177 research outputs found

    Recommender systems and the amplification of extremist content

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    Policymakers have recently expressed concerns over the role of recommendation algorithms and their role in forming “filter bubbles.” This is a particularly prescient concern in the context of extremist content online; these algorithms may promote extremist content at the expense of more moderate voices. In this article, we make two contributions to this debate. Firstly, we provide a novel empirical analysis of three platforms’ recommendation systems when interacting with far-right content. We find that one platform – YouTube – does amplify extreme and fringe content, while two – Reddit and Gab – do not. Secondly, we contextualise these findings into the regulatory debate. There are currently few policy instruments for dealing with algorithmic amplification, and those that do exist largely focus on transparency. We argue that policymakers have yet to fully understand the problems inherent in “de-amplifying” legal, borderline content and argue that a co-regulatory approach may offer a route towards tackling many of these challenges

    Clinical Efficacy of Romidepsin in Tumor Stage and Folliculotropic Mycosis Fungoides

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    AbstractBackgroundTumor stage and folliculotropic mycosis fungoides are uncommon subtypes of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) with an aggressive disease course. Romidepsin is a histone deacetylase inhibitor approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for patients with CTCL who have received ≥ 1 previous systemic therapy. In the present study, we examined the efficacy and safety of romidepsin in patients from the pivotal, single-arm, open-label, phase II study of relapsed or refractory CTCL with cutaneous tumors and/or folliculotropic disease involvement.Materials and MethodsPatients with CTCL who had received ≥ 1 previous systemic therapy received romidepsin at 14 mg/m2 on days 1, 8, and 15 of 28-day cycles. Responses were determined by a composite endpoint (assessments of the skin, blood, and lymph nodes). Patients with cutaneous tumors and/or folliculotropic disease involvement were identified by review of diagnosis and histology reports.ResultsThe objective response rate to romidepsin was 45% in patients with cutaneous tumors (n = 20) and 60% in patients with folliculotropic disease involvement (n = 10).ConclusionRomidepsin is active in subtypes of CTCL with less favorable outcomes, such as tumor stage and folliculotropic mycosis fungoides

    Lack of Suppressive CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ T Cells in Advanced Stages of Primary Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma

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    Mycosis fungoides and its leukemic variant, Sezary syndrome, are the most common primary cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (CTCLs). In an ex vivo study, we investigated the percentage, phenotype, and suppressive function of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) from peripheral blood of CTCL patients. The percentage of Tregs did not differ significantly between patients and controls. Functional assays demonstrated a dichotomy in Treg function: in four out of 10 patients CD4+CD25+ T cells were incapable of suppressing autologous CD4+CD25− T-cell proliferation, whereas suppressive function was intact in the other six patients. Suppressive activity of Tregs inversely correlated with the peripheral blood tumor burden. T-plastin gene expression, used as a Sezary cell marker, confirmed that Sezary cells were heterogeneous for CD25 expression. Mixed lymphocyte reactions demonstrated that CD4+CD25− T cells from patients who lacked functional Tregs were susceptible to suppression by Tregs from healthy controls, and had not become suppressive themselves. Furthermore, we found reduced expression of Foxp3 in the CD4+CD25+ Tregs of these patients relative to the other six CTCL patients and controls. Our findings thus indicate a dysfunction of peripheral Tregs in certain CTCL patients, which correlates with tumor burden

    The Usefulness of Elemental Iron for Cereal Flour Fortification: a Sustain Task Force Report

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    Fortification of cereal flours may be a useful public health strategy to combat iron deficiency. Cereal flours that are used shortly after production (e.g., baking flour) can be fortified with soluble iron compounds, such as ferrous sulfate, whereas the majority of flours stored for longer periods is usually fortified with elemental iron powders to avoid unacceptable sensory changes. Elemental iron powders are less well absorbed than soluble iron compounds and they vary widely in their absorption depending on manufacturing method and physicochemical characteristics. Costs vary with powder type, but elemental iron powders are generally less expensive than ferrous sulfate. This review evaluates the usefulness of the different elemental iron powders based on results from in vitro studies, rat assays, human bioavailability studies, and efficacy studies monitoring iron status in human subjects. It concludes that, at the present time, only electrolytic iron powder can be recommended as an iron fortificant. Because it is only approximately half as well absorbed as ferrous sulfate, it should be added to provide double the amount of iro

    ‘It's a traumatic illness, traumatic to witness’:a qualitative study of the experiences of bereaved family caregivers of patients with cutaneous T‐cell lymphoma

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    BackgroundCutaneous T‐cell lymphomas (CTCL) are rare cancers which can be difficult to diagnose, are incurable and adversely affect quality of life, particularly in advanced disease. Families often provide care, but little is known about their experiences or needs while caring for their relative with advanced disease or in bereavement.ObjectivesTo explore the experiences of bereaved family caregivers of patients with CTCL.MethodsSingle semi‐structured qualitative interviews were conducted with bereaved family caregivers of patients with CTCL recruited via a supra‐regional CTCL clinic. Transcribed interviews were analysed thematically, focusing on advanced disease, the approach of death and bereavement.ResultsFifteen carers of eleven deceased patients participated. Experiences clustered under four themes1 Complexity of care and medical intervention2 Carer roles in advanced CTCL3 Person vs. organisation‐centred care in advanced CTCL4 Knowing and not knowing: reflections on dying, death and bereavementCaregivers often had vivid recollections of the challenges of caring for their relative with advanced CTCL and some took on quasi‐professional roles as a result. Advanced disease made high demands on both organisational flexibility and family resources. For many caregivers, seeing disease progression was a prolonged and profoundly traumatic experience. The extent to which they were prepared for their relative's death and supported in bereavement was highly variable.Subthemes within each theme provide more detail about caregiver experiences.ConclusionsFamily caregivers should be considered part of the wider healthcare team, acknowledging their multiple roles and the challenges they encounter in looking after their relative with CTCL as the disease progresses. Their experiences highlight the importance of organisational flexibility and of good communication between health care providers in advanced CTCL

    Shallow seafloor gas emissions near Heard and McDonald Islands on the Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Spain, E. A., Johnson, S. C., Hutton, B., Whittaker, J. M., Lucieer, V., Watson, S. J., Fox, J. M., Lupton, J., Arculus, R., Bradney, A., & Coffin, M. F. Shallow seafloor gas emissions near Heard and McDonald Islands on the Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean. Earth and Space Science, 7(3), (2020): e2019EA000695, doi:10.1029/2019EA000695.Bubble emission mechanisms from submerged large igneous provinces remains enigmatic. The Kerguelen Plateau, a large igneous province in the southern Indian Ocean, has a long sustained history of active volcanism and glacial/interglacial cycles of sedimentation, both of which may cause seafloor bubble production. We present the results of hydroacoustic flare observations around the underexplored volcanically active Heard Island and McDonald Islands on the Central Kerguelen Plateau. Flares were observed with a split‐beam echosounder and characterized using multifrequency decibel differencing. Deep‐tow camera footage, water properties, water column δ3He, subbottom profile, and sediment δ13C and δ34S data were analyzed to consider flare mechanisms. Excess δ3He near McDonald Islands seeps, indicating mantle‐derived input, suggests proximal hydrothermal activity; McDonald Islands flares may thus indicate CO2, methane, and other minor gas bubbles associated with shallow diffuse hydrothermal venting. The Heard Island seep environment, with subbottom acoustic blanking in thick sediment, muted 3He signal, and δ13C and δ34S fractionation factors, suggest that Heard Island seeps may either be methane gas (possibly both shallow biogenic methane and deeper‐sourced thermogenic methane related to geothermal heat from onshore volcanism) or a combination of methane and CO2, such as seen in sediment‐hosted geothermal systems. These data provide the first evidence of submarine gas escape on the Central Kerguelen Plateau and expand our understanding of seafloor processes and carbon cycling in the data‐poor southern Indian Ocean. Extensive sedimentation of the Kerguelen Plateau and additional zones of submarine volcanic activity mean additional seeps or vents may lie outside the small survey area proximal to the islands.We thank the Australian Marine National Facility (MNF) for its support in the form of sea time on RV Investigator , support personnel, scientific equipment, and data management. We also thank the captain, crew, and fellow scientists of RV Investigator voyage IN2016_V01. We also thank specifically the following: T. Martin, F. Cooke, S. L. Sow, N. Bax, J. Ford, and F. Althaus, CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation); Echoview Software Pty. Ltd. (Hobart, Australia); C. Dietz and C. Cook, Central Science Laboratory, University of Tasmania; C. Wilkinson and T. Baumberger, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; R. Carey, University of Tasmania; T. Holmes, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania; N. Polmear; and A. Post, Geoscience Australia. The overall science of the project is supported by Australian Antarctic Science Program (AASP) grant 4338. E.S.' PhD research is supported by the Australian Research Council's Special Research Initiative Antarctic Gateway Partnership (Project ID SR140300001) and by an Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship. S.C.J. is supported by iCRAG under SFI, European Regional Development Fund, and industry partners, as well as ANZIC‐IODP. J.M.W. is supported by ARC grant DE140100376 and DP180102280. This is PMEL publication number 4910. All IN2016_V01 data and samples acquired on IN2016_V01 are made publicly available in accordance with MNF policy
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