4 research outputs found

    Nonverbal communication of trauma patients in a state of minimal consciousness

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    Introduction. In spite of the rapid development in various communication-support technologies for those waking up from a coma, studies describing the sole process of reconstructing communication in this group of patients are scarce. Objective. The aim of this study was to analyze communication reactions in a minimal state of consciousness and describe the nonverbal behaviours characteristic for each stages significant for the therapy of communication. Materials and method. 18 severely brain-injured patients in a minimal state of consciousness participated in the half-year observation study, which included people experiencing at least 4 weeks of consciousness disorder/coma. Age of patients 25±5 years. Psychological assessment included: observation of various attempts of communications undertaken by patients, caregivers and family interview, the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and Individual Communication Sheet. Results. Data analysis showed a significant increase in preverbal communication, both in primal and sensory areas when compared between Stage II (GCS=6–8 points) and Stage III (GCS=9–12 points). After a time, primary communication reached a high level. Patients produced communication attempts from the behaviour organization level, and an increase in the nonverbal communication level was noted. Based on observations, nonverbal communication profiles for each stage of waking up from a coma were introduced. Conclusions. It was found that in the process of waking up from a coma the patients communicate with the use of the preverbal level of primal communication, the sensory and behaviour organization activities. The characteristics of the communication reactions show that in Stage III there is a significant increase in two preverbal communication areas: primal and sensory acts, when compared with Stage II

    Validation of the english version of the Multidimensional Mentalizing Questionnaire (MMQ).

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    Mentalizing refers to the ability to understand one's own and others' mental states. Mentalizing is considered a key component of social cognition and healthy personality development. A multinational assessment tools able to appraise the multidimensional and multifaceted aspects of this complex construct are needed. The present study had two aims: (a) validate an English version of the Multidimensional Mentalizing Questionnaire (MMQ, 33 items) which was designed to assess mentalizing based on an integrated and multilevel model of mentalizing; (b) explore the correlational relationships between the six dimensions of the MMQ and a set of sociodemographic, psycho-cognitive, mental health, and socio-functional variables. Overall, 1823 individuals (age: 19-76 years old [M = 45; SD = 16]; sex: male = 48.51%, female = 50.57%, non-binary = 0.9%) participated in an online survey. While the participants came from 77 different countries, most of them were residents in UK and USA (95%). Data analytics include confirmatory factorial analysis and Pearson correlations. The CFA results validated the factorial structure of a 28-items MMQ-English version, with acceptable goodness of fit indices. Regarding the psychometric properties, the MMQ-English version showed good internal reliability and significant positive correlation with another scale designed to assess an analogue construct showing a fair convergent validity. The findings indicated that males, individuals with lower levels of education, lower socio-economic status, depressed, and with a higher score of loneliness are significantly more likely to report poor mentalizing compared with females, individuals with higher education level, greater SES, happier, and with lower scores of loneliness. The present study validated the English version of the MMQ

    How much online pornography is too much? A comparison of two theoretically distinct assessment scales.

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    Online pornography use, an ever more common activity, has raised myriad psychosocial and clinical concerns. While there is a need to screen for and measure its problematic dimension, there is a debate about the adequacy of existing assessment tools. The study compares two instruments for measuring pathological online pornography use (POPU) that are based on different theoretical frameworks-one in line with DSM-5 criteria and the six-component addiction model and one in line with ICD-11 criteria. An international sample of 1,823 adults (Mean age = 31.66, SD = 6.74) answered an online questionnaire that included the Short Version of the Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale (PPCS-6) and the Assessment of Criteria for Specific Internet-Use Disorders (ACSID-11). Factorial, correlational, and network analyses were conducted on the data. Both tools adequately screened for online "addictive" behavior, but the ACSID-11 was superior in assessing the degree of clinical risk. Depending on the specific aim of the assessment (screening vs. clinical diagnostics), both online pornography measurement tools may be useful

    Validation of the Polish Problematic Tinder Use Scale and Its Relationship with Safe Sex Behaviors.

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    Online dating is a common phenomenon. The manageability and access of the application allows people to quickly reach many potential partners, which can increase risky sexual behaviors. The Problematic Tinder Use Scale (PTUS) was developed and validated in a Polish population by analyzing the reliability, validity, and factor structure of the responses given by Polish-speaking participants. Two samples of adult Tinder users were recruited online. The first study aimed to perform the reliability coefficient Cronbach's, interrater analysis, exploratory, and confirmatory factor analysis. The second sample was recruited to investigate the factor structure by combining it with the Safe Sex Behavior Questionnaire (SSBQ). The sociodemographic data, such as hours of use and number of dates, were also investigated. The Polish participants' responses to the PTUS (sample 1: N = 271, sample 2: N = 162) revealed the one-factor structure of the tool. The reliability of the measurement was α = 0.80. The construct validity was confirmed. The results showed a significant, negative, and weak correlation between the PTUS and SSBQ scores and their subscales: risky sexual behaviors (r = -0.18), condom use (r = -0.22), and avoidance of body fluids (r = -0.17). Moreover, the number of partners met in the real world had a statistically significant, moderate relationship with the PTUS scores. The PTUS measurement is valid and reliable for the Polish population. The findings highlight the need for harm prevention strategies related to potentially addictive Tinder use, as well as the possible risky sexual behaviors associated with dating app use