8,757 research outputs found

    Impacts of Droughts and Acidic Deposition on Long-Term Surface Water Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations in Upland Catchments in Wales

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    Concerns have been raised about rising trends in surface water dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in UK upland catchments over the past decades. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain these trends, including changes in climate and declines in sulfate deposition across Europe. Drier summers and wetter winters are projected in the UK, and there is an increasing interest in whether the rising trends of DOC would be continued or stabilized. In this paper, the INCA (INtegrated CAtchment) water quality model was applied to the upland catchment of the River Severn at Plynlimon in Wales and used to simulate the effects of both climate and sulfate deposition on surface water DOC concentrations. We introduced new parameter sets of INCA to explain enzymatic latch effect in peatlands during droughts. The model was able to simulate recent past (1995-2013) rising trends in DOC in Plynlimon. Climatic projections were employed to estimate the future trends on DOC in the uplands and to consider potential impacts on catchment management. The model was run with climatic scenarios generated using the weather@home2 climate modeling platform and with sulfate deposition scenarios from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) for 1975-2100. The modeling results show that the rising DOC trends are likely to continue in the near future (2020-2049) and the level of DOC concentrations is projected to stabilize in the far future (2070-2099). However, in the far future, the seasonal patterns of DOC concentrations will change, with a post-drought DOC surge in autumn months

    Search for the second forbidden beta decay of 8B to the ground state of 8Be

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    A significant decay branch of 8B to the ground state of 8Be would extend the solar neutrino spectrum to higher energies than anticipated in the standard solar models. These high-energy neutrinos would affect current neutrino oscillation results and also would be a background to measurements of the hep process. We have measured the delayed alpha particles from the decay of 8B, with the goal of observing the two 46-keV alpha particles arising from the ground-state decay. The 8B was produced using an in-flight radioactive beam technique. It was implanted in a silicon PIN-diode detector that was capable of identifying the alpha-particles from the 8Be ground state. From this measurement we find an upper limit (at 90% confidence level) of 7.3 x 10^{-5} for the branching ratio to the ground state. In addition to describing this measurement, we present a theoretical calculation for this branching ratio.Comment: One reference corrected. Minor edits in tex

    Classification of unit-vector fields in convex polyhedra with tangent boundary conditions

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    A unit-vector field n on a convex three-dimensional polyhedron P is tangent if, on the faces of P, n is tangent to the faces. A homotopy classification of tangent unit-vector fields continuous away from the vertices of P is given. The classification is determined by certain invariants, namely edge orientations (values of n on the edges of P), kink numbers (relative winding numbers of n between edges on the faces of P), and wrapping numbers (relative degrees of n on surfaces separating the vertices of P), which are subject to certain sum rules. Another invariant, the trapped area, is expressed in terms of these. One motivation for this study comes from liquid crystal physics; tangent unit-vector fields describe the orientation of liquid crystals in certain polyhedral cells.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Homotopy Theory of Strong and Weak Topological Insulators

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    We use homotopy theory to extend the notion of strong and weak topological insulators to the non-stable regime (low numbers of occupied/empty energy bands). We show that for strong topological insulators in d spatial dimensions to be "truly d-dimensional", i.e. not realizable by stacking lower-dimensional insulators, a more restrictive definition of "strong" is required. However, this does not exclude weak topological insulators from being "truly d-dimensional", which we demonstrate by an example. Additionally, we prove some useful technical results, including the homotopy theoretic derivation of the factorization of invariants over the torus into invariants over spheres in the stable regime, as well as the rigorous justification of replacing TdT^d by SdS^d and Tdk×SdxT^{d_k}\times S^{d_x} by Sdk+dxS^{d_k+d_x} as is common in the current literature.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Large dimension Configuration Interaction calculations of positron binding to the group II atoms

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    The Configuration Interaction (CI) method is applied to the calculation of the structures of a number of positron binding systems, including e+Be, e+Mg, e+Ca and e+Sr. These calculations were carried out in orbital spaces containing about 200 electron and 200 positron orbitals up to l = 12. Despite the very large dimensions, the binding energy and annihilation rate converge slowly with l, and the final values do contain an appreciable correction obtained by extrapolating the calculation to the l to infinity limit. The binding energies were 0.00317 hartree for e+Be, 0.0170 hartree for e+Mg, 0.0189 hartree for e+Ca, and 0.0131 hartree for e+Sr.Comment: 13 pages, no figs, revtex format, Submitted to PhysRev

    Assessment of risks to public water supply from low flows and harmful water quality in a changing climate

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    Water resources planning and management by water utilities have traditionally been based on consideration of water availability. However, the reliability of public water supplies can also be influenced by the quality of water bodies. In this study, we proposed a framework that integrates the analysis of risks of inadequate water quality and risks of insufficient water availability. We have developed a coupled modeling system that combines hydrological modeling of river water quantity and quality, rules for water withdrawals from rivers into storage reservoirs, and dynamical simulation of harmful algal blooms in storage reservoirs. We use this framework to assess the impact of climate change, demand growth, and land‐use change on the reliability of public water supplies. The proposed method is tested on the River Thames catchment in the south of England. The results show that alongside the well‐known risks of rising water demand in the south of England and uncertain impacts of climate change, diffuse pollution from agriculture and effluent from upstream waste water treatment works potentially represent a threat to the reliability of public water supplies in London. We quantify the steps that could be taken to ameliorate these threats, though even a vigorous pollution‐prevention strategy would not be sufficient to offset the projected effects of climate change on water quality and the reliability of public water supplies. The proposed method can help water utilities to recognize their system vulnerability and evaluate the potential solutions to achieve more reliable water supplies. supplie

    Elliptic operators on manifolds with singularities and K-homology

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    It is well known that elliptic operators on a smooth compact manifold are classified by K-homology. We prove that a similar classification is also valid for manifolds with simplest singularities: isolated conical points and fibered boundary. The main ingredients of the proof of these results are: an analog of the Atiyah-Singer difference construction in the noncommutative case and an analog of Poincare isomorphism in K-theory for our singular manifolds. As applications we give a formula in topological terms for the obstruction to Fredholm problems on manifolds with singularities and a formula for K-groups of algebras of pseudodifferential operators.Comment: revised version; 25 pages; section with applications expande
