26 research outputs found

    When Is 2+2 Âż 4? Interactive Priming Of Pyrogenic Organic Matter, Soil Organic Carbon, And Plant Roots In Natural And Managed Ecosystems

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    WHEN IS 2+2 ! 4? INTERACTIVE PRIMING OF PYROGENIC ORGANIC MATTER, SOIL ORGANIC CARBON, AND PLANT ROOTS IN NATURAL AND MANAGED ECOSYSTEMS Thea Leslie Whitman, Ph. D. Cornell University Soils hold a globally important stock of carbon (C) and can act as both a C source and sink, depending on management and environmental conditions. Pyrogenic organic matter (PyOM) is produced naturally during fires, and contains relatively stable forms of C. Its intentional production has also been proposed as a mechanism for C management (in such cases PyOM is often referred to as "biochar"). However, the impact of natural or anthropogenic PyOM production on soils is complex and depends on many factors. In particular, the effects of PyOM on existing soil organic C (SOC) dynamics is poorly characterized or understood. Understanding the mechanisms behind these interactions, often referred to as "priming", is essential to predict the impact of PyOM additions to soils. In a greenhouse study, PyOM additions counteracted positive priming of SOC by corn plants, almost completely eliminating net C losses either by decreasing SOC decomposition or increasing corn C additions to soil. This highlights the importance of including plants in studies of PyOM-SOC interactions. In an incubation trial, the relative mineralizability of PyOM as compared to SOC predicted priming interactions, where the soil with lower SOC mineralization was more susceptible to short-term increases in SOC mineralization with PyOM additions, which were proportional to the C mineralization in the added PyOM. Soils also experienced net long-term decreases in SOC mineralization with PyOM additions, possibly due to stabilization of SOC on PyOM surfaces, an example of which we imaged using nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry. In a field trial, PyOM additions temporarily increased total soil CO2 fluxes, dramatically less than the addition of fresh corn stover, which likely increased SOC mineralization. Three-part stable isotopic partitioning revealed significantly greater root-derived CO2 fluxes with PyOM additions than without, and significantly lower PyOM-C derived CO2 fluxes when plants were present. PyOM additions only resulted in significant changes to the soil microbial community on day 79, while stover additions induced shifts by day 11. This work informs our understanding of PyOM-soil-plant-microbe interactions and contributes to progress toward a comprehensive predictive framework of PyOM effects on C cycling in soils

    Biochar As A Carbon Sequestration Mechanism: Decomposition, Modelling, And Policy

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    Black carbon, or biochar (BC), has a strong but complex potential as a tool for climate change mitigation, due to its high carbon (C) stability, through its application within specific biomass management systems, and depending on the policy tools necessary to establish it effectively within climate change mitigation projects. The term "black carbon" encompasses a spectrum of materials produced during incomplete combustion, including soot and charcoal, while "biochar" is used to distinguish the material from charcoal created for fuel, and to denote its particular application in C sequestration and emission-reducing projects as a soil amendment. Understanding the influence of production temperature, feedstock, and other initial properties on BC stability is critical for evaluating or managing terrestrial C stocks. This thesis quantifies C loss in BCs produced at 7 different temperatures from 6 different feedstocks as well as the original materials through a 3-year microbial incubation in sand matrices. Carbon losses are interpreted using a number of properties, including Fourier-transformed infra-red spectra. High temperature BCs were characterized by lower volatile and higher fixed C contents and the increasing dominance of aromatic C compounds in increasingly condensed forms. 300°C BCs lost 17.8% more C than 600°C BCs, which did not show significant C losses. It was found that production temperature has a greater influence on 3-year C stability than feedstock, likely due to the different temperature ranges at which different organic compounds are modified by heating. However, the C debt or credit ratio, which takes into account the C losses from the original feedstock that are incurred upon charring, is highly sensitive to feedstock type. Corn BCs attained ratios of 2.29-2.81, while no oak or pine chars reached the "break-even ratio" of 1 after 3 years. The introduction of cook stoves that produce BC as well as heat for cooking into small farm households in western Kenya is an example of a specific system in which BC production could be applied. System dynamics modelling was used to: (i) investigate the climate change impact of prototype and refined BC-producing pyrolytic cook stoves and improved combustion cook stoves in comparison to conventional cook stoves; (ii) assess the relative sensitivity of the stoves to key parameters; (iii) quantify the effects of different climate change impact accounting decisions. Simulated reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) impact from a traditional 3stone cook stove baseline range between 2.56-4.63 tCO2e/household/year for an improved combustion stove and 2.58-5.80 tCO2e/household/year for the pyrolytic stoves, of which BC directly accounts for 14-50%. The magnitude of these reductions is about twice as sensitive to baseline wood fuel use and the fraction of non-renewable biomass (fNRB) of off-farm wood that is used as fuel as to farm age/soil degradation status or stability of biochar. Reductions in GHG impact decrease if a household must access non-renewable fuel sources. Stoves with higher wood demand are less sensitive to changes in baseline fuel use and rely on biochar for a greater proportion of their reductions. This thesis investigates policy and methodology aspects of BC systems used for carbon management, including the criteria for establishing additionality, baselines, permanence, leakage, system drivers, measurement, verification, economics, and development for successful stand-alone projects and carbon offsets. Findings include that applying baselines of biomass decomposition rather than total soil carbon is effective and supports a longer crediting period than is currently standard. Explicitly designing a BC system around "true wastes" as feedstocks combined with safe system drivers could minimize unwanted land-use impacts and leakage With biochar production introduced into bioenergy systems, under a renewable biomass scenario, the change in emissions increases with higher fuel use, rather than decreasing. Integrating these findings with system-specific analysis and an increased understanding of C stability in BCs should inform the design of effective applied BC systems

    Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Soil Biology & Biochemistry

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    journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/soilbio Pyrogenic carbon additions to soil counteract positive priming of soi

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    Pyrogenic carbon additions to soil counteract positive priming of soil carbon mineralization by plant