8 research outputs found

    Disain Sistem Kontrol Mesin Auto Washer Feeder Berbasis Kendali Plc Untuk Perakitan Bvc (Base Valve Complete) Pada Pembuatan Shock Absorber

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    Line sub assembly merupakan line di mana komponen bagian dalam dari shock absorber dirakit. Salah satu proses pada line sub assembly adalah proses perakitan Base Valve Complete (BVC). BVC merupakan salah satu komponen penting pada shock absorber yang berfungsi mengatur sirkulasi fluida pada saat shock absorber mengalami kompresi. BVC untuk model shock absorber ini terdiri dari guide, non-return spring, non-return valve, base valve case, leaf valve, shim, dan valve stopper. Leaf valve merupakan plat tipis berbentuk lingkaran dengan ketebalan 0.1-0.2 mm. Permasalahan pada proses perakitan BVC adalah operator kesulitan dalam memisahkan leaf valve sesuai dengan jumlah yang ditentukan. Kesalahan jumlah leaf valve yang dirakit akan menyebabkan BVC menjadi reject. Solusi dari permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan dibuat mesin auto washer feeder. Mesin ini berfungsi untuk mengeluarkan leaf valve sesuai dengan jumlah yang ditentukan. Kontrol pada mesin auto washer feeder terdiri dari perangkat input, perangkat proses, dan perangkat output. Perangkat input terdiri dari push button, selector switch, toogle switch, emergency switch, photoelectric sensor, proximity sensor, reed switch. Perangkat proses menggunakan PLC Omron CJ1M-CPU11. Perangkat output yang digunakan adalah lampu indikator, silinder pneumatik, dan cool muscle ac servo motor. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pembuatan mesin ini adalah operator menjadi lebih mudah dalam melakukan perakitan leaf valve, berkurangnya waktu perakitan leaf valve dari 81 detik menjadi 50.6 detik, dan berkurangnya jumlah BVC yang reject dari 8 pcs per minggu menjadi 0 pcs per minggu

    Traction Control Pada Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) Dengan Menggunakan Metode Kontrol Neuro-Fuzzy Prediktif

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    Penggunaan bahan bakar minyak untuk kendaraan bermotor yang semakin meningkat menyebabkan semakin menurunnya stok bahan bakar minyak di dunia. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadinya krisis energi di dunia.Selainitu, semakin banyaknya penggunaan bahan bakar minyak pada kendaraan bermotor menyebabkan semakin meningkatnya polusi udara. Polusi yang dihasilkan oleh kendaraan bermotor akan menyebabkan global warming sehingga suhu di atmosfer bumi akan meningkat. Dalam upaya menanggulangi krisis energi dan bahaya global warming yang dihasilkan oleh kendaraan bermotor, maka diciptakan suatu kendaraan alternatif yang hemat energi dan ramah lingkungan yang disebut Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV). HEV merupakan suatu kendaraan yang menggunakan Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) dan motor listrik sebagai motor penggeraknya. Salah satu permasalahan yang masih terjadi pada HEV yaitu akselerasi. Kontroler Neuro-Fuzzy Prediktif digunakan untuk mengatur kecepatan motor DC ketika proses akselerasi HEV. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian didapatkan respon kecepatan HEV dapat mencapai model referensi yang diberikan pada t = 0,051 s sehingga dapat disimpulkan kontroler Neuro-Fuzzy Prediktif dapat mempercepat akselerasi pada HEV

    Alat Pengering Surya Tanpa Listrik (Apkostrik) Untuk UMKM Kerupuk Di Desa Brabo

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    Kerupuk is one of complementary food almost in all Indonesia\u27s food. Kerupuk has function to increase taste because its delicious and consist of many variation. On of kerupuk producen is Mrs.Muayanah. Mrs.Muayanah has produced kerupuk for ten years. However, her business is stagnant because limited stuffs and her stuffs still simple so can\u27t produce in big number especially drying process which take longest time of all production process. From that description, we try to give solution designing solar oven to increase kerupuk productivity. APKOSTRIK is dryer which use solar and reflect it to the object (kerupuk) to help drying process by using solar collector. By reflecting and focusing solar sun, it will increase received hot energy till maximal and less time needed. Another that, solar also absosrbed by copper plate and temperature will keep increasing because copper plate absorb hot energy from direct solar and reflected one to increase drying speed. Room also affect drying process because room is isolated by alumunium. This simple functional oven can help increasing kerupuk productivity and profit because without any complicated knowledge or experiences everyone can use it. This oven also need not any electricity and production cost so low economic citizen or micro business can be prosperous especially in kerupuk business

    Kajian Perkuatan Struktur Gedung Yang Disesuaikan Dengan Sni Gempa 03-1726-2012 Kota Semarang Studi Kasus Gedung Kuliah Utama Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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    The Main Lecture Building of Engineering Faculty of Diponegoro University construction process start form June 2010 and be expected to finish at November 2010 but until October 2015 this building can not used as it planned because the construction process have some trouble. Design of this building still use the old guidence that is Earthquake SNI 03-1726-2002. This day that guidence has been updated become Earthquake SNI 03-1726-2012. Because of that this building need to studied so the building can accord with the new guidence. The purpose of this study is to design the structure strengthening so the building can accord with the new guidence. The method of this study is collect the data of laboratory examination. This data will use to determine the quality of materials for calculate nominal capacity. Then redesign the structure using SAP 2000 so that we can know the forces in every element of this structure. Then compere these forces with nominal capacity of the existed structure which is manually calculate under guidence of Concrete SNI 03-1726-2013. If the forces from SAP 2000 analysis bigger than the nominal capacity then the element need strengthening. The reviewed element are beam, column, joint and caisson foundation with strengthening use fiber reinforced polymer under guidence of ACI 440 and concrete jacketing. The result of analysis based on Earthquake SNI 03-1726-2012 show that some element in this building can not hold the forces. Beam can not hold the shear forces. Because of that, beam need the FRP shear strengthening to increase the nominal capacity. Beside beam, column also can hold the forces there are axial and moment. Because of this column need to use the concrete jacketing method to increase the nominal capacity. Concrete jacketing method more efficient than FRP strengthening for column

    Korelasi Hasil Gabah Dan Komponen Hasil Padi Hibrida

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    One of the objectives in rice breeding is to increase grain yield. Grain yield is quantitative characters that are complex and highly influenced by the environment. The selection of superior genotypes should not only base on grain yield, but also need to consider characters that associated with grain yield. This research was to evaluate the relation between grain yield and yield components of experimental hybrid rice. The information would be useful for determining selection criteria in preliminary and advanced yield trial. The experiment was conducted during the rainy season (November-February) of 2013 in Cilacap, Central Java and in Malang, East Java, using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications. A total of 18 experimental hybrid rice and two check varieties, namely Hipa 8 and Ciherang were used in the study. Results showed that grain yield was affected by locations, genotypes and interaction between locations and genoptypes. The average yield of Hipa 8 was 9 t/ha, while Ciherang was 8.78 t/ha. Panicle length, 1,000 seed weight, percentage of filled grain and number of productive tillers as yield components gave positive effects on the increased of grain yield and could be used as selection criteria for choosing genotype among experimental hybrid rice. There were two experimental hybrids, i.e. A7/BH25B-1B (9.13 t/ha) and A1/CRS516 (9.15 t/ha) that produce the highest grain yield and are potential to be released as new hybrid variety