6 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Hukum Program Nasional Agraria Di Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    BPN is an institution that is authorized to perform the duties of government land,among others implement acceleration land registration. Based on GovernmentRegulation No. 24/1997 concerning PRONA (national programe) policies, namelyproviding land registration services and legal certainty as to realize the achievement ofchess orderly land sector. If Government Regulation No. 24/1997 implemented properly,it will provide legal certainty, that the rule of law: land rights holders; lay of the land;acreage and others. Completeness and actual information on every subject in the landregistration law, it will be easier to take legal actions against the parcel of land that hasbeen registered

    Pengaruh Naungan Sarang Terhadap Persentase Penetasan Telur Penyu Lekang (Lepidochelys Olivacea) Di Pantai Samas Bantul, YOGYAKARTA

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    The reduced population of sea turtles among other things caused by natural changes in the vicinity of the egg-laying habitat, theft of sea turtle eggs, the utilization of a body part sea turtles by human beings (as the utilization of carapace, meat, bones, and sea turtle eggs), and management of the conservation techniques are inadequate. Pantai Samas Bantul, Yogyakarta, one of the places that are often encountered of Olive Ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea). The aim of this research is to find out the influence of a shade from the success of hatching the eggs of Olive Ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) in semi natural nest in Samas Beach. The research method used is an experimental method. Observations in the field carried out in June-August 2010. The research was done at the three nests. They are in natural nest, semi natural nest with the shade of zinc, and semi natural nest with the shade of tarpaulin. The results showed the temperature of the nest in the depth of thirty-eight centimeters at the semi natural nest with the shade of tarpaulin about 31,6-31,9 ºC, in the semi natural nest with the shade of zinc about 31,4-31,7 ºC, and in the natural nest is around 31,5-32,3 ºC. The highest moisture is in the natural nest around 6,6 %, while the lowest moisture is in the natural nest with the shade of zinc around 1,5-2,1%. Hatching succes in natural nest is 60 %, semi natural nest with the shade of tarpaulin about 24 %, in the semi natural nest with the shade of zinc about 21 %. The composition of the size of grains of sand in a natural or semi natural nest is dominated by medium-size. Based on the results of research can be concluded that the percentage of hatching the egg of Olive Ridley turtle in the semi natural nest with the shade of tarpaulin is higher than semi natural nest with the shade of zinc, while in the natural nest having the highest percentage of hatching

    Analisis Log Linear Terhadap Faktor-faktor Resiko Carcinoma Servix Uteri Di RS Bethesda YOGYAKARTA Tahun 2002-2004

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    This research was done at Yogyakarta Bethesda hospital Jend. Sudirman, as a mean to knowthe association among risk factors at disease of Carcinoma servix uteri. This study used secondarydata from medical records and conducted with retrospektif method. The subjects in this researchwere patient of Carcinoma servix uteri at Bethesda hospital from 2002-2004. From the medicalrecords, researcher used three variables, they were age of patient, children amount and age whenthe patient first married. Statistical analysis that used was Log Linear analysis with BackwardElimination method with level of signifikansi equal to 0.15. From the analysis result can beconcluded that there were interaction between children amount, age of patient and age when thepatient first married to the prevalence of carcinoma servix uteri. The woman with children amountmore than 5 people, above age 50 year and also age of first married less than 20 year will have thehighest possibility to have carcinoma servix uteri

    Psicología educativa : revista de los psicólogos de la educación

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave en inglés y españolSe comparó la efectividad de dos técnicas para administrar terapia de grupo basada en la clarificación de valores: técnica de modelado frente a juego de roles. La efectividad se midió mediante la empatía de los participantes en tres momentos, empleando un diseño factorial mixto. Los participantes fueron 40 estudiantes de una escuela intermedia de Mataram, Indonesia, que cumplimentaron el Cuestionario de Empatía Cognitiva y Afectiva (QCAE). Los resultados mostraron que las dos técnicas de administración de terapia de grupo centradas en la clarificación de valores fueron efectivas para aumentar la empatía de los participantes, aunque la técnica de modelado parecía ser el enfoque más eficaz y probablemente el más eficiente. La empatía de las estudiantes femeninas era más alta que la de los varones, pero no había evidencia de que una técnica de terapia de grupo funcionara mejor para las chicas que para los chicos. Se discuten los resultados en cuanto a su implicación para el estudio e intervención futuros.ES