60 research outputs found

    Steric engineering of point defects in lead halide perovskites

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    Due to their high photovoltaic efficiency and low-cost synthesis, lead halide perovskites have attracted wide interest for application in new solar cell technologies. The most stable and efficient ABX3_3 perovskite solar cells employ mixed A-site cations, however the impact of cation mixing on carrier trapping and recombination -- key processes that limit photovoltaic performance -- is not fully understood. Here we analyse non-radiative carrier trapping in the mixed A-cation hybrid halide perovskite MA1−x_{1-x}Csx_{x}PbI3_3. By using rigorous first-principles simulations combined with techniques initially developed for organic molecular materials, we show that cation mixing leads to a hole trapping rate at the iodine interstitial that is seven orders of magnitude greater than in the single cation system. We demonstrate that the same defect in the same material can display a wide variety of defect activity -- from electrically inactive to recombination centre -- and, in doing so, resolve conflicting reports in the literature. Finally, we propose a new mechanism in which composition can be used to determine the rate of carrier trapping; this is achieved by controlling the phase and dynamical response of the lattice through the steric size of the A-site cations. Our findings elucidate crucial links between chemical composition, defect activity and optoelectronic performance, and present a general approach that can help to rationalise the development of new materials with target defect properties

    Impact of non-parabolic electronic band structure on the optical and transport properties of photovoltaic materials

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    The effective mass approximation (EMA) models the response to an external perturbation of an electron in a periodic potential as the response of a free electron with a renormalized mass. For semiconductors used in photovoltaic devices, the EMA allows calculation of important material properties from first-principles calculations, including optical properties (e.g., exciton binding energies), defect properties (e.g., donor and acceptor levels), and transport properties (e.g., polaron radii and carrier mobilities). The conduction and valence bands of semiconductors are commonly approximated as parabolic around their extrema, which gives a simple theoretical description but ignores the complexity of real materials. In this work, we use density functional theory to assess the impact of band nonparabolicity on four common thin-film photovoltaic materials - GaAs, CdTe, Cu2ZnSnS4 and CH3NH3PbI3 - at temperatures and carrier densities relevant for real-world applications. First, we calculate the effective mass at the band edges. We compare finite-difference, unweighted least-squares and thermally weighted least-squares approaches. We find that the thermally weighted least-squares method reduces sensitivity to the choice of sampling density. Second, we employ a Kane quasilinear dispersion to quantify the extent of nonparabolicity and compare results from different electronic structure theories to consider the effect of spin-orbit coupling and electron exchange. Finally, we focus on the halide perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 as a model system to assess the impact of nonparabolicity on calculated electron transport and optical properties at high carrier concentrations. We find that at a concentration of 1020cm-3 the optical effective mass increases by a factor of two relative to the low carrier-concentration value, and the polaron mobility decreases by a factor of three. Our work suggests that similar adjustments should be made to the predicted optical and transport properties of other semiconductors with significant band nonparabolicity

    Impact of non-parabolic electronic band structure on the optical and transport properties of photovoltaic materials

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    The effective mass approximation (EMA) models the response to an external perturbation of an electron in a periodic potential as the response of a free electron with a renormalized mass. For semiconductors used in photovoltaic devices, the EMA allows calculation of important material properties from first-principles calculations, including optical properties (e.g., exciton binding energies), defect properties (e.g., donor and acceptor levels), and transport properties (e.g., polaron radii and carrier mobilities). The conduction and valence bands of semiconductors are commonly approximated as parabolic around their extrema, which gives a simple theoretical description but ignores the complexity of real materials. In this work, we use density functional theory to assess the impact of band nonparabolicity on four common thin-film photovoltaic materials—GaAs, CdTe, Cu2ZnSnS4 and CH3NH3PbI3—at temperatures and carrier densities relevant for real-world applications. First, we calculate the effective mass at the band edges. We compare finite-difference, unweighted least-squares and thermally weighted least-squares approaches. We find that the thermally weighted least-squares method reduces sensitivity to the choice of sampling density. Second, we employ a Kane quasilinear dispersion to quantify the extent of nonparabolicity and compare results from different electronic structure theories to consider the effect of spin-orbit coupling and electron exchange. Finally, we focus on the halide perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 as a model system to assess the impact of nonparabolicity on calculated electron transport and optical properties at high carrier concentrations. We find that at a concentration of 1020cm−3 the optical effective mass increases by a factor of two relative to the low carrier-concentration value, and the polaron mobility decreases by a factor of three. Our work suggests that similar adjustments should be made to the predicted optical and transport properties of other semiconductors with significant band nonparabolicity

    Perspective: Theory and simulation of hybrid halide perovskites

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    Organic-inorganic halide perovskites present a number of challenges for first-principles atomistic materials modeling. Such “plastic crystals” feature dynamic processes across multiple length and time scales. These include the following: (i) transport of slow ions and fast electrons; (ii) highly anharmonic lattice dynamics with short phonon lifetimes; (iii) local symmetry breaking of the average crystallographic space group; (iv) strong relativistic (spin-orbit coupling) effects on the electronic band structure; and (v) thermodynamic metastability and rapid chemical breakdown. These issues, which affect the operation of solar cells, are outlined in this perspective. We also discuss general guidelines for performing quantitative and predictive simulations of these materials, which are relevant to metal-organic frameworks and other hybrid semiconducting, dielectric and ferroelectric compounds

    Phonon anharmonicity, lifetimes, and thermal transport in CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>PbI<sub>3</sub> from many-body perturbation theory

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    Lattice vibrations in CH3_3NH3_3PbI3_3 are strongly interacting, with double well instabilities present at the Brillouin zone boundary. Analysis within a first-principles lattice dynamics framework reveals anharmonic potentials with short phonon quasi-particle lifetimes and mean-free paths. The phonon behaviour is distinct from the inorganic semiconductors GaAs and CdTe where three-phonon interaction strengths are three orders of magnitude smaller. The implications for the applications of hybrid halide perovskites arising from thermal conductivity, band-gap deformation, and charge-carrier scattering through electron-phonon coupling, are presented

    The miR-430 locus with extreme promoter density forms a transcription body during the minor wave of zygotic genome activation

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    In anamniote embryos, the major wave of zygotic genome activation starts during the mid-blastula transition. However, some genes escape global genome repression, are activated substantially earlier, and contribute to the minor wave of genome activation. The mechanisms underlying the minor wave of genome activation are little understood. We explored the genomic organization and cis -regulatory mechanisms of a transcrip-tion body, in which the minor wave of genome activation is first detected in zebrafish. We identified the miR-430 cluster as having excessive copy number and the highest density of Pol-II-transcribed promoters in the genome, and this is required for forming the transcription body. However, this transcription body is not essential for, nor does it encompasse, minor wave transcription globally. Instead, distinct minor-wave -specific promoter architecture suggests that promoter-autonomous mechanisms regulate the minor wave of genome activation. The minor-wave-specific features also suggest distinct transcription initiation mecha-nisms between the minor and major waves of genome activation

    High temperature equilibrium of 3D and 2D chalcogenide perovskites

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    Chalcogenide perovskites have been recently proposed as novel absorber materials for photovoltaic applications. BaZrS3, the most investigated compound of this family, shows a high absorption coefficient, a bandgap of around 1.8 eV, and excellent stability. In addition to the 3D perovskite BaZrS3, the Ba–Zr–S compositional space contains various 2D Ruddlesden–Popper phases Ban + 1ZrnS3n + 1 (with n = 1, 2, 3) which have recently been reported. Herein, it is shown that at high temperature the Gibbs free energies of 3D and 2D perovskites are very close, suggesting that 2D phases can be easily formed at high temperatures. The product of the BaS and ZrS2 solid-state reaction, in different stoichiometric conditions, presents a mixture of BaZrS3 and Ba4Zr3S10. To carefully resolve the composition, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis are complemented with Raman spectroscopy. For this purpose, the phonon dispersions, and the consequent Raman spectra, are calculated for the 3D and 2D chalcogenide perovskites, as well as for the binary precursors. This thorough characterization demonstrates the thermodynamic limitations and experimental difficulties in forming phase-pure chalcogenide perovskites through solid-state synthesis and the importance of using multiple techniques to soundly resolve the composition of these materials

    Giant Huang–Rhys Factor for Electron Capture by the Iodine Intersitial in Perovskite Solar Cells

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    Improvement in the optoelectronic performance of halide perovskite semiconductors requires the identification and suppression of nonradiative carrier trapping processes. The iodine interstitial has been established as a deep level defect and implicated as an active recombination center. We analyze the quantum mechanics of carrier trapping. Fast and irreversible electron capture by the neutral iodine interstitial is found. The effective Huang–Rhys factor exceeds 300, indicative of the strong electron–phonon coupling that is possible in soft semiconductors. The accepting phonon mode has a frequency of 53 cm–1 and has an associated electron capture coefficient of 1 × 10–10 cm3 s–1. The inverse participation ratio is used to quantify the localization of phonon modes associated with the transition. We infer that suppression of octahedral rotations is an important factor to enhance defect tolerance
