5,957 research outputs found

    Static and Dynamic Properties of Trapped Fermionic Tonks-Girardeau Gases

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    We investigate some exact static and dynamic properties of one-dimensional fermionic Tonks-Girardeau gases in tight de Broglie waveguides with attractive p-wave interactions induced by a Feshbach resonance. A closed form solution for the one-body density matrix for harmonic trapping is analyzed in terms of its natural orbitals, with the surprising result that for odd, but not for even, numbers of fermions the maximally occupied natural orbital coincides with the ground harmonic oscillator orbital and has the maximally allowed fermionic occupancy of unity. The exact dynamics of the trapped gas following turnoff of the p-wave interactions are explored.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PR

    PT-Symmetric Sinusoidal Optical Lattices at the Symmetry-Breaking Threshold

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    The PTPT symmetric potential V0[cos(2πx/a)+iλsin(2πx/a)]V_0[\cos(2\pi x/a)+i\lambda\sin(2\pi x/a)] has a completely real spectrum for λ1\lambda\le 1, and begins to develop complex eigenvalues for λ>1\lambda>1. At the symmetry-breaking threshold λ=1\lambda=1 some of the eigenvectors become degenerate, giving rise to a Jordan-block structure for each degenerate eigenvector. In general this is expected to result in a secular growth in the amplitude of the wave. However, it has been shown in a recent paper by Longhi, by numerical simulation and by the use of perturbation theory, that for a broad initial wave packet this growth is suppressed, and instead a saturation leading to a constant maximum amplitude is observed. We revisit this problem by explicitly constructing the Bloch wave-functions and the associated Jordan functions and using the method of stationary states to find the dependence on the longitudinal distance zz for a variety of different initial wave packets. This allows us to show in detail how the saturation of the linear growth arises from the close connection between the contributions of the Jordan functions and those of the neighbouring Bloch waves.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures Minor corrections, additional reference

    The AdS_5xS^5 superstring worldsheet S-matrix and crossing symmetry

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    An S-matrix satisying the Yang-Baxter equation with symmetries relevant to the AdS_5xS^5 superstring has recently been determined up to an unknown scalar factor. Such scalar factors are typically fixed using crossing relations, however due to the lack of conventional relativistic invariance, in this case its determination remained an open problem. In this paper we propose an algebraic way to implement crossing relations for the AdS_5xS^5 superstring worldsheet S-matrix. We base our construction on a Hopf-algebraic formulation of crossing in terms of the antipode and introduce generalized rapidities living on the universal cover of the parameter space which is constructed through an auxillary, coupling constant dependent, elliptic curve. We determine the crossing transformation and write functional equations for the scalar factor of the S-matrix in the generalized rapidity plane.Comment: 27 pages, no figures; v2: sign typo fixed in (24), everything else unchange

    Fracture, Fatigue, and Structural Integrity of Metallic Materials and Components Undergoing Random or Variable Amplitude Loadings

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    When quickly reviewing engineering and industrial fields, one often discovers that a large number of metallic components and structures are subjected, in service, to random or variable amplitude loadings. The examples are many: vehicles subjected to loadings and vibrations caused by road irregularity and engine, structures exposed to wind, off-shore platforms undergoing wave-loadings, and so on. Just like constant amplitude loadings, random and variable amplitude loadings can make fatigue cracks initiate and propagate, even up to catastrophic failures. Engineers faced with the problem of estimating the structural integrity and the fatigue strength of metallic structures, or their propensity to fracture, usually make use of theoretical or experimental approaches, or both. Counting methods (e.g., rainflow) provide information on the fatigue cycles in the load, whereas damage accumulation laws (as the celebrated Palmgren–Miner linear rule) establish how to sum up the damage of each counted cycle. In structural integrity, this is named as the “time-domain” approach. Over recent years, the “frequency-domain” approach has also received increasing and widespread use, especially with random loadings; this approach estimates fatigue life based on load statistical properties represented, in the frequency domain, by a power spectral density. Neither of the previous approaches, however, can do without the support of experimental laboratory testing, which provides a means to collect material strength data under specific loading conditions, or to verify preliminary estimations. The purpose of this Special Issue is to collect articles aimed at providing an up-todate overview of approaches and case studies—theoretical, numerical or experimental—on several topics in the field of fracture, fatigue strength, and the structural integrity of metallic components subjected to random or variable amplitude loadings

    Modelling and analysis of current and concept vehicles for the purpose of enhancing vehicle handling: executive summary

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    In this document, research into the modelling and analysis of current and concept vehicles for the purpose of enhancing vehicle handling is summarised. This work is recounted in detail in a portfolio of reports that has been submitted for the degree of Doctor of Engineering. The portfolio includes fifteen submissions, eleven of which are concerned with the analysis and simulation of drivers' steering behaviour. Two relate to a novel suspension concept. One addresses a current problem caused by suspension variability and one introduces a process for selecting between new suspension concepts. Each of these fifteen submissions is summarised in this document. In addition, the order in which it is recommended that these submissions be read is listed. In section 4, a project summary of the research into the analysis and simulation of drivers' steering behaviour is presented. Existing models of drivers' steering behaviour are reviewed. Vehicle tests that illustrate the different steering styles used by different drivers are recounted. A driver model that simulates the steering behaviour exhibited in these tests is formulated . Then, this driver model is used to develop a switching strategy for variable dampers. It is demonstrated that the switching strategy enhances vehicle handling and reduces the roll experienced by drivers during a handling manoeuvre. Finally, it is verified that this research complies with the requirement of the degree of Doctor of Engineering to demonstrate innovation in the application of knowledge to the engineering business environment. This is achieved by specifying eight examples of where new ideas and methods have been applied to address current issues within the automotive industry

    Vafa-Witten theorem and Lee-Yang singularities

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    We prove the analyticity of the finite volume QCD partition function for complex values of the theta-vacuum parameter. The absence of singularities different from Lee-Yang zeros only permits ^ cusp singularities in the vacuum energy density and never v cusps. This fact together with the Vafa-Witten diamagnetic inequality implies the vanishing of the density of Lee-Yang zeros at theta=0 and has an important consequence: the absence of a first order phase transition at theta=0. The result provides a key missing link in the Vafa-Witten proof of parity symmetry conservation in vector-like gauge theories and follows from renormalizability, unitarity, positivity and existence of BPS bounds. Generalizations of this theorem to other physical systems are also discussed, with particular interest focused on the non-linear CPn sigma model.Comment: 9 page

    Kernel functions and B\"acklund transformations for relativistic Calogero-Moser and Toda systems

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    We obtain kernel functions associated with the quantum relativistic Toda systems, both for the periodic version and for the nonperiodic version with its dual. This involves taking limits of previously known results concerning kernel functions for the elliptic and hyperbolic relativistic Calogero-Moser systems. We show that the special kernel functions at issue admit a limit that yields generating functions of B\"acklund transformations for the classical relativistic Calogero-Moser and Toda systems. We also obtain the nonrelativistic counterparts of our results, which tie in with previous results in the literature.Comment: 76 page

    Family memories in the home: contrasting physical and digital mementos

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    We carried out fieldwork to characterise and compare physical and digital mementos in the home. Physical mementos are highly valued, heterogeneous and support different types of recollection. Contrary to expectations, we found physical mementos are not purely representational, and can involve appropriating common objects and more idiosyncratic forms. In contrast, digital mementos were initially perceived as less valuable, although participants later reconsidered this. Digital mementos were somewhat limited in function and expression, largely involving representational photos and videos, and infrequently accessed. We explain these digital limitations and conclude with design guidelines for digital mementos, including better techniques for accessing and integrating these into everyday life, allowing them to acquire the symbolic associations and lasting value that characterise their physical counterparts

    Zero modes on cosmic strings in an external magnetic field

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    A classical analysis suggests that an external magnetic field can cause trajectories of charge carriers on a superconducting domain wall or cosmic string to bend, thus expelling charge carriers with energy above the mass threshold into the bulk. We study this process by solving the Dirac equation for a fermion of mass mfm_f and charge ee, in the background of a domain wall and a magnetic field of strength BB. We find that the modes of the charge carriers get shifted into the bulk, in agreement with classical expectations. However the dispersion relation for the zero modes changes dramatically -- instead of the usual linear dispersion relation, ωk=k\omega_k =k, the new dispersion relation is well fit by ωmftanh(k/k)\omega \approx m_f tanh(k/k_*) where k=mfk_*=m_f for a thin wall in the weak field limit, and k=eBwk_*=eBw for a thick wall of width ww. This result shows that the energy of the charge carriers on the domain wall remains below the threshold for expulsion even in the presence of an external magnetic field. If charge carriers are expelled due to an additional perturbation, they are most likely to be ejected at the threshold energy mf\sim m_f.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Adiabatic-Impulse approximation for avoided level crossings: from phase transition dynamics to Landau-Zener evolutions and back again

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    We show that a simple approximation based on concepts underlying the Kibble-Zurek theory of second order phase transition dynamics can be used to treat avoided level crossing problems. The approach discussed in this paper provides an intuitive insight into quantum dynamics of two level systems, and may serve as a link between the theory of dynamics of classical and quantum phase transitions. To illustrate these ideas we analyze dynamics of a paramagnet-ferromagnet quantum phase transition in the Ising model. We also present exact unpublished solutions of the Landau-Zener like problems.Comment: 12 pages & 6 figures, minor corrections, version accepted in Phys. Rev.