6 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengukuran Tingkat Kematangan Aplikasi E-Commerce Menggunakan COBIT 4.1

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    One kind of information technology for SMEs to expand business networks and marketing is an e-Commerce. Benefits and actual maturity level of IT management becomes a benchmark towards the development and utilization of e-commerce strategies for SMEs. The purpose of this study was to assess the position of Etsa Luhur SMEs related implementation of e-commerce and targets to be achieved in the future in the use of e-commerce. Results of the assessment of the level of maturity (maturity level) position of IT management today (existing). The next will be determined targets for each IT process maturity was elected to serve as a guide for a group of SMEs etching Sublime in the use of IT. Assessment of the level of maturity using the domain Plan and Organise (PO). Domain PO cover includes strategies to determine the direction of development of ICT best support the achievement of business goals. Results of the assessment related to the maturity level of IT development strategy at the level of 0 (0.499), which is non-existent. It means that Etsa Luhur SMEs does not have a concern for IT management as well. Towards the development of ICT in Etsa Luhur SMEs expected to reach level 3, which is Defined Proce

    Pengaruh Kecepatan Pengaduk dan Waktu Fermentasi terhadap Konsentrasi Bioetanol pada Fermentasi Nira Nipah Kental Menggunakan Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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    In Riau province the existence of palm is abundant. Nipah can potentially supply biofuels because Its sap has a sugar content of 15-20% which can be converted into bioethanol. Bioethanol is ethanol produced from raw materials containing starch, sugar and cellulose through a process of fermentation and distillation that can be used as an alternative fuel which is environmentally friendly and renewable. To be Able to produce bioethanol from nypa sap in a laboratory scale, it is necessary to study the manufacture of bioethanol from nypa sap through fermentation by using Sacharomyces cerevisiae fermentation medium volume of 2 liters. The objective of the research is to convert the sugar in the nypa sap through fermentation into bioethanol and to observe the effect of stirring speed, viscosity of the juice in the fermentation medium and fermentation time on bioethanol production using Sacharomyces cereviceae. Through the process of fermentation using yeast Sacharomyces cereviceae, glucose is converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide. Preparation starter was made with yeast inoculum process Sacharomyces cereviceae at 10% of the yeast fermentation medium, therefore it can be adaptable and ready for fermentation. Fermentation takes place in batches with a volume of 2 liters of fermentation medium, stirring speed variation of 150, 200, 250 rpm and viscosity sap by evaporation at 20% (v/v) as well as variations in the fermentation time of 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 hours. Temperature fermentation at room temperatur is 25 – 30oC. Ethanol concentration was Analyzed by using Gas Chromatography. The optimum fermentation process is shown in the stirring speed of 200 rpm with sap viscosity of 20% (v/v) and fermentation hours 36th, therefore it was obtained 15,407% (v/v) or 121,604 mg/ml

    Sistem Klasterisasi Menggunakan Metode K-Means Dalam Menentukan Posisi Access Point Berdasarkan Posisi Pengguna Hotspot Di Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

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    Fasilitas internet yang diberikan universitas salah satunya melalui pemasangan hotspot dapat dioptimalkan dengan pemasangan perangkat access point pada posisi yang tepat. Hal yang sangat penting adalah mempertimbangkan posisi pengguna internet yang mengakses hotspot sehingga dapat diakses dengan mudah dan nyaman. Berdasarkan data koordinat garis lintang dan bujur posisi pengguna hotspot di Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto yang diolah dengan menerapkan algoritma K-Means, dihasilkan posisi paling tepat untuk pemasangan perangkat access point. Dapat diketahui pula bahwa posisi perangkat access point sebelumnya yang dipasang tanpa mempertimbangkan posisi pengguna hotspot belum sesuai dengan posisi access point yang dihitung mempertimbangkan posisi pengguna, yaitu pada masing-masing koordinat AP1(109.27216, -7.41281431122), AP2(109.2723296783, -7.4142704478), dan AP3(109.2733672508, -7.4128270035