitatif berasal dari masyarakat Kota Padang Panjang yang berusia 15-50 tahun dan tinggal sebelum/sejak tahun 2009 Sedangkan data kualitatif diperoleh dari pejabat pemerintah, lembaga swadaya masyarakat dan tokoh masyarakat. Hasil: Prevalensi perokok tidak menurun di Kota Padang Panjang. Komitmen terhadap peraturan daerah kawasan tanpa rokok mengalami penurunan akibat pergantian Walikota. Mayoritas responden (94%) mendukung peraturan, 90% perokok tidak merokok di kawasan tanpa rokok dan lebih dari 50% perokok tidak merokok di smoking room, seperti di pasar (82%) dan terminal (78%).Kesimpulan: Pemerintah dan masyarakat harus kerja sama agar penerapan peraturan daerah kawasan tanpa rokok menjadi lebih efektif. Pemerintah perlu meningkatkan sosialisasi peraturan, bahaya merokok di tempat-tempat umum lainnya

    Hubungan antara Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri, Umur dan Masa Kerja dengan Kecelakaan Kerja pada Pekerja Bagian Rustic di PT Borneo Melintang Buana Eksport YOGYAKARTA

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    Background: The industrial advancement needed occupational health and safety higher.Accident is case who unwanted occurred and unknown whenever happened., but could beanticipated. Appeared the secured condition from the accident possibility would fluented theworkability company and kept the work productivity. There was some way to decreased workaccident possibility, many method could done by increasing APD utilization frequencies atproduction level. Occupational accident generally caused by many factors and often caused byso many reason.Method: This research was observasional research who done with coss sectional approach thevariable in this research was APD utilization, age, work period as independent variable andoccupational accident as dependent variable. This research was performed at November 2008for all workers of rustic department PT.BMB Eksport Yogyakarta with sample as big as 37workers. The file taking over using questionaire. The result of the research analized by simplelinier regression test. The aims of this research was to know the relationship between apdutilization, age, work period with occupational accident to the rustic department workers PTBMB Eksport Yogyakarta.Result : The result of this research showed that (1) there were strong relationship between apdutilization , age, work period with occupational accident with p value = 0,009. 2) there wasstrong relationship between age with occupation accident p value = 0,018. 3) there was notrelationship between work period with occupational accident p value = 0,813Conclusion: There were relationship between apd utilization, age, with occupational accident,there was not relationship between work period with occupational accident to the rusticdepartment workers PT BMB Eksport Yogyakarta

    Smoking Behavior on Patients with Coronary Heart Disease: Study in Saras Husada Hospital

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    17 million people died of heart disease in 2008. One of the risk factors is cigarette. Indonesia is the fourth highest country with the cigarette consumption in the world. Purworejo still has patients with high heart disease. Case fatality rate of patients in coronary heart disease in Saras Husada hospital reachs 23% in 2013 and 24% in 2014. This study aims to identify smoking behavior in patients with coronary heart disease.This is a cross sectional study, involves 205 patients with heart disease from Saras Husada hospital. Dependent variable are smoking behavior. Independent variables are knowledge about the impact of smoking, cigarette advertisements and smoking behavior on family members. Confounding variables are age, education and sex. Data collection through interviews with structured questionnaires. This study show that 74.80% of respondents smoked. In bivariate analysis, there were four significant variables such as cigarette advertisements RP = 1.47; p = 0.01; 95% CI = 1.11-1.94, smoking behavior of family members RP = 0.48; p = 0.00; 95% CI = 0,31-0,69, gender RP = 5.18; p = 0.00; 95% CI = 3.27-8.20, and education RP = 0.64; p = 0.02; 95% CI = 0.48-0.87. While in multivariate analysis, only sex affect to smoking behavior of patients with coronary heart disease RP = 19.31; 95% CI = 8.70-42.94. There is no relationship between knowledge, cigarette advertisements and smoking behavior of family members with smoking behavior on patients with coronary heart disease. The main factor related to smoking behavior on patients with coronary heart disease is male sex

    Faktor-faktor Risiko Malaria di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Paruga Kota Bima Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Background: Malaria is one of reemerging diseases and ranked in 10th position as deadly diseases. Malaria is also the 5thdeadly infective disease in the world. Malaria is tropical disease that been main cause of death, each year 40% of world inhabitant have risk of malaria disease or approximately 300 500 million of cases. About 1 3 millions of people died because of malaria each year. In Indonesia, about 50% of Indonesian people live in malaria endemic area. According to WHO, not less than 30 million cases of malaria occurs each year in Indonesia about 30.000 people were died.This study is purposed to recognize risk factors in relation with malaria incident in working area of Paruga Puskesmas (Public Health Service), Bima City, of Nusa Tenggara Barat.Methods: This was analytic-observational research using case-control approach. Sampling was performed in a way of purposive sampling. Cases in this study were malaria sufferer, who takes medical care in Puskesmas of Paruga and those who counted to Mass Blood Survey program on May, 2008. Control was another diseases sufferer who takes medical care in Puskesmas of Paruga and not suffers malaria according to Mass Blood Survey as shown in laboratory examination result.Results: There was relation between distance of house, mosquito\u27s propagation place as well as mosquito\u27s shelter and malaria incident as seen from OR=5,41, CI=1,38<OR<24,81, p=0,001. There was no relation between habit of setting mosquito net and malaria incident as seen from OR=1,00, CI=0,52<OR<1,94, p=1,00. There was relation between habit of setting mosquito essence and malaria incident as seen from OR= 2,25, CI=1,05<OR< 3,88, p=0,023. There was no relation between habit of going out at night and malaria incident as seen from OR=1,67, CI=0,73<OR<3,82, p=0,184. There was relation between knowledge and malaria incident as seen from OR=1,99, CI=1,02<OR<3,88, p=0,029. There was no relation between malaria elucidation and malaria incident as seen from OR=0,94, CI=0,43<OR<2,03, p=0,855.Conclusion: Distance of house, mosquito\u27s propagation place as well as mosquito\u27s shelter, habit of setting mosquito net, and knowledge was malaria risk factors in working area of Paruga Puskesmas (Public Health Service), Bima City, of Nusa Tenggara Barat

    Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthoriza) dalam Ransum terhadap Performa Produksi Ayam Kampung Unggul Balitnak

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    The aim of the study was to know the effect of Curcuma xanthorhiza as herbal feed additive on feed consumption, daily body weight gain and feed conversion ratio of Kampung Unggul Balitnak (KUB) Chicken. The research was conducted at Kemukus Village, Ketapang District, South Lampung Regency. The experimental used 80 unisex KUB chicken aged 5 week. They were feed a ration with control ration + 0% temulawak flour (P0), control ration + 0,1% temulawak flour (P1), control ration + 0,2% temulawak flour (P2) and control ration + 0,3% temulawak flour (P4) during 30 days. The control ration containing 21% crude protein and 3150 kcal/kg metabolism energy. The study used a quantitative method with completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications. The results showed that the addition of temulawak flour (Curcuma xanthoriza) up to 0.3% did not effect (P> 0.05) on feed consumption but was affected (P <0.05) on daily body weight gain and feed conversion ratio. Keywords: daily body weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, KUB Chicken, temulawa

    Tantangan dalam Implementasi Program Deteksi Dini Kanker Serviks dengan Metode Inspeksi Visual dengan Asam Asetat (IVA) di Wonogiri Jawa Tengah

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    Latar belakang: Kanker serviks merupakan kanker dengan prevalensi tertinggi di Indonesia. Program untuk mengendalikan kanker serviks adalah dengan deteksi dini menggunakan metode Inspeksi Visual dengan Asam Asetat (IVA) dan krioterapi untuk IVA positif. Jumlah WUS yang melakukan tes IVA di Wonogiri sejak 2015 masih di bawah target, tetapi IVA positif yang ditemukan cukup banyak, yaitu 10,29% tahun 2016 dan 6,3% tahun 2017. Studi dilakukan untuk mengetahui tantangan yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan program skrining kanker serviks dengan metode IVA. Metode: Studi dilakukan secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan logic model pada Juli-Agustus 2018. Responden adalah penanggungjawab Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) dan atau bidan di 10 Puskesmas yang memiliki petugas IVA terlatih dan 6 Puskesmas yang tidak memiliki petugas terlatih; kepala seksi PTM dinas kesehatan; serta dokter spesialis obsgyn RSUD. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan wawancara mendalam. Analisis data secara deskriptif. Hasil: Petugas IVA terlatih hanya ada di 10 Puskesmas dari 34 Puskesmas. Dari 24 Puskesmas yang tidak memiliki petugas IVA, hanya tiga Puskesmas yang pernah melaksanakan skrining IVA massal. Empat Puskesmas mengeluhkan tidak adanya dana untuk kegiatan, seperti pembelian bahan, penggandaan form, sosialisasi serta jasa petugas. Hambatan dalam sosialisasi adalah rasa takut dan malu untuk melakukan tes IVA. Puskesmas yang tidak memiliki petugas IVA kesulitan mendorong warga untuk melakukan tes IVA karena pemeriksaan harus dilakukan di Puskesmas lain. Koordinasi dengan RSUD terkait rujukan pasien IVA positif belum berjalan baik. Krioterapi belum dapat dilakukan, karena alat baru tersedia di dua Puskesmas pertengahan tahun 2018 dan belum ada petugas yang mengikuti uji kompetensi. Simpulan: Deteksi dini kanker serviks dengan metode IVA di Wonogiri masih menemui banyak tantangan. Diperlukan beberapa upaya perbaikan seperti penggunaan dana BOK untuk pelaksanaan tes IVA, proses sosialisasi yang lebih efektif, memperjelas alur rujukan pasien IVA positif, serta penguatan kapasitas petugas IVA agar dapat melakukan krioterapi