3,441 research outputs found

    Łódź w krajowym i regionalnym systemie transportowym

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    This article presents the location of Łódź in the transport network of Poland and the Łódź region. It focuses on the centre’s location in reference to the main elements of road, rail and air networks on a national and regional scale. Due to physical and geographical location of Łódź, the three branches of transport exhaust the city’s transport possibilities. Besides that, transport relations of Łódź are characterized as far as the functioning public transport is concerned, considering all the aforementioned modes of transport. The study also includes information on the significance of Łódź as a transport node for cargo transport. All these analyses precede reflections on the location of Łódź against the background of trans-European transport corridors as well as an overview of historical conditioning of transport connections of the area of today’s Łódź.W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono położenie Łodzi w sieci transportowej Polski oraz regionu łódzkiego. Skupiono się na lokalizacji ośrodka względem głównych elementów sieci drogowej, kolejowej i lotniczej we wskazanej skali krajowej i regionalnej. Ze względu na fizycznogeograficzne położenie Łodzi, te trzy gałęzie transportu wyczerpują możliwości transportowych powiązań miasta. Ponadto poddano charakterystyce relacje transportowe Łodzi w zakresie funkcjonującego transportu zbiorowego z uwzględnieniem wymienionych wcześniej form przewozu. Opracowanie zawiera również informacje na temat znaczenia Łodzi jako węzła transportowego przy przepływach ładunków. Wszystkie powyższe analizy poprzedzają rozważania nad lokalizacją Łodzi na tle transeuropejskich korytarzy transportowych oraz przegląd historycznych uwarunkowań powiązań transportowych obszaru dzisiejszej Łodzi

    Significance of Trans-European Transport Networks for Logistics Centre Localization as Exemplified by the Łódź Region

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    This work complements and structures knowledge in the field of logistics centres (with focus on the Łódź region). It presents a thorough analysis of strategic documents of the European Union in reference to the functioning of international transport networks. It also provides a detailed description of logistics facilities operations from the theoretical standpoint and definition of relations in points where logistics centres and TEN-T networks overlap. The result of this work is a set of recommendations referring to effective development of logistics centres on the background of transport corridors

    The Recent Investment Activity of Global Sovereign Wealth Funds

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    Although there has been vivid academic debate as to what extent Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) are motivated by political reasons, it is rather clear that countries can use state-owned investment funds as a tool of their foreign policy. Even Barack Obama, during his initial presidential campaign in 2008 commented: “I am obviously concerned if these… sovereign wealth funds are motivated by more than just market consideration and that’s obviously a possibility”. This book looks at SWF activities in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) to determine the main motives for SWF presence in CEE. Are the potential financial gains the only reason behind their investments? Are SWF activities in the region dangerous for the stability and security of the CEE countries? The book is pioneering analyses of SWFs behaviour in the region, based on empirical data collected from the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute Transaction Database, arguably the most comprehensive and authoritative resource tracking SWF investment behaviour globally.Rozdział pochodzi z książki: Political Players? Sovereign Wealth Funds’ Investments in Central and Eastern Europe, T. Kamiński (ed.), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2017.This chapter encapsulates the most recent findings on sovereign wealth fund (SWF) investment activity globally. The key research proposals addressed herein relate to the position of global SWFs among conventional and alternative asset managers, SWF allocation strategies, their recent investment behavior and its likely evolution in the foreseeable future.This book was published in frames of project “Political significance of the Sovereign Wealth Funds’ investments in the Central and Eastern Europe”. The project was financed by the Polish National Science Centre (Decision no. DEC-2012/07/B/HS5/03797)


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    The Competitiveness of Central and Eastern European (CEE) Financial Markets

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    Although there has been vivid academic debate as to what extent Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) are motivated by political reasons, it is rather clear that countries can use state-owned investment funds as a tool of their foreign policy. Even Barack Obama, during his initial presidential campaign in 2008 commented: “I am obviously concerned if these… sovereign wealth funds are motivated by more than just market consideration and that’s obviously a possibility”. This book looks at SWF activities in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) to determine the main motives for SWF presence in CEE. Are the potential financial gains the only reason behind their investments? Are SWF activities in the region dangerous for the stability and security of the CEE countries? The book is pioneering analyses of SWFs behaviour in the region, based on empirical data collected from the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute Transaction Database, arguably the most comprehensive and authoritative resource tracking SWF investment behaviour globally.Rozdział pochodzi z książki: Political Players? Sovereign Wealth Funds’ Investments in Central and Eastern Europe, T. Kamiński (ed.), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2017.The research seeks to gauge the global competitiveness of Central and Eastern European (CEE) financial markets. The assessment is made using quantitative and hybrid metrics of financial centre development while placing particular emphasis on competitiveness drivers relevant to the activity of global sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) in the CEE region.This book was published in frames of project “Political significance of the Sovereign Wealth Funds’ investments in the Central and Eastern Europe”. The project was financed by the Polish National Science Centre (Decision no. DEC-2012/07/B/HS5/03797)

    The Effectiveness of Real Estate Market Versus Efficiency of Its Participants

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    This paper attempts to prove the following hypothesis: the effectiveness of a real estate market may be identified by analysing the effectiveness of its participants. The authors also discuss methods based on the rough set theory which can influence the efficiency and efficacy of market participants, and consequently, the effectiveness of the real estate market and its participants