531 research outputs found

    What COVID-19 Taught Us about the Blended Model

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    Initially, many faculty in higher education were apprehensive when courses went online in Spring 2020, but they eventually learned a lot about how to effectively teach online. The need for well-designed online courses for faculty in higher education is more prominent than ever-before in the wake of the COVID-19. As reluctant or apprehensive as faculty members were, the move to an online platform offered an opportunity to learn about diverse tools, resources, and innovative ways to teach both in the blended synchronous model and the asynchronous online model. Faculty and students encountered issues, but quickly learned to overcome these challenges. What COVID-19 taught faculty about the blended synchronous and asynchronous model illustrates that the blended model is ideal, and due to the benefits, faculty should continue to utilize the blended learning model with the blended learning tools and resources post COVID-19

    The Impact of COVID-19 on Early Childhood Reading Practices

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    COVID-19 has changed the daily lives of families, impacted work, social interactions, and mental health. Since spring 2020, parents have been working from home and children have been home from daycare and school. Parents are experiencing stress in an attempt to satisfy the demands of work, family, and COVID-19 concerns. Due to the fact that children have been home from daycare and school, parents have the sole responsibility of caring for and teaching their children until schools are able to fully and effectively meet the needs of educating students in an adapted format. Research provides a wealth of information documenting the advantages of parents’ reading to their children. Children benefit from read-alouds with parental interaction, and these benefits include an increase in oral language skills, reading comprehension, vocabulary, and an increase in motivation to read. The purpose of this study is to answer two questions: (1) Since parents were home more often with their children, were parents spending more quality time reading to their two to four-year-old children? This can be defined as reading developmentally appropriate books to their children with their undivided attention; and (2) Since parents were home more often with their two to four-year-old children, were parents reading more to their young children? Parents of pre-kindergarten students were surveyed to determine the answers to these questions

    Investigating the role of a district science coordinator

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    This study explored the professional responsibilities of district science coordinators, their professional development (PD) experiences, the relationship between their role, responsibilities, district context, and background, and barriers encountered in their work. A national sample (n = 122) of self‐identified science coordinators completed a Science Coordinator Role Survey. Participants’ responses were analyzed using descriptive and correlational statistics. Following analysis of survey data, 16 participants (13.1%) were purposefully selected for semi‐structured follow‐up interviews. Results indicated the majority of respondents identified themselves as Caucasian, female, and had served in their position for less than 10 years. The typical science coordinator held a degree in a science content area and was a former science teacher. Respondents without science degrees tended to hold positions at small, remote, or rural school districts with responsibilities in multiple content areas. Participants also reported barriers of not having enough PD opportunities, lack of time, lack of emphasis on science instruction, and a lack of power to enforce policies within a district. Results characterize the professional responsibilities of coordinators, provide insight into the role of a science coordinator, and into how to create targeted PD for coordinators

    Characterizing Teaching Assistants’ Knowledge and Beliefs Following Professional Development Activities within an Inquiry-Based General Chemistry Context

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    The purpose of this investigation was to explore changes in undergraduate and graduate teaching assistants’ (TAs’) content knowledge and beliefs about teaching within the context of an inquiry-based laboratory course. TAs received professional development (PD), which was informed by the TA training literature base and was designed for TAs implementing a guided inquiry approach to general chemistry laboratory instruction. TAs engaged in ∼20 h of presemester PD and ∼30 h of weekly follow-up PD during the semester. The study utilized a multiple-methods approach within a social constructivist framework to assess changes in the TAs. Participants included eight graduate TAs and five undergraduate TAs. Data collection included TA pre-PD, post-PD, and semester-end surveys and two interviews of a subset of participants. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive and nonparametric statistics, and the qualitative data were analyzed using systematic data analysis. The results indicate that TAs’ content knowledge significantly improved following the PD (mean = 80.22, standard deviation = 11.80) (Z = −2.346, p = 0.019) and was maintained over the semester. Following PD, the TAs shifted their beliefs to be more aligned with inquiry-based instruction. The results of this investigation suggest that TA previous experience and teaching students in an inquiry-based lab may influence TAs’ beliefs. Future research will focus on examining the impact of TAs on student outcomes within a guided inquiry approach to general chemistry laboratory instruction

    Ammonia Emissions from Twelve U.S. Broiler Chicken Houses

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    Twelve commercial broiler houses in the U.S. were each monitored for at least thirteen 48 h periods over the course of one year to obtain ammonia emission data. Paired repetition of houses on four farms represents current construction with variety in litter management (built-up or new litter each flock) and climate conditions (cold or mixed-humid). Ammonia concentration was determined using portable electrochemical sensors incorporating a fresh air purge cycle. Ventilation rate was determined via in-situ measurement of fan capacity, fan on-off times, and house static pressure difference. There were seasonal trends in exhaust ammonia concentration (highest in cold weather) and ventilation rates (highest in warm weather) but not for emission rate. Flocks with at least three monitoring periods (13 of 22 flocks) demonstrated similar emission rates at a given bird age among the four study farms and across the seasons. An analysis of emissions from all houses on the three farms using built-up litter resulted in predicted regression slopes of 0.028, 0.034, and 0.038 g NH3 bird-1 d-1 per day of age; the fourth farm, managed with new litter, had the lowest emission rate at 0.024 g NH3 bird-1 d-1. The intercept of these composite relationships was influenced by litter conditions, with flocks on new litter having essentially no emissions for about six days while built-up litter flocks had emissions starting at flock placement. Data from all four farms and all flocks provided a regression slope of 0.031(±0.001 std error) g NH3 bird-1 d-1 per day of age. Emission rate per animal unit for built-up litter flocks indicated very high emissions for the youngest birds (under 14 days of age), after which time the emissions decreased exponentially and were then relatively steady for the balance of the flock cycle

    Elementary science teachers’ integration of engineering design into science instruction: results from a randomised controlled trial

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    This randomised controlled trial used a mixed-methods approach to investigate the frequency and how elementary teachers integrated engineering design (ED) principles into their science instruction following professional development (PD). The ED components of the PD were aligned with Cunningham and Carlsen’s [(2014). Teaching engineering practices. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 25, 197–210] guidelines for ED PD and promoted inclusion of ED within science teaching. The treatment group included 219 teachers from 83 schools. Participants in the control group included 145 teachers from 60 schools in a mid-Atlantic state. Data sources, including lesson overviews and videotaped classroom observations, were analysed quantitatively to determine the frequency of ED integration and qualitatively to describe how teachers incorporated ED into instruction after attending the PD. Results indicated more participants who attended the PD (55%) incorporated ED into instruction compared with the control participants (24%), χ2(1, n = 401) = 33.225, p \u3c .001,  = 0.308. Treatment and control teachers taught similar science content (p’s \u3e .05) through ED lessons. In ED lessons, students typically conducted research and created and tested initial designs. The results suggest the PD supported teachers in implementing ED into their science instruction and support the efficacy of using Cunningham and Carlsen’s (2014) guidelines to inform ED PD design

    Brief on the future of non-MARC authority

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    The Indiana University PCC Non-MARC Authorities Issues Group was formed in response to the Program for Cooperative Cataloging’s (PCC) call for "… a well-articulated plan as to how [a non-MARC authorities] future could work based on [ideas from the PCC community]." Of particular interest were ideas that could serve as a bridge "between an ideal world and what [catalogers] can do now to create [that world]." In this brief paper, the group proposes many changes that may ease the transition from MARC to library linked open data with a particular focus on authority data. The group outlines policy changes that may promote robust, granular data encoding practices and encourage the addition of meaningful linkages to FRBR Group 1 and Group 2 entities. In addition to forward-thinking policies and standards, our community is in need of a strong advocate for metadata curation systems. Having proper tools will enable catalogers to focus on the intellectual activities associated with metadata creation, curation, and strategy

    SN2012ab: A Peculiar Type IIn Supernova with Aspherical Circumstellar Material

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    We present photometry, spectra, and spectropolarimetry of supernova (SN) 2012ab, mostly obtained over the course of 300\sim 300 days after discovery. SN 2012ab was a Type IIn (SN IIn) event discovered near the nucleus of spiral galaxy 2MASXJ12224762+0536247. While its light curve resembles that of SN 1998S, its spectral evolution does not. We see indications of CSM interaction in the strong intermediate-width emission features, the high luminosity (peak at absolute magnitude M=19.5M=-19.5), and the lack of broad absorption features in the spectrum. The Hα\alpha emission undergoes a peculiar transition. At early times it shows a broad blue emission wing out to 14,000-14{,}000 km s1\mathrm{s^{-1}} and a truncated red wing. Then at late times (>> 100\,days) it shows a truncated blue wing and a very broad red emission wing out to roughly +20,000+20{,}000 km s1\mathrm{s^{-1}}. This late-time broad red wing probably arises in the reverse shock. Spectra also show an asymmetric intermediate-width Hα\alpha component with stronger emission on the red side at late times. The evolution of the asymmetric profiles requires a density structure in the distant CSM that is highly aspherical. Our spectropolarimetric data also suggest asphericity with a strong continuum polarization of 13\sim 1-3% and depolarization in the Hα\alpha line, indicating asphericity in the CSM at a level comparable to that in other SNe IIn. We estimate a mass-loss rate of M˙=0.050Myr1\dot{M} = 0.050\, {\rm M}_{\odot}\,\mathrm{yr^{-1}} for vpre=100v_{\rm pre} = 100\,km\,s1\mathrm{s^{-1}} extending back at least 75\,yr prior to the SN. The strong departure from axisymmetry in the CSM of SN 2012ab may suggest that the progenitor was an eccentric binary system undergoing eruptive mass loss.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Cost-Effectiveness of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy With Morcellation Compared With Abdominal Hysterectomy for Presumed Myomas

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    Hysterectomy for presumed leiomyomata is one of the most common surgical procedures performed in non-pregnant women in the United States. Laparoscopic hysterectomy (LH) with morcellation is an appealing alternative to abdominal hysterectomy (AH), but may result in dissemination of malignant cells and worse outcomes in the setting of an occult leiomyosarcoma. We sought to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of LH versus AH