105 research outputs found

    Policy Criminal Fines and Imprisonment Substitute Fines

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    This research is motivated problems in policy implementation criminal fines and imprisonment substitute fines for criminal narcotics which are still being debated in the community. The method used in this study is a normative legal research conducted in an attempt to obtain the necessary legal materials in connection with the problem. Legal materials used are the primary legal materials, which consist of the Act and the judge's decision. Narcotics Act and court decisions relevant to the formulation of research problems have been studied to answer the formulation problems, and analysis using juridical methods. This study founded substitutes for policy implementation imprisonment penalty as a penal policy for the convict in the case of narcotic because it is a legal dictation

    Effectiveness of Short Term Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation for Non-neurogenic Overactive Bladder Syndrome in Adults: A Meta-analysis

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    Aim: to evaluate the effectiveness of short-term PTNS for non-neurogenic OAB in adults systematically by comparing with sham procedure and other treatments. Methods: we performed a systematic review of cohort study. Data sources were MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, National Library for Health, Cochrane, and google scholar from 2005 through 2015. Meta-analysis was performed using the random effects model. Heterogeneity of effects was assessed by calculating I2 statistic. Statistical analysis was performed using Review Manager 5.3 for RCT meta-analysis. Results: we analized 11 randomised controlled trial (RCT) and five prospective non-comparative studies with variable success rate. Based on percentage of responders, the results were 37.3% - 81.8% in PTNS group, 0% - 20.9% in sham group, 54.8% in anti-muscarinic group, and 89.7% in multimodal group. The decrease of voiding symptoms episodes per day was found in PTNS (0.7-4.5), sham (0.3-1.5), and anti-muscarinic (0.6-2.9) groups. In meta-analysis of four RCTs, the results favour PTNS over sham procedure with overall risk ratio of 7.32(95% CI of 1.69-32.16), p=0.09, I2=54%. Conclusion: there is an evidence of effectiveness of short term PTNS in treatment of non-neurogenic OAB. PTNS is proven significantly better than sham procedure.Key words: overactive bladder, percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation, sham, anti-muscarinic, voiding symptoms

    Youth Catholic Center

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    Katolik yang terdiri dari sebagian besar kaum muda-mudi. Pusat katolik yang memenuhi keingan kaum muda-mudi katolik dan tidak mengesampingkan tujuan gereja katolik sendiri Muda-mudi katolik membutuhkan tempat pusat katolik yang miliki tiga unsur yaitu sosial, spiritual, dan edukasi. Sosial dengan mengikuti keinginan muda-mudi katolik saat ini, spiritual dengan menyediakan sarana doa yang merefleksikan diri kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Edukasi dengan penyebaran pengetahuan agama katolik dan lingkungannya. dengan konsep yang bertemakan anak muda dan berpedoman pada kebebasan agama Katolik. Maka konsep yang digunakan adalah konsep yang fleksibel menurut area masing-masing. Area sosial mengguanakn konsep dinamis dan area spiritual menggunakan konsep tenang, natural, dan sederhana. Dengan menarik anak-anak muda melalui desain yang optimal dapat mengajarkan mereka tujuan agama katolik dengan cara yang lebih sosial.// /

    Analisis Tingkat Kebangkrutan Model Altman, Foster, dan Springate pada Perusahaan Property And Real Estate Go Public di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Periode 2008-2011)

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    This study purpose to determine whether there are differences among Altman model, Foster model and Springate model in forecasting bankruptcy, and to find out which bankruptcy prediction models has the most excellent implementation on company property and real estate in Indonesia. Comparison of those three models were made by analyzing the accuracy of each model, by using the real condition of a companys net income. The data used in the form of annual financial statements published by the companies in the Indonesia Stock Exchange.The population used is a property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2008-2011. The sampling technique is porposive sampling with a total sample obtained by 18 companies. Paried sample t-test used to examine differences among Altman, Foster and Springate models in predicting bankruptcy.The result from this research showed that there is no statistical difference between Altman and Foster models in 2008-2010, but it occurs in 2011. Next, ther is a statistical difference between Altman and Springate models in 2008-2011, but it is not going on between Foster and Springate models. So, Springate model is the best way in a prediction of bankruptcy.Keywords: Bankruptcy, PredictionModels, Financial Ratios, Financial Statemen

    Perencanaan Tebal Lapis Tambah (Overlay) dengan Perbandingan Metode PD T-05-2005-B dan Manual Perkerasan Jalan Nomor 02/M/BM/2013

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    Directorate General of Highways has issued many rules and guidelines in plotting the added layer thickness. These guidelines and rules continue to be improved and refined by DGH. Thisresearch will be discussed with the thickness of layers added by doing comparison method of Pd T-05-2005-B and Road Pavement Design Manual No. 02 / M / BM / 2013. The result of theanalysis showed that the accumulated equivalent value of sunburst standard of 10 years old age of 6,546,500.63 ESA. Differences in seasonal and temperature correction factors make theresult of the thickness of the layers added by two different methods. The result for thick layer added method Pd T-05-2005-B equal to 13,0 cm while for Road Pavement Design Manual No.02 / M / BM / 2013 equal to 8,6 cm

    Korelasi Status Gizi dan Durasi Diare pada Balita dengan Diare Akut di Ruang Rawat Inap Anak RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau

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    Diarrhea emerges as the developing countries major cause of mortality and morbidity in children under five years especially in Indonesia. Malnutrition and infection well-known have directionally related. Malnutrition was able to be predisposing factor of infection especially enteric infection. Malnourished children had increased risk to have a worse or longer diarrheal duration more than normal children of nutritional status. This study aimed to describe correlation between nutritional status and diarrheal duration in children under five years of age in the Pediaetric Unit of Arifin Achmad General Hospital of Riau Province. This study was found 30 hospitalized childrens under five years with acute diarrhea whom 53,3% were 0-12 years old, 53,3% were males, 80,0% had normal Z-score, 86,7% with mild dehydration, 93,3% length of stay < 5 days and 53,3% diarrheal duration 4-7 days. Sommer\u27s d test had shown r = 0,044 and p value = 0,772. There was no significant association between nutritional status and diarrheal duration in hospitalized children under five years of age with acute diarrhea in Arifin Achmad General hospital of Riau Provinc

    Ciri-ciri Bahasa Running Text Pada Kabar Pagi Di Channel Tvone (the Language Style of Running Text in Kabar Pagi on Tvone Channel)

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    Running text is a short news report running continuously underneath of television screen during a certain programme. The function of running text is to make the audience get easier understanding from the information of some events happened, without directly seeing from the news programme or the stage. The rersearch ontends to describe and explain the use of diction, sentence pattern, and productivity of the sentence pattern of running text in Kabar Pagi news on tvOne channel. The result shows that there are four kinds of disctions within running text, those are origin verb, derived verbs which are separated from prefiks, abbreviation, and acronym. There are five kinds of sentence pattern used within running text, those are simple sentence, complex sentence, direct speech, invitation sentence, and special short sentence for sports. According to amount of sentence can be concluded that the most productive sentence pattern is the simple sentence

    Optimasi Kinerja Protokol Aodv Dengan Static Intersection Node

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    VANET adalah sebuah pengembangan teknologi yang memungkinkan komunikasi antar kendaraan meskipun tidak terdapat koneksi secara langsung antara kendaraan yang berkomunikasi. Untuk meningkatkan performa protokol routing, maka pada penelitian ini akan ditambahkan SIN (Static Intersection Node). Static Intersection Node adalah RSU (Road Side Unit) yang diletakkan di persimpangan jalan (intersection). Fungsi dari Static Intersection Node pada penelitian ini adalah sebagai repeater untuk membantu mengirimkan paket data ke kendaraan lain yang berada disekitarnya sehingga dapat meningkatkan Packet Delivery Ratio serta meminimalkan Packet Loss dan End to End Delay
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