4 research outputs found

    Projekt inteligentnego t艂umacza j臋zyka jawajskiego jako alternatywa dla zachowania zagro偶onych j臋zyk贸w

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    Language is a means of communication in writing and in speech, is important part of culture of every nation, and helps to maintain the history and civilization. The domination of languages such as English reduces the significance of local languages and makes them marginalised. Many research projects address endangered languages, in the attempted vitalisation methods and development of theireffectiveteaching methods. The article discusses Intelligent Tutoring System as applied to Artificial Javanese Intelligent Tutor (AJI-Tutor).J臋zyk jest 艣rodkiem komunikacji w pi艣mie i w mowie. Jest wa偶n膮 cz臋艣ci膮 kultury ka偶dego narodu, s艂u偶y zachowaniu historii i cywilizacji. Dominacja j臋zyk贸w takich jak angielski zmniejsza znaczenie lokalnych j臋zyk贸w i przyczynia si臋 do ich marginalizacji. Wiele projekt贸w badawczych adresuje zagro偶one j臋zyki, w pr贸bie o偶ywienia metod ich witalizacji i rozwoju metod ich nauczania. Artyku艂 omawia Intelligent Tutoring Systems w zastosowaniu do Artificial Javanese Intelligent Tutor (AJI Tutor)

    T艂umaczenie maszynowe z klasyfikacj膮 poziom贸w j臋zyka jawajskiego

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    A hybrid corpus-based machine processing has been developed to produce a proper Javanese speech level translation. The developed statistical memory-based machine translation shows significantly accurate results. Integration of an automatic text classifier and an expert system is proposed to help Javanese in classifying the speech levels used for a specific interlocutor. Javanese rule-based expert system is designed while naive Bayes classifier is selected after outperforming simple logic probability approach. As a result, the average of translation accuracy (72.3%) indicates that the integrated intelligent interfaces could effectively solve the Javanese language pragmatic translation problems.Hybrydowy korpus maszynowy dla cel贸w translacji zosta艂 opracowany w celu uzyskania w艂a艣ciwego t艂umaczenia poziomu j臋zyka jawajskiego. Rozwini臋te t艂umaczenie na bazie statystycznej wykazuje wyj膮tkowo dok艂adne wyniki. Integracja automatycznego klasyfikatora tekstu i systemu eksperckiego jest propozycja aby pom贸c u偶ytkownikom j臋zyka jawajskiego w klasyfikacji poziom贸w mowy wykorzystywanych dla konkretnego rozm贸wcy. Zaprojektowany system ekspertowy w powi膮zaniu z klasyfikatorem naive Bayes wykazuje przewag臋 nad prostym podej艣ciem logiki prawdopodobie艅stwa. W rezultacie 艣rednia uzyskana dok艂adno艣膰 t艂umaczenia (72,3%) wskazuje, 偶e zintegrowane inteligentne interfejsy mog膮 skutecznie rozwi膮zywa膰 problemy pragmatycznego t艂umaczenia j臋zyka jawajskiego

    Designed operating approach of economic dispatch for java bali power grid areas considered wind energy and pollutant emission optimized using thunderstorm algorithm based on forward cloud charge mechanism

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    Due to ecological and economic benefits, variable energy sources are considered as a key factor in the world-wide energy security. The main operational problems associated with these sources are their variability and intermittency. Therefore, the inclusion in the fleet of the energy mix as the standard conventional generators is difficult. The wind energy is among the most dominant renewable source. Furthermore, this paper focuses on the inclusion of the wind energy impact on the Economic Dispatch (ED) optimization problem. The ED problem also considers the minimization of pollutant emissions from fossil-based sources. The Thunderstorm Algorithm (TA) is presented in this paper as a new intelligent computation technique for optimizing the Integrated Wind Energy and Pollutant Emissions into the Economic Dispatch (IWEPEED) problem. The algorithm is tested on the modified IEEE 62-bus system with wind energy integrated into the system as an area developing model of Java Bali Power Grid development. The results show the potential and success of the TA for solving the IWEPEED optimization problem with a short computational time and a fast convergence. 漏 2018 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved.0045/E3/LL/2018The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of Directorate General for Research and Development, Directorate of Research and Community Service, the Ministry of Research; Technology; and Higher Education, Indonesia, for the Overseas Research Collaboration Grant in 2018 based on the letter number 0045/E3/LL/2018 covered in PKLN DIKTI. The authors also thank the Electrical Engineering Department and the Electric Energy Conversion Laboratory, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

    Evaluation of the power transaction considering the transmission use of system charges and system constraints

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    In general, the optimal power transaction is expressed using a total operating cost for the joined generating units while the power delivery is dispatched using a power schedule commitment. These financial aspect and power participation are used to measure all technical processes during providing and selling energy to customers. Moreover, the power delivery to the energy user is also constrained by transmission capabilities associated with transmission charges at all operators. Recently, the power system deregulation leads to sectional charges of the system. In addition, the power system should be operated in the feasible lowest cost under economic and environmental penetrations. To cover both penetrations and technical constraints, artificial bee colony algorithm and artificial salmon tracking algorithm are used to find out the optimal power composition considering transmission charges, generating costs, and pollutant compensations. Results show that the total minimum cost depends on technical factor schemes. Various combined power portions also give numerical implications on the economic operation, power production, and power transaction. In particular, generated powers lead to the total cost and the total pollutant discharge for each generating unit. Power delivery on the system conducts to the delivery fee as the transmission use of system charges. 漏 2018 ICIC International.Acknowledgment. This work is partially supported by Directorate General for Research and Development, the Ministry of Research; Technology; and Higher Education, Indonesia, for the Overseas Research Collaboration Grant in 2018. The authors also thank to the Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia