75 research outputs found

    The Dimension of Seriousness in Moral Education

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    Freedom as a Value of Practice in Ethical Learning

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    Pædagogik, normativitet og videnskab

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    Frihed som praksisværdi i moralsk og etisk læring

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    Dannelsesbegrebets rolle som regulativ ide i teoretisk pædagogik – Dannelsesbegrebet og den pædagogiske forskning

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    In this paper, it will be argued that the concept of ‘Bildung’ has a twofold role in pedagogical research. On the one hand, it holds a position for conceptual analysis and discussions of how a pedagogical relation is established between an individual and the world. In this sense, it belongs to theoretical pedagogics. Humboldt concepts of receptivity and self-determination (Selbstätigkeit) and Klafki’s theory of categorial pedagogy are central contributions to this discussion. On the other hand, the concept of Bildung has a role as a regulative idea due to the ideas and imaginations of various forms of humanity it contains. In this sense, it fulfills an ethical dimension since it is regulative for the pedagogical relationship between individual and world

    Forståelse i forskningsbaseret undervisning – især i relation til humanog samfundsvidenskab

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    I artiklen vil der på baggrund af en sammenligning af to paradigmer inden for uddannelsestænkning – en angelsaksisk curriculumtænkning (eksemplificeret ved John Biggs) og en kontinental didaktisk tænkning (eksemplificeret ved Wolfgang Klafki) – blive diskuteret forskelle mellem beskrivelser af idealer for studerendes forståelse med henblik på en diskussionaf, hvad det vil sige at forstå i forskningsbaseret undervisning. Der vil blive argumenteret for, at der skal være en ontologisk dimension på to planer til stede i forskningsbaseret forståelse

    Moralsk opdragelse: Pligtens begreb i Grue-Sørensens tænkning

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    The paper explores the concept of duty in the moral philosophy of the Danish educational philosopher KnudGrue-Sørensen. The aim is to discuss how Grue-Sørensen’s view on duty might contribute to answering thequestion of what the content of moral education should be. Grue-Sørensen is inspired by the German philosopherImmanuel Kant, but even though he in his prize dissertation from 1937 addresses the possibility ofobjective morality, he adopts a more pragmatic approach regarding what it means to do one’s duty. In anactual Danish daily life context, the concept of duty has lost its moral meaning and decayed into a matter ofdomestic duties such as cleaning and dishwashing. Grue-Sørensen’s view on duty in an educational contextmight contribute to revitalizing the concept in a more pragmatic sense, which is useful for teachers, socialeducators, children, and parents.   &nbsp

    Dannelsens værdifylde

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    The paper discusses how theories of ‘Bildung’ can contribute to the pedagogical professions. The point of departure is to view Bildung as a concept with a content of values which contributes to discussions about norms and value-orientation in education. Inspired by the philosopher Nicolai Hartmann, the paper introduces ‘fullness of value’ [Wertefülle] as an educational and analytical concept that helps to support a systematic study of value content in educational theory and practice. In order to provide an example, the paper offers a brief systematic analysis of the Bildung theorist Dietrich Benner’s concept of the non-affirmative. Theories of Bildung are not to be translated and directly applied in educational practice but provide a co- and counterplay to this. Theories of Bildung contribute to draft models of coherent educational views. In this way, the theories of Bildung propose, give the reason for and discuss the ideals of Bildung for future education in order to create reflection and discussion in public and the pedagogical profession

    Eksamen er et komplekst fænomen

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