3,400 research outputs found

    Brain Specificity of Diffuse Optical Imaging: Improvements from Superficial Signal Regression and Tomography

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    Functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a portable monitor of cerebral hemodynamics with wide clinical potential. However, in fNIRS, the vascular signal from the brain is often obscured by vascular signals present in the scalp and skull. In this paper, we evaluate two methods for improving in vivo data from adult human subjects through the use of high-density diffuse optical tomography (DOT). First, we test whether we can extend superficial regression methods (which utilize the multiple source–detector pair separations) from sparse optode arrays to application with DOT imaging arrays. In order to accomplish this goal, we modify the method to remove physiological artifacts from deeper sampling channels using an average of shallow measurements. Second, DOT provides three-dimensional image reconstructions and should explicitly separate different tissue layers. We test whether DOT's depth-sectioning can completely remove superficial physiological artifacts. Herein, we assess improvements in signal quality and reproducibility due to these methods using a well-characterized visual paradigm and our high-density DOT system. Both approaches remove noise from the data, resulting in cleaner imaging and more consistent hemodynamic responses. Additionally, the two methods act synergistically, with greater improvements when the approaches are used together

    A self-sustaining process theory for uniform momentum zones and internal shear layers in high Reynolds number shear flows

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    Many exact coherent states (ECS) arising in wall-bounded shear flows have an asymptotic structure at extreme Reynolds number Re in which the effective Reynolds number governing the streak and roll dynamics is O(1). Consequently, these viscous ECS are not suitable candidates for quasi-coherent structures away from the wall that necessarily are inviscid in the mean. Specifically, viscous ECS cannot account for the singular nature of the inertial domain, where the flow self-organizes into uniform momentum zones (UMZs) separated by internal shear layers and the instantaneous streamwise velocity develops a staircase-like profile. In this investigation, a large-Re asymptotic analysis is performed to explore the potential for a three-dimensional, short streamwise- and spanwise-wavelength instability of the embedded shear layers to sustain a spatially-distributed array of much larger-scale, effectively inviscid streamwise roll motions. In contrast to other self-sustaining process theories, the rolls are sufficiently strong to differentially homogenize the background shear flow, thereby providing a mechanistic explanation for the formation and maintenance of UMZs and interlaced shear layers that respects the leading-order balance structure of the mean dynamics

    Unravelling the complexities of biotic homogenization and heterogenization in the British avifauna

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    Abstract Biotic homogenization is a process whereby species assemblages become more similar through time. The standard way of identifying the process of biotic homogenization is to look for decreases in spatial beta?diversity. However, using a single assemblage-level metric to assess homogenization can mask important changes in the occupancy patterns of individual species. Here, we analysed changes in the spatial beta?diversity patterns (i.e. biotic heterogenization or homogenization) of British bird assemblages within 30?km???30?km regions between two periods (1988?1991 and 2008?2011). We partitioned the change in spatial beta?diversity into extirpation and colonization-resultant change (i.e. change in spatial beta?diversity within each region resulting from both extirpation and colonization). We used measures of abiotic change in combination with Bayesian modelling to disentangle the drivers of biotic heterogenization and homogenization. We detected both heterogenization and homogenization across the two time periods and three measures of diversity (taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional). In addition, both extirpation and colonization contributed to the observed changes, with heterogenization mainly driven by extirpation and homogenization by colonization. These assemblage-level changes were primarily due to shifting occupancy patterns of generalist species. Compared to habitat generalists, habitat specialists had significantly (i) higher average contributions to colonization-resultant change (indicating heterogenization within a region due to colonization) and (ii) lower average contributions to extirpation-resultant change (indicating homogenization from extirpation). Generalists showed the opposite pattern. Increased extirpation-resultant homogenization within regions was associated with increased urban land cover and decreased habitat diversity, precipitation, and temperature. Changes in extirpation-resultant heterogenization and colonization-resultant heterogenization were associated with differences in elevation between regions and changes in temperature and land cover. Many of the ?winners? (i.e. species that increased in occupancy) were species that had benefitted from conservation action (e.g. buzzard (Buteo buteo)). The ?losers? (i.e. those that decreased in occupancy) consisted primarily of previously common species, such as cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). Our results show that focusing purely on changes in spatial beta?diversity over time may obscure important information about how changes in the occupancy patterns of individual species contribute to homogenization and heterogenization

    Observational Constraints on Open Inflation Models

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    We discuss observational constraints on models of open inflation. Current data from large-scale structure and the cosmic microwave background prefer models with blue spectra and/or Omega_0 >= 0.3--0.5. Models with minimal anisotropy at large angles are strongly preferred.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, with 2 postscript figures included. Second Figure correcte

    From Local Velocities to Microwave Background

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    The mass density field as extracted from peculiar velocities in our cosmological neighborhood is mapped back in time to the CMB in two ways. First, the density power spectrum (PkP_k) is translated into a temperature angular power spectrum of sub-degree resolution (ClC_l) and compared to observations. Second, the local density field is translated into a temperature map in a patch on the last-scattering surface of a distant observer. A likelihood analysis of the Mark III peculiar velocity data have constrained the range of parameters for PkP_k within the family of COBE-normalized CDM models (Zaroubi et al 1996), favoring a slight tilt in the initial spectrum, n<1n<1. The corresponding range of ClC_l's is plotted against current observations, indicating that the CMB data can tighten the constraints further: only models with ``small'' tilt (n∼0.9n\sim 0.9) and ``high'' baryonic content (Ωb∼0.1\Omega_b \sim 0.1) could survive the two data sets simultaneously. The local mass density field that has been recovered from the velocities via a Wiener method is convolved with a Boltzmann calculation to recover 10′10' resolution temperature maps as viewed from different directions. The extent of the CMB patch and the amplitude of fluctuations depend on the choice of cosmological parameters, e.g., the local 100\hmpc sphere corresponds to 90′90' to 30′30' at the CMB for Ω\Omega between 1 and 0 respectively. The phases of the temperature map are correlated with those of the density field, contrary to the contribution of the Sachs-Wolfe effect alone. This correlation suggests the possibility of an inverse reconstruction of the underlying density field from CMB data with interesting theoretical implications.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Ap.

    CollecTF : a database of experimentally-validated transcription factor-binding sites in Bacteria

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    The influx of high-throughput data and the need for complex models to describe the interaction of prokaryotic transcription factors (TF) with their target sites pose new challenges for TF-binding site databases. CollecTF (http://collectf.umbc.edu) compiles data on experimentally validated, naturally occurring TF-binding sites across the Bacteria domain, placing a strong emphasis on the transparency of the curation process, the quality and availability of the stored data and fully customizable access to its records. CollecTF integrates multiple sources of data automatically and openly, allowing users to dynamically redefine binding motifs and their experimental support base. Data quality and currency are fostered in CollecTF by adopting a sustainable model that encourages direct author submissions in combination with in-house validation and curation of published literature. CollecTF entries are periodically submitted to NCBI for integration into RefSeq complete genome records as link-out features, maximizing the visibility of the data and enriching the annotation of RefSeq files with regulatory information. Seeking to facilitate comparative genomics and machine-learning analyses of regulatory interactions, in its initial release CollecTF provides domain-wide coverage of two TF families (LexA and Fur), as well as extensive representation for a clinically important bacterial family, the Vibrionaceae

    The Formation and Application of Polymeric Micro- and Nanoparticles

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    Nano- and microparticles are used in the pharmaceutical industry for sustained release drug delivery systems. For example, polymeric particles are currently used as an FDA-approved drug delivery system for leuprolide acetate to treat prostate cancer1. Our drug of interest is CPDI-02 (formerly known as EP67)—a C5a-derived decapeptide agonist of the C5a Receptor (CD88) that activates mononuclear phagocytes to produce an immune response while potentially minimizing neutrophil-mediated toxicity2. Currently in the Vetro Lab, CPDI-02 is being tested on pigs and mice to treat methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections and as the adjuvant for a vaccine for cytomegalovirus (CMV). This investigation explored formulation parameters that impact particle size and loading of CPDI-02 in a traditional oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion. We also explored adapting the formulation using microfluidic chips to generate nano- and microparticles and improve run-to-run consistency in particle size.https://digitalcommons.unmc.edu/surp2022/1004/thumbnail.jp
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