1,851 research outputs found

    Polar Bear Behavior: Morphologic and Physiologic Adaptations

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    Polar bears possess morphologic and physiologic characteristics that reflect their terrestrial lineage as members of the bear family (Ursidae) as well as adaptations to the Arctic marine environment. Among marine mammals, they are the least adapted for aquatic life. They exhibit substantial seasonality in body mass, body condition, and many physiological functions, reflecting the annual cycle of both their Arctic sea ice habitat and the availability of their main prey, ringed seals. This hypercarnivorous diet has likely influenced the polar bear’s craniodental morphology and nutritional physiology. Similar to other marine mammal predators, polar bears exhibit a relatively high resting metabolic rate (RMR) and field metabolic rate (FMR). The polar bear skeleton is well adapted for walking, rather than tree-climbing, and to a lesser degree, for swimming. The large feet provide secure traction on sea ice (aided by sharp claws) and propulsion in the water. Their reproduction, winter hibernation (by pregnant females), and sensory systems resemble those of other bears. Future research should focus on nutrient recycling during fasting, adaptation to a high-fat diet, susceptibility to pathogens, and assessment of the fitness consequences of ongoing sea ice loss and chemical contamination of their habitat

    Pinch Resonances in a Radio Frequency Driven SQUID Ring-Resonator System

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    In this paper we present experimental data on the frequency domain response of a SQUID ring (a Josephson weak link enclosed by a thick superconducting ring) coupled to a radio frequency (rf) tank circuit resonator. We show that with the ring weakly hysteretic the resonance lineshape of this coupled system can display opposed fold bifurcations that appear to touch (pinch off). We demonstrate that for appropriate circuit parameters these pinch off lineshapes exist as solutions of the non-linear equations of motion for the system.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, Uploaded as implementing a policy of arXiving old paper

    Significance of Autumn and Winter Food Consumption for Reproduction by Southern Beaufort Sea Polar Bears, \u3ci\u3eUrsus Maritimus\u3c/i\u3e

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    Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in the southern Beaufort Sea experience long annual periods when preferred seal prey are scarce or are unavailable. Consumption of bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) carcasses from native Alaskan subsistence hunting is increasingly common for onshore polar bears, yet the energetic consequences of this consumption remain unclear. We use data on bears captured repeatedly over periods that encompassed autumn and winter, combined with calculations, to show that adult female bears likely consume an average of at least 4 seal equivalents during both autumn and winter periods and that considerable variation in energy intake exists across individual bears. We further show that subsistence-caught whale carcasses provide an upper threshold of \u3e 4000 seal equivalents, which could potentially meet mean consumption needs of ~ 80% of the southern Beaufort Sea bear subpopulation during autumn and winter periods. Finally, we modify an existing model to show that observed mass changes over autumn and winter could substantially alter spring foraging habitat choice by females with cubs and the chance that a female with reduced energy reserves would abort a pregnancy or abandon cubs in favor of increasing her own survival; these behaviors could potentially influence population vital rates. Our study highlights the importance of mass dynamics over the autumn and winter months, points to the need for additional data on foraging and energetics over this period, and indicates that the recent declines in polar bear body condition in some subpopulations could have complex effects on reproduction

    Current Status and Future Perspectives on the Etiology of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma

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    Esophageal adenocarcinoma is the most common type of esophageal cancer in most Western countries and is an important contributor to overall cancer mortality. Most cases of esophageal adenocarcinoma are believed to arise from Barrett’s esophagus. Esophageal adenocarcinoma occurs more frequently in white men over 50 years old, as well as in people with frequent symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux, in smokers and in people who are obese. Higher consumption of fruit and vegetables, use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and infection with Helicobacter pylori have all been shown to reduce the risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma. Here, we review the epidemiological evidence for the major risk factors of esophageal adenocarcinoma and also discuss perspectives for future research

    The quantitative measurement of Alcian Blue–glycosaminoglycan complexes

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    Relative size underlies alternative morph development in a salamander

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    Size thresholds commonly underlie the induction of alternative morphological states. However, the respective importance of absolute and relative size to such thresholds remains uncertain. If absolute size governs expression, morph frequency should differ among environments that influence absolute sizes (e.g. resources, competition), and individuals of the same morph should have similar average sizes across environments. If relative size determines expression, the frequency of each morph may not differ among environments, but morphs within each environment should differ in size relative to one another. We tested these predictions in a salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum) that develops into either a terrestrial metamorph or an aquatic paedomorph. To generate size variation within and among environments, we reared individuals in mesocosm ponds across three conspecific densities. We found that morph frequency did not differ among density treatments, and the morphs were not similarly sized within each density treatment. Instead, within each environment, relatively larger individuals became metamorphs and relatively smaller individuals became paedomorphs. Relative size therefore determined morph development, highlighting the importance of an individual’s social context to size-dependent morph induction

    Giant Relaxation Oscillations in a Very Strongly Hysteretic SQUID ring-Tank Circuit System

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    In this paper we show that the radio frequency (rf) dynamical characteristics of a very strongly hysteretic SQUID ring, coupled to an rf tank circuit resonator, display relaxation oscillations. We demonstrate that the the overall form of these characteristics, together with the relaxation oscillations, can be modelled accurately by solving the quasi-classical non-linear equations of motion for the system. We suggest that in these very strongly hysteretic regimes SQUID ring-resonator systems may find application in novel logic and memory devices.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Uploaded as implementing a policy of arXiving old paper