7,016 research outputs found

    ...Brevique Adnotatione Critica...: a preliminary history of the Oxford classical texts

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    On 3 July 1896, at one of the less regular meetings of the Delegates of Oxford University Press (OUP) held during the Long Vacation, approval was given to publication of the Oxford Classical Texts (OCT) series. This approval was the outcome of discussions and proposals over more than ten years; indeed, it would be possible to take any one of several dates as marking the start of the series. While these earlier discussions need to be reviewed in order to explain why the series developed as it did when it did, this is also a preliminary attempt to look generally at the early history of the Texts, and its focus is the period to 1939, although some later developments in the series will also be mentioned

    Unvollendetes: the Oxford Plato lexicon

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    In one obvious sense this paper is a misfit within a book that otherwise charts so much achievement. The unfinished project that it describes occupied the attention of two Scottish professors and, in its later reincarnation, a distinguished German academic, himself subsequently a professor, for a total of thirty-six years. Publishing projects that come to nothing are often at least as interesting as those that come to fruition; they will never be able to claim significance, but they may instead provide mystery or perhaps a salutary lesson. I offer two excuses for unearthing the story of the Plato Lexicon. First, it is reasonably well documented; second, it illustrates a number of features about the history of classical scholarship and publishing in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Although in one sense the story is incomplete and remains a mystery, the answers to several important questions are clear enough: how and why the project came into being, how it was undertaken, and why it failed

    A moment in time: from the digital record of a migrating library

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    This paper draws on the work of the Arts & Humanities Research Council-funded Glasgow Cassirer Project, which makes correspondence and documents relating to the German philosopher Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945) available online. The paper concentrates on the relocation in 1933 of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg, developed from the personal library of Aby Warburg (1866-1929), from its home in Hamburg to London, where it opened as the Warburg Institute in 1934. The problems which faced the emigre staff of the Library are discussed, as well as the circumstances facing the scholars most associated with the KBW in Hamburg, notably Cassirer, and their subsequent dispersal. Evidence is presented to challenge the view that the impact on British scholars of the newly-arrived Institute was limited

    The role of coherent structures in the generation of noise for subsonic jets

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    Acoustic measurements were made in the 'near' (r/D 60, x/D 60) field for high Reynolds number (184,000 to 262,000) axisymmetric cold air jets exhausting at atmospheric pressure. These measurements were in conjunction with an investigation which characterized the large scale coherent structure in the flow field of Mach number 0.6 to 0.8 jets. Natural jets as well as artificially excited jets were studied. Directivity plots were made for both natural jets and jets excited at various frequencies. Overall noise radiated by the jets reached a maximum value around 30 deg from the jet axis. However, individual frequencies emitted maximum sound pressure level at different angles from the jet axis. As the angle from the jet axis increased, the spectra of the noise shifted to higher frequencies

    Solitary Waves in Discrete Media with Four Wave Mixing

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    In this paper, we examine in detail the principal branches of solutions that arise in vector discrete models with nonlinear inter-component coupling and four wave mixing. The relevant four branches of solutions consist of two single mode branches (transverse electric and transverse magnetic) and two mixed mode branches, involving both components (linearly polarized and elliptically polarized). These solutions are obtained explicitly and their stability is analyzed completely in the anti-continuum limit (where the nodes of the lattice are uncoupled), illustrating the supercritical pitchfork nature of the bifurcations that give rise to the latter two, respectively, from the former two. Then the branches are continued for finite coupling constructing a full two-parameter numerical bifurcation diagram of their existence. Relevant stability ranges and instability regimes are highlighted and, whenever unstable, the solutions are dynamically evolved through direct computations to monitor the development of the corresponding instabilities. Direct connections to the earlier experimental work of Meier et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 91}, 143907 (2003)] that motivated the present work are given.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure