63 research outputs found

    Fatty acid biosynthesis in the leaves of barley, wheat and pea

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    The lipid composition of a barley mutant lacking chlorophyll b

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    Using microbes to recover rare earths with low environmental impact?

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    Using Microbes to recover Rare Earths with low environmental impact Barbara Palumbo Roe, Simon Gregory, Antoni Milodowski, Julia West, Joanna Wragg British Geological Survey, Nicker Hill, Nottingham NG12 5GG, UK Steve Banwart, Maria Romero González, Wei Huang, Emma Wharfe Kroto Research Institute, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S3 7HQ, UK John Harding, Colin Freeman, Shaun Hall Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 3JD, UK Microbes play an important role in the fate and transport of rare earth elements (REE) in relation to the REE exploitation life cycle. A step change in understanding is needed for key mobilisation, concentration and fractionation processes such as bioleaching, biosorption and biomineralisation and how they can 1) be harnessed to recover REE in situ from low grade ores or secondary deposits, and 2) be quantified for reactive transport in environmental risk assessment and management of mining operations. Heap/in-situ leaching methods are relatively low impact mining technologies, requiring less energy (for comminution) and in the case of in-situ leaching have a minimal footprint. Furthermore, biologically-assisted leaching and separation processes represent a more sustainable alternative to chemical processes. We discuss the microbial potential to accelerate dissolution of REEs from source minerals, and how the natural selectivity of mineral and microbial surfaces as ligands for adsorption and biomineralisation of REE dissolved species could be exploited in the recovery of REEs from fluids

    Morinda citrifolia

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    Introduction. Noni (Morinda citrifolia) has been used for many years as an anti-inflammatory agent. We tested the efficacy of Noni in women with dysmenorrhea. Method. We did a prospective randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial in 100 university students of 18 years and older over three menstrual cycles. Patients were invited to participate and randomly assigned to receive 400 mg Noni capsules or placebo. They were assessed for baseline demographic variables such as age, parity, and BMI. They were also assessed before and after treatment, for pain, menstrual blood loss, and laboratory variables: ESR, hemoglobin, and packed cell volume. Results. Of the 1027 women screened, 100 eligible women were randomized. Of the women completing the study, 42 women were randomized to Noni and 38 to placebo. There were no significant differences in any of the variables at randomization. There were also no significant differences in mean bleeding score or pain score at randomization. Both bleeding and pain scores gradually improved in both groups as the women were observed over three menstrual cycles; however, the improvement was not significantly different in the Noni group when compared to the controls. Conclusion. Noni did not show a reduction in menstrual pain or bleeding when compared to placebo

    Metabolic profiling of HepG2 cells incubated with S(−) and R(+) enantiomers of anti-coagulating drug warfarin

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    Warfarin is a commonly prescribed oral anticoagulant with narrow therapeutic index. It achieves anti-coagulating effects by interfering with the vitamin K cycle. Warfarin has two enantiomers, S(−) and R(+) and undergoes stereoselective metabolism, with the S(−) enantiomer being more effective. We reported the intracellular metabolic profile in HepG2 cells incubated with S(−) and R(+) warfarin by GCMS. Chemometric method PCA was applied to analyze the individual samples. A total of 80 metabolites which belong to different categories were identified. Two batches of experiments (with and without the presence of vitamin K) were designed. In samples incubated with S(−) and R(+) warfarin, glucuronic acid showed significantly decreased in cells incubated with R(+) warfarin but not in those incubated with S(−) warfarin. It may partially explain the lower bio-activity of R(+) warfarin. And arachidonic acid showed increased in cells incubated with S(−) warfarin but not in those incubated with R(+) warfarin. In addition, a number of small molecules involved in γ-glutamyl cycle displayed ratio variations. Intracellular glutathione detection further validated the results. Taken together, our findings provided molecular evidence on a comprehensive metabolic profile on warfarin-cell interaction which may shed new lights on future improvement of warfarin therapy

    Gestational disruptions in metabolic rhythmicity of the liver, muscle, and placenta affect fetal size

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    Maternal metabolic adaptations are essential for successful pregnancy outcomes. We investigated how metabolic gestational processes are coordinated, whether there is a functional link with internal clocks, and whether disruptions are related to metabolic abnormalities in pregnancy, by studying day/night metabolic pathways in murine models and samples from pregnant women with normally grown and large-for-gestational age infants. In early mouse pregnancy, expression of hepatic lipogenic genes was up-regulated and uncoupled from the hepatic clock. In late mouse pregnancy, rhythmicity of energy metabolism-related genes in the muscle followed the patterns of internal clock genes in this tissue, and coincided with enhanced lipid transporter expression in the fetoplacental unit. Diurnal triglyceride patterns were disrupted in human placentas from pregnancies with large-for-gestational age infants and this overlapped with an increase in BMAL1 expression. Metabolic adaptations in early pregnancy are uncoupled from the circadian clock, whereas in late pregnancy, energy availability is mediated by coordinated muscle-placenta metabolic adjustments linked to internal clocks. Placental triglyceride oscillations in the third trimester of human pregnancy are lost in large-for-gestational age infants and may be regulated by BMAL1. In summary, disruptions in metabolic and circadian rhythmicity are associated with increased fetal size, with implications for the pathogenesis of macrosomia.-Papacleovoulou, G., Nikolova, V., Oduwole, O., Chambers, J., Vazquez-Lopez, M., Jansen, E., Nicolaides, K., Parker, M., Williamson, C. Gestational disruptions in metabolic rhythmicity of the liver, muscle, and placenta affect fetal size.</p