1,421 research outputs found

    Cenozoic evolution of the eastern Black Sea: a test of depth-dependent stretching models

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    Subsidence analysis of the eastern Black Sea basin suggests that the stratigraphy of this deep, extensional basin can be explained by a predominantly pure-shear stretching history. A strain-rate inversion method that assumes pure-shear extension obtains good fits between observed and predicted stratigraphy. A relatively pure-shear strain distribution is also obtained when a strain-rate inversion algorithm is applied that allows extension to vary with depth without assuming its existence or form. The timing of opening of the eastern Black Sea, which occupied a back-arc position during the closure of the Tethys Ocean, has also been a subject of intense debate; competing theories called for basin opening during the Jurassic, Cretaceous or Paleocene/Eocene. Our work suggests that extension likely continued into the early Cenozoic, in agreement with stratigraphic relationships onshore and with estimates for the timing of arc magmatism. Further basin deepening also appears to have occurred in the last 20 myr. This anomalous subsidence event is focused in the northern part of the basin and reaches its peak at 15–10 Ma. We suggest that this comparatively localized shortening is associated with the northward movement of the Arabian plate. We also explore the effects of paleowater depth and elastic thickness on the results. These parameters are controversial, particularly for deep-water basins and margins, but their estimation is a necessary step in any analysis of the tectonic subsidence record stored in stratigraphy. <br/

    Frustrated Hubbard ladders and superconductivity in κ\kappa-BEDT-TTF organic compounds

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    Half-filled two-leg Hubbard ladders have spin-gapped short-range antiferromagnetic correlations while three-leg ladders have power law antoferromagnetic correlations, and both systems have d_{x^2-y^2}-power law pairing correlations when they are doped. Thus these ladders exhibit some of the phenomenology seen in the layered cuprates. Here we report results for half-filled frustrated Hubbard ladders, based upon ladder segments taken from a tight-binding model of kappa-BEDT-TTF. Although these ladders are half-filled, varying the degree of frustration can drive them across an insulator-metal transition. We suggest that the spin, charge and pairing correlations of these frustrated ladders near the insulator-metal transition provide support for the notion that kappa-BEDT-TTF is a strongly correlated superconductor

    Calcium-dependent regulation of the cell cycle via a novel MAPK–NF-κB pathway in Swiss 3T3 cells

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    Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) has been implicated in the regulation of cell proliferation and transformation. We investigated the role of the serum-induced intracellular calcium increase in the NF-κB–dependent cell cycle progression in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. Noninvasive photoactivation of a calcium chelator (Diazo-2) was used to specifically disrupt the transient rise in calcium induced by serum stimulation of starved Swiss 3T3 cells. The serum-induced intracellular calcium peak was essential for subsequent NF-κB activation (measured by real-time imaging of the dynamic p65 and IκBα fluorescent fusion proteins), cyclin D1 (CD1) promoter-directed transcription (measured by real-time luminescence imaging of CD1 promoter-directed firefly luciferase activity), and progression to cell division. We further showed that the serum-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) phosphorylation is calcium dependent. Inhibition of the MAPK- but not the PtdIns3K-dependent pathway inhibited NF-κB signaling, and further, CD1 transcription and cell cycle progression. These data suggest that a serum-dependent calcium signal regulates the cell cycle via a MAPK–NF-κB pathway in Swiss 3T3 cells


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    Studies were continued on the deformation and fabrication characteristics of reactor materials. Data were gathered on the effect of cold work on the internal friction due to dislocation relaxation oscillation. An interpretation was made of the internal-friction peak in niobium in terms of the relaxation motion of kinks on dislocations in niobium. Efforts were made to extend the technique of quantitative differential thermal analysis to cold-worked iron which was selected as the most readily treated representative of the body- centered-cubic structural metals. Refinements were made in the calorimetric technique itself, leading to an improved procedure of data reduction. Results for the effects of grain size on the stored-energyrelease spectra of high-purity copper were recomputed. (M.C.G.

    Metal-insulator transition in the one-dimensional Holstein model at half filling

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    We study the one-dimensional Holstein model with spin-1/2 electrons at half-filling. Ground state properties are calculated for long chains with great accuracy using the density matrix renormalization group method and extrapolated to the thermodynamic limit. We show that for small electron-phonon coupling or large phonon frequency, the insulating Peierls ground state predicted by mean-field theory is destroyed by quantum lattice fluctuations and that the system remains in a metallic phase with a non-degenerate ground state and power-law electronic and phononic correlations. When the electron-phonon coupling becomes large or the phonon frequency small, the system undergoes a transition to an insulating Peierls phase with a two-fold degenerate ground state, long-range charge-density-wave order, a dimerized lattice structure, and a gap in the electronic excitation spectrum.Comment: 6 pages (LaTex), 10 eps figure

    Primordial magnetic fields and the HI signal from the epoch of reionization

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    The implication of primordial magnetic-field-induced structure formation for the HI signal from the epoch of reionization is studied. Using semi-analytic models, we compute both the density and ionization inhomogeneities in this scenario. We show that: (a) The global HI signal can only be seen in emission, unlike in the standard Λ\LambdaCDM models, (b) the density perturbations induced by primordial fields, leave distinctive signatures of the magnetic field Jeans' length on the HI two-point correlation function, (c) the length scale of ionization inhomogeneities is \la 1 \rm Mpc. We find that the peak expected signal (two-point correlation function) is ≃10−4K2\simeq 10^{-4} \rm K^2 in the range of scales 0.5-3Mpc0.5\hbox{-}3 \rm Mpc for magnetic field strength in the range 5×10−10-3×10−9G5 \times 10^{-10} \hbox{-}3 \times 10^{-9} \rm G. We also discuss the detectability of the HI signal. The angular resolution of the on-going and planned radio interferometers allows one to probe only the largest magnetic field strengths that we consider. They have the sensitivity to detect the magnetic field-induced features. We show that thefuture SKA has both the angular resolution and the sensitivity to detect the magnetic field-induced signal in the entire range of magnetic field values we consider, in an integration time of one week.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, to appear in JCA

    Male frequent attenders of general practice and their help seeking preferences

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    Background: Low rates of health service usage by men are commonly linked to masculine values and traditional male gender roles. However, not all men conform to these stereotypical notions of masculinity, with some men choosing to attend health services on a frequent basis, for a variety of different reasons. This study draws upon the accounts of male frequent attenders of the General Practitioner's (GP) surgery, examining their help-seeking preferences and their reasons for choosing services within general practice over other sources of support. Methods: The study extends thematic analysis of interview data from the Self Care in Primary Care study (SCinPC), a large scale multi-method evaluation study of a self care programme delivered to frequent attenders of general practice. Data were collected from 34 semi-structured interviews conducted with men prior to their exposure to the intervention. Results: The ages of interviewed men ranged from 16 to 72 years, and 91% of the sample (n= 31) stated that they had a current health condition. The thematic analysis exposed diverse perspectives within male help-seeking preferences and the decision-making behind men's choice of services. The study also draws attention to the large variation in men's knowledge of available health services, particularly alternatives to general practice. Furthermore, the data revealed some men's lack of confidence in existing alternatives to general practice. Conclusions: The study highlights the complex nature of male help-seeking preferences, and provides evidence that there should be no 'one size fits all' approach to male service provision. It also provides impetus for conducting further studies into this under researched area of interest. © 2011 WPMH GmbH

    Lumbar posture and trunk muscle activation during static and dynamic seated tasks on a novel dynamic ergonomic chair

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    peer-reviewedLow back pain (LBP) is a common musculoskeletal disorder and prolonged sitting often aggravates LBP. A novel dynamic ergonomic chair (‘Back App’), which facilitates less hip flexion while sitting on an unstable base has been developed. This study compared lumbar posture and trunk muscle activation on this novel chair with a standard backless office chair. Twelve painfree participants completed a typing task on both chairs. Lumbar posture and trunk muscle activation were collected simultaneously and were analysed using paired t-tests. Sitting on the novel dynamic chair significantly (p 0.05) between chairs. Maintaining lordosis with less muscle activation during prolonged sitting could reduce the fatigue associated with upright sitting postures. Studies with longer sitting durations, and in people with LBP, are required. Practitioner Summary: Sitting on a novel dynamic chair resulted in less lumbar flexion and less back muscle activation than sitting on a standard backless office chair during a typing task among pain-free participants. Facilitating lordotic sitting with less muscle activation may reduce the fatigue and discomfort often associated with lordotic sitting postures.ACCEPTEDpeer-reviewe

    Self-adapting method for the localization of quantum critical points using Quantum Monte Carlo techniques

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    A generalization to the quantum case of a recently introduced algorithm (Y. Tomita and Y. Okabe, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 86}, 572 (2001)) for the determination of the critical temperature of classical spin models is proposed. We describe a simple method to automatically locate critical points in (Quantum) Monte Carlo simulations. The algorithm assumes the existence of a finite correlation length in at least one of the two phases surrounding the quantum critical point. We illustrate these ideas on the example of the critical inter-chain coupling for which coupled antiferromagnetic S=1 spin chains order at T=0. Finite-size scaling relations are used to determine the exponents, ν=0.72(2)\nu=0.72(2) and η=0.038(3)\eta=0.038(3) in agreement with previous estimates.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, published versio
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