5,662 research outputs found

    Quasidiagonality of nuclear C*-algebras

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    We prove that faithful traces on separable and nuclear C*- algebras in the UCT class are quasidiagonal. This has a number of consequences. Firstly, by results of many hands, the classification of unital, separable, simple and nuclear C*-algebras of finite nuclear dimension which satisfy the UCT is now complete. Secondly, our result links the finite to the general version of the Toms-Winter conjecture in the expected way and hence clarifies the relation between decomposition rank and nuclear dimension. Finally, we confirm the Rosenberg conjecture: discrete, amenable groups have quasidiagonal C*-algebras

    Groupoid normalisers of tensor products: infinite von Neumann algebras

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    The groupoid normalisers of a unital inclusion BβŠ†MB\subseteq M of von Neumann algebras consist of the set GNM(B)\mathcal{GN}_M(B) of partial isometries v∈Mv\in M with vBvβˆ—βŠ†BvBv^*\subseteq B and vβˆ—BvβŠ†Bv^*Bv\subseteq B. Given two unital inclusions BiβŠ†MiB_i\subseteq M_i of von Neumann algebras, we examine groupoid normalisers for the tensor product inclusion $B_1\ \overline{\otimes}\ B_2\subseteq M_1\ \overline{\otimes}\ M_2establishingtheformula establishing the formula $ \mathcal{GN}_{M_1\,\overline{\otimes}\,M_2}(B_1\ \overline{\otimes}\ B_2)''=\mathcal{GN}_{M_1}(B_1)''\ \overline{\otimes}\ \mathcal{GN}_{M_2}(B_2)'' when one inclusion has a discrete relative commutant B1β€²βˆ©M1B_1'\cap M_1 equal to the centre of B1B_1 (no assumption is made on the second inclusion). This result also holds when one inclusion is a generator masa in a free group factor. We also examine when a unitary u∈M1Β βŠ—β€ΎΒ M2u\in M_1\ \overline{\otimes}\ M_2 normalising a tensor product B1Β βŠ—β€ΎΒ B2B_1\ \overline{\otimes}\ B_2 of irreducible subfactors factorises as w(v1βŠ—v2)w(v_1\otimes v_2) (for some unitary $w\in B_1\ \overline{\otimes}\ B_2andnormalisers and normalisers v_i\in\mathcal{N}_{M_i}(B_i)).Weobtainapositiveresultwhenoneofthe). We obtain a positive result when one of the M_iisfiniteorbothofthe is finite or both of the B_iareinfinite.Fortheremainingcase,wecharacterisetheII are infinite. For the remaining case, we characterise the II_1factors factors B_1forwhichsuchfactorisationsalwaysoccur(forall for which such factorisations always occur (for all M_1, B_2and and M_2$) as those with a trivial fundamental group.Comment: 22 page

    A new genus and species of sabretooth, Oriensmilus liupanensis (Barbourofelinae, Nimravidae, Carnivora), from the middle Miocene of China suggests barbourofelines are nimravids, not felids

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    Since the early 2000s, a revival of a felid relationship for barbourofeline sabretooths has become popular due to recent discoveries of fragmentary fossils from Africa. According to this view, barbourofelines trace their common ancestor with felids through shared similarities in dental morphology going back to the early Miocene of Africa and Europe. However, whether or not such an idea is represented in the basicranial morphology, a conservative area of high importance in family-level relationships, is yet to be tested. A nearly complete skull of Oriensmilus liupanensis gen. and sp. nov. from the middle Miocene Tongxin Basin of northern China represents the most primitive known barbourofeline with an intact basicranial region, affording an opportunity to re-examine the relationship of felids and nimravines. We also present an update on East Asian records of barbourofelines. The new skull of Oriensmilus possesses a suite of characters shared with nimravines, such as the lack of an ossified (entotympanic) bullar floor, absence of an intrabullar septum, lack of a ventral promontorial process of the petrosal, presence of a small rostral entotympanic on the dorsal side of the caudal entotympanic, and a distinct caudal entry of the internal carotid artery and nerve that pierces the caudal entotympanic at the junction of the ossified and unossified caudal entotympanics. The absence of an ossified bullar floor in O. liupanensis and its presence in those from the middle Miocene of Sansan, France thus help to bracket the transition of this character, which must have happened in the early part of the middle Miocene. Spatial relationships between bullar construction and the middle ear configuration of the carotid artery in Oriensmilus strongly resemble those in nimravines but are distinctly different from felids and other basal feliforms. Despite the attractive notion that early barbourofelines arose from a Miocene ancestor that also gave rise to felids, the basicranial evidence argues against this view. http://zoobank.org/urn:http://lsid:zoobank.org:pub:2DE98DBC-4D02-4E18-9788-0B0D8587E73F

    Z-stability and finite dimensional tracial boundaries

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    We show that a simple separable unital nuclear nonelementary Cβˆ—-algebra whose tracial state space has a compact extreme boundary with finite covering dimension admits uniformly tracially large order zero maps from matrix algebras into its central sequence algebra. As a consequence, strict comparison implies Z-stability for these algebras

    Preduals of semigroup algebras

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    For a locally compact group GG, the measure convolution algebra M(G)M(G) carries a natural coproduct. In previous work, we showed that the canonical predual C0(G)C_0(G) of M(G)M(G) is the unique predual which makes both the product and the coproduct on M(G)M(G) weakβˆ—^*-continuous. Given a discrete semigroup SS, the convolution algebra β„“1(S)\ell^1(S) also carries a coproduct. In this paper we examine preduals for β„“1(S)\ell^1(S) making both the product and the coproduct weakβˆ—^*-continuous. Under certain conditions on SS, we show that β„“1(S)\ell^1(S) has a unique such predual. Such SS include the free semigroup on finitely many generators. In general, however, this need not be the case even for quite simple semigroups and we construct uncountably many such preduals on β„“1(S)\ell^1(S) when SS is either Z+Γ—Z\mathbb Z_+\times\mathbb Z or (N,β‹…)(\mathbb N,\cdot).Comment: 17 pages, LaTe

    The Radial Masa in a Free Group Factor is Maximal Injective

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    The radial (or Laplacian) masa in a free group factor is the abelian von Neumann algebra generated by the sum of the generators (of the free group) and their inverses. The main result of this paper is that the radial masa is a maximal injective von Neumann subalgebra of a free group factor. We also investigate tensor products of maximal injective algebras. Given two inclusions BiβŠ‚MiB_i\subset M_i of type I\mathrm{I} von Neumann algebras in finite von Neumann algebras such that each BiB_i is maximal injective in MiM_i, we show that the tensor product B1Β βŠ—Λ‰Β B2B_1\ \bar{\otimes}\ B_2 is maximal injective in $M_1\ \bar{\otimes}\ M_2$ provided at least one of the inclusions satisfies the asymptotic orthogonality property we establish for the radial masa. In particular it follows that finite tensor products of generator and radial masas will be maximal injective in the corresponding tensor product of free group factors.Comment: 25 Pages, Typos corrected and exposition improve

    On spectral triples on crossed products arising from equicontinuous actions

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    The external Kasparov product is used to construct odd and even spectral triples on crossed products of Cβˆ—C^*-algebras by actions of discrete groups which are equicontinuous in a natural sense. When the group in question is Z\Z this gives another viewpoint on the spectral triples introduced by Belissard, Marcolli and Reihani. We investigate the properties of this construction and apply it to produce spectral triples on the Bunce-Deddens algebra arising from the odometer action on the Cantor set and some other crossed products of AF-algebras.Comment: 22 pages (v4 corrects a mistake in the discussion of the equicontinuity condition and modifies the terminology used). The paper will appear in Mathematica Scandinavic

    The Cuntz semigroup and stability of close C*-algebras

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    We prove that separable C*-algebras which are completely close in a natural uniform sense have isomorphic Cuntz semigroups, continuing a line of research developed by Kadison - Kastler, Christensen, and Khoshkam. This result has several applications: we are able to prove that the property of stability is preserved by close C*-algebras provided that one algebra has stable rank one; close C*-algebras must have affinely homeomorphic spaces of lower-semicontinuous quasitraces; strict comparison is preserved by sufficient closeness of C*-algebras. We also examine C*-algebras which have a positive answer to Kadison's Similarity Problem, as these algebras are completely close whenever they are close. A sample consequence is that sufficiently close C*-algebras have isomorphic Cuntz semigroups when one algebra absorbs the Jiang-Su algebra tensorially.Comment: 26 pages; typos fixe
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