20,929 research outputs found

    Three dimensional turbulent boundary layers: Data sets for two-space coordinate flows

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    Sets of data (flows) from eight original sources on three-dimensional turbulent boundary layers were reevaluated and tabulated in a common format. The flows studied were all of the type describable in only two space coordinates, e.g., flow over a swept wing of infinite span. The principal data in each set are profiles of the main and crossflow components of mean velocity. Turbulent shear stress vector profiles were available for two flows, Bradshaw and Terrell (1969) and Johnson (1970). Free stream pressure gradient, wall shear stress coefficient and angle, integral thickness and left and right hand sides of the momentum integral equations were evaluated in a consistent manner for each flow

    On the Regularized Fermionic Projector of the Vacuum

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    We construct families of fermionic projectors with spherically symmetric regularization, which satisfy the condition of a distributional MP{\mathcal{M}} P-product. The method is to analyze regularization tails with a power-law or logarithmic scaling in composite expressions in the fermionic projector. The resulting regularizations break the Lorentz symmetry and give rise to a multi-layer structure of the fermionic projector near the light cone. The remaining freedom for the regularization parameters and the consequences for the normalization of the fermionic states are discussed.Comment: 66 pages, LaTeX, 8 figures, minor improvements (published version

    Modelling temperature-dependent larval development and\ud subsequent demographic Allee effects in adult populations of the alpine butterfly Parnassius smintheus

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    Climate change has been attributed as a driver of changes to ecological systems worldwide and understanding the effects of climate change at individual, population, community, and ecosystem levels has become a primary concern of ecology. One avenue toward understanding the impacts of climate change on an ecosystem is through the study of environmentally sensitive species. Butterflies are sensitive to climatic changes due to their reliance on environmental cues such as temperature and photoperiod, which regulate the completion of life history stages. As such, the population dynamics of butterflies may offer insight into the impacts of climate change on the health of an ecosystem. In this paper we study the effects of rearing temperature on the alpine butterfly Parnassius smintheus (Rocky Mountain Apollo), both directly through individual phenological changes and indirectly through adult reproductive success at the population level. Our approach is to formulate a mathematical model of individual development parameterized by experimental data and link larval development to adult reproductive success. A Bernoulli process model describes temperature-dependent larval phenology, and a system of ordinary differential equations is used to study impacts on reproductive success. The phenological model takes field temperature data as its input and predicts a temporal distribution of adult emergence, which in turn controls the dynamics of the reproductive success model. We find that warmer spring and summer temperatures increase reproductive success, while cooler temperatures exacerbate a demographic Allee effect, suggesting that observed yearly fluctuations in P. smintheus population size may be driven by inter-annual temperature variability. Model predictions are validated against mark-recapture field data from 2001 and 2003 − 2009

    Drug Predictive Cues Activate Aversion-Sensitive Striatal Neurons That Encode Drug Seeking

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    Drug-associated cues have profound effects on an addict’s emotional state and drug-seeking behavior. Although this influence must involve the motivational neural system that initiates and encodes the drug-seeking act, surprisingly little is known about the nature of such physiological events and their motivational consequences. Three experiments investigated the effect of a cocaine-predictive stimulus on dopamine signaling, neuronal activity, and reinstatement of cocaine seeking. In all experiments, rats were divided into two groups (paired and unpaired), and trained to self-administer cocaine in the presence of a tone that signaled the immediate availability of the drug. For rats in the paired group, self-administration sessions were preceded by a taste cue that signaled delayed drug availability. Assessments of hedonic responses indicated that this delay cue became aversive during training. Both the self-administration behavior and the immediate cue were subsequently extinguished in the absence of cocaine. After extinction of self-administration behavior, the presentation of the aversive delay cue reinstated drug seeking. In vivo electrophysiology and voltammetry recordings in the nucleus accumbens measured the neural responses to both the delay and immediate drug cues after extinction. Interestingly, the presentation of the delay cue simultaneously decreased dopamine signaling and increased excitatory encoding of the immediate cue. Most importantly, the delay cue selectively enhanced the baseline activity of neurons that would later encode drug seeking. Together these observations reveal how cocaine cues can modulate not only affective state, but also the neurochemical and downstream neurophysiological environment of striatal circuits in a manner that promotes drug seeking

    Phase field modeling of electrochemistry II: Kinetics

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    The kinetic behavior of a phase field model of electrochemistry is explored for advancing (electrodeposition) and receding (electrodissolution) conditions in one dimension. We described the equilibrium behavior of this model in [J. E. Guyer, W. J. Boettinger, J.A. Warren, and G. B. McFadden, ``Phase field modeling of electrochemistry I: Equilibrium'', cond-mat/0308173]. We examine the relationship between the parameters of the phase field method and the more typical parameters of electrochemistry. We demonstrate ohmic conduction in the electrode and ionic conduction in the electrolyte. We find that, despite making simple, linear dynamic postulates, we obtain the nonlinear relationship between current and overpotential predicted by the classical ``Butler-Volmer'' equation and observed in electrochemical experiments. The charge distribution in the interfacial double layer changes with the passage of current and, at sufficiently high currents, we find that the diffusion limited deposition of a more noble cation leads to alloy deposition with less noble species.Comment: v3: To be published in Phys. Rev. E v2: Attempt to work around turnpage bug. Replaced color Fig. 4a with grayscale 13 pages, 7 figures in 10 files, REVTeX 4, SIunits.sty, follows cond-mat/030817

    Space Time Foam: a ground state candidate for Quantum Gravity

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    A model of space-time foam, made by NN wormholes is considered. The Casimir energy leading to such a model is computed by means of the phase shift method which is in agreement with the variational approach used in Refs.[9-14]. The collection of Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m wormholes are separately considered to represent the foam. The Casimir energy shows that the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m wormholes cannot be used to represent the foam.Comment: 6 pages.RevTeX with package epsf and two eps figures. To be submitted to the proceedings of the 4th Workshop of `Mysteries, Puzzles And Paradoxes In Quantum Mechanics' Gargnano (Italy), 27 August-1 September 200

    Yang-Mills gravity in biconformal space

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    We write a gravity theory with Yang-Mills type action using the biconformal gauging of the conformal group. We show that the resulting biconformal Yang-Mills gravity theories describe 4-dim, scale-invariant general relativity in the case of slowly changing fields. In addition, we systematically extend arbitrary 4-dim Yang-Mills theories to biconformal space, providing a new arena for studying flat space Yang-Mills theories. By applying the biconformal extension to a 4-dim pure Yang-Mills theory with conformal symmetry, we establish a 1-1, onto mapping between a set of gravitational gauge theories and 4-dim, flat space gauge theories.Comment: 27 pages; paper emphasis shifted to focus on gravity; references adde
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