3,217 research outputs found

    Magnetism, X-rays, and Accretion Rates in WD 1145+017 and other Polluted White Dwarf Systems

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    This paper reports circular spectropolarimetry and X-ray observations of several polluted white dwarfs including WD 1145+017, with the aim to constrain the behavior of disk material and instantaneous accretion rates in these evolved planetary systems. Two stars with previously observed Zeeman splitting, WD 0322-019 and WD 2105-820, are detected above 5 sigma and > 1 kG, while WD 1145+017, WD 1929+011, and WD 2326+049 yield (null) detections below this minimum level of confidence. For these latter three stars, high-resolution spectra and atmospheric modeling are used to obtain limits on magnetic field strengths via the absence of Zeeman splitting, finding B* < 20 kG based on data with resolving power R near 40 000. An analytical framework is presented for bulk Earth composition material falling onto the magnetic polar regions of white dwarfs, where X-rays and cyclotron radiation may contribute to accretion luminosity. This analysis is applied to X-ray data for WD 1145+017, WD 1729+371, and WD 2326+049, and the upper bound count rates are modeled with spectra for a range of plasma kT = 1 - 10 keV in both the magnetic and non-magnetic accretion regimes. The results for all three stars are consistent with a typical dusty white dwarf in a steady-state at 1e8 - 1e9 g/s. In particular, the non-magnetic limits for WD 1145+017 are found to be well below previous estimates of up to 1e12 g/s, and likely below 1e10 g/s, thus suggesting the star-disk system may be average in its evolutionary state, and only special in viewing geometry.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables; accepted to MNRA

    High-energy environment of super-Earth 55 Cnc e I: Far-UV chromospheric variability as a possible tracer of planet-induced coronal rain

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    The irradiation of close-in planets by their star influences their evolution and might be responsible for a population of ultra-short period planets eroded to their bare core. In orbit around a bright, nearby G-type star, the super-Earth 55 Cnc e offers the possibility to address these issues through UV transit observations. We used the Hubble Space Telescope to observe the transit in the FUV over 3 epochs in Apr. 2016, Jan. 2017, and Feb. 2017. These observations reveal significant short- and long-term variability in 55 Cnc chromospheric emission lines. In the last 2 epochs, we detected a larger flux in the C III, Si III, and Si IV lines after the planet passed the approaching quadrature, followed by a flux decrease in the Si IV doublet. In the second epoch these variations are contemporaneous with flux decreases in the Si II and C II doublet. All epochs show flux decreases in the N V doublet as well, albeit at different orbital phases. These flux decreases are consistent with absorption from optically thin clouds of gas, are mostly localized at low and redshifted radial velocities in the star rest frame, and occur preferentially before and during the transit. These 3 points make it unlikely that the variations are purely stellar, yet we show that the occulting material is also unlikely to originate from the planet. We tentatively propose that the motion of 55 Cnc e at the fringes of the stellar corona leads to the formation of a cool coronal rain. The inhomogeneity and temporal evolution of the stellar corona would be responsible for the differences between the visits. Additional variations are detected in the C II doublet in the first epoch and in the O I triplet in all epochs with a different behavior that points toward intrinsic stellar variability. Further observations at FUV wavelengths are required to disentangle between star-planet interactions and the activity of the starComment: 22 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Spectrum of surface-mode contributions to the excitation probability for electron beam interacting with sharp-edged dielectric wedges

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    The interaction of a nonrelativistic charged particle beam, travelling parallel to the surface of a sharp-edged dielectric wedge is analyzed. The general expressions for excitation probability are obtained for a beam moving along the direction of a symmetry axis, either outside or inside the dielectric wedge. The dielectric function of the medium is assumed to be isotropic, and numerical results are given for the materials of experimental interest.Comment: LaTeX 2.09, 15 pages, 10 figure

    Upper Critical Field in a Spin-Charge Separated Superconductor

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    It is demonstrated that the spatial decay of the pair propagator in a Luttinger liquid with spin charge separation contains a logarithmic correction relative to the free fermi gas result in a finite interval between the spin and charge thermal lengths. It is argued that similar effects can be expected in higher dimensional systems with spin charge separation and that the temperature dependence of the upper critical field Hc2H_{c2} curve is a probe of this effect.Comment: 3 pages, postscript file (compressed and uuencoded

    K2 Variable Catalogue II: Machine Learning Classification of Variable Stars and Eclipsing Binaries in K2 Fields 0-4

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    We are entering an era of unprecedented quantities of data from current and planned survey telescopes. To maximise the potential of such surveys, automated data analysis techniques are required. Here we implement a new methodology for variable star classification, through the combination of Kohonen Self Organising Maps (SOM, an unsupervised machine learning algorithm) and the more common Random Forest (RF) supervised machine learning technique. We apply this method to data from the K2 mission fields 0-4, finding 154 ab-type RR Lyraes (10 newly discovered), 377 Delta Scuti pulsators, 133 Gamma Doradus pulsators, 183 detached eclipsing binaries, 290 semi-detached or contact eclipsing binaries and 9399 other periodic (mostly spot-modulated) sources, once class significance cuts are taken into account. We present lightcurve features for all K2 stellar targets, including their three strongest detected frequencies, which can be used to study stellar rotation periods where the observed variability arises from spot modulation. The resulting catalogue of variable stars, classes, and associated data features are made available online. We publish our SOM code in Python as part of the open source PyMVPA package, which in combination with already available RF modules can be easily used to recreate the method.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 16 pages, 13 figures. Updated with proof corrections. Full catalogue tables available at https://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/physics/research/astro/people/armstrong/ or at the CD

    The long egress of GJ~436b's giant exosphere

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    The M dwarf GJ 436 hosts a transiting warm Neptune known to experience atmospheric escape. Previous observations revealed the presence of a giant hydrogen exosphere transiting the star for more than 5 h, and absorbing up to 56% of the flux in the blue wing of the stellar Lyman-{\alpha} line of neutral hydrogen (H i Ly{\alpha}). The unexpected size of this comet-like exosphere prevented observing the full transit of its tail. In this Letter, we present new Ly{\alpha} observations of GJ 436 obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) instrument onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. The stability of the Ly{\alpha} line over six years allowed us to combine these new observations with archival data sets, substantially expanding the coverage of the exospheric transit. Hydrogen atoms in the tail of the exospheric cloud keep occulting the star for 10-25 h after the transit of the planet, remarkably confirming a previous prediction based on 3D numerical simulations with the EVaporating Exoplanet code (EVE). This result strengthens the interpretation that the exosphere of GJ 436b is shaped by both radiative braking and charge exchanges with the stellar wind. We further report flux decreases of 15 +/- 2% and 47 +/- 10% in the red wing of the Ly{\alpha} line and in the line of ionised silicon (Si iii). Despite some temporal variability possibly linked with stellar activity, these two signals occur during the exospheric transit and could be of planetary origin. Follow-up observations will be required to assess the possibility that the redshifted Ly{\alpha} and Si iii absorption signatures arise from interactions between the exospheric flow and the magnetic field of the star.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, published in A&

    SuperWASP: Wide Angle Search for Planets

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    SuperWASP is a fully robotic, ultra-wide angle survey for planetary transits. Currently under construction, it will consist of 5 cameras, each monitoring a 9.5 x 9.5 deg field of view. The Torus mount and enclosure will be fully automated and linked to a built-in weather station. We aim to begin observations at the beginning of 2003.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to be published in proceedings of "Scientific Frontiers in Research on Extrasolar Planets

    Extended bound states and resonances of two fermions on a periodic lattice

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    The high-TcT_c cuprates are possible candidates for d-wave superconductivity, with the Cooper pair wave function belonging to a non-trivial irreducible representation of the lattice point group. We argue that this d-wave symmetry is related to a special form of the fermionic kinetic energy and does not require any novel pairing mechanism. In this context, we present a detailed study of the bound states and resonances formed by two lattice fermions interacting via a non-retarded potential that is attractive for nearest neighbors but repulsive for other relative positions. In the case of strong binding, a pair formed by fermions on adjacent lattice sites can have a small effective mass, thereby implying a high condensation temperature. For a weakly bound state, a pair with non-trivial symmetry tends to be smaller in size than an s-wave pair. These and other findings are discussed in connection with the properties of high-TcT_c cuprate superconductors.Comment: 21 pages, RevTeX, 4 Postscript figures, arithmetic errors corrected. An abbreviated version (no appendix) appeared in PRB on March 1, 199