22 research outputs found

    The Opaque Heart of the Galaxy IC~860: Analogous Protostellar, Kinematics, Morphology, and Chemistry

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    Compact Obscured Nuclei (CONs) account for a significant fraction of the population of luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs). These galaxy nuclei are compact, with radii of 10-100~pc, with large optical depths at submm and far-infrared wavelengths, and characterized by vibrationally excited HCN emission. It is not known what powers the large luminosities of the CON host galaxies because of the extreme optical depths towards their nuclei. CONs represent an extreme phase of nuclear growth, hiding either a rapidly accreting supermassive black hole or an abnormal mode of star formation. Here we apply principal component analysis (PCA) tomography to high-resolution (0.06^{\prime\prime}) ALMA observations at frequencies 245 to 265~GHz of the nearby CON (59~Mpc) IC~860. PCA is a technique to unveil correlation in the data parameter space, and we apply it to explore the morphological and chemical properties of species in our dataset. The leading principal components reveal morphological features in molecular emission that suggest a rotating, infalling disk or envelope, and an outflow analogous to those seen in Galactic protostars. One particular molecule of astrochemical interest is methanimine (CH2_2NH), a precursor to glycine, three transitions of which have been detected towards IC 860. We estimate the average CH2_2NH column density towards the nucleus of IC~860 to be 1017\sim10^{17}cm2^{-2}, with an abundance exceeding 10810^{-8} relative to molecular hydrogen, using the rotation diagram method and non-LTE radiative transfer models. This CH2_2NH abundance is consistent with those found in hot cores of molecular clouds in the Milky Way. Our analysis suggests that CONs are an important stage of chemical evolution in galaxies, that are chemically and morphologically similar to Milky Way hot cores.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    UV-luminous, star-forming hosts of z similar to 2 reddened quasars in the Dark Energy Survey

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    We present the first rest-frame UV population study of 17 heavily reddened, high-luminosity [E(B − V)QSO ≳ 0.5; Lbol > 1046 erg s−1] broad-line quasars at 1.5 < z < 2.7. We combine the first year of deep, optical, ground-based observations from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) with the near-infrared VISTA Hemisphere Survey and UKIDSS Large Area Survey data, from which the reddened quasars were initially identified. We demonstrate that the significant dust reddening towards the quasar in our sample allows host galaxy emission to be detected at the rest-frame UV wavelengths probed by the DES photometry. By exploiting this reddening effect, we disentangle the quasar emission from that of the host galaxy via spectral energy distribution fitting. We find evidence for a relatively unobscured, star-forming host galaxy in at least 10 quasars, with a further three quasars exhibiting emission consistent with either star formation or scattered light. From the rest-frame UV emission, we derive instantaneous, dust-corrected star formation rates (SFRs) in the range 25 < SFRUV < 365 M⊙ yr−1, with an average SFRUV = 130 ± 95 M⊙ yr−1. We find a broad correlation between SFRUV and the bolometric quasar luminosity. Overall, our results show evidence for coeval star formation and black hole accretion occurring in luminous, reddened quasars at the peak epoch of galaxy formation

    UV-luminous, star-forming hosts of z ~ 2 reddened quasars in the Dark Energy Survey

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    We present the first rest-frame UV population study of 17 heavily reddened, high-luminosity (E(B-V)QSO_{\rm{QSO}}\gtrsim 0.5; Lbol>_{\rm{bol}}> 1046^{46}ergs1^{-1}) broad-line quasars at 1.5<z<2.71.5 < z < 2.7. We combine the first year of deep, optical, ground-based observations from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) with the near infrared VISTA Hemisphere Survey (VHS) and UKIDSS Large Area Survey (ULAS) data, from which the reddened quasars were initially identified. We demonstrate that the significant dust reddening towards the quasar in our sample allows host galaxy emission to be detected at the rest-frame UV wavelengths probed by the DES photometry. By exploiting this reddening effect, we disentangle the quasar emission from that of the host galaxy via spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting. We find evidence for a relatively unobscured, star-forming host galaxy in at least ten quasars, with a further three quasars exhibiting emission consistent with either star formation or scattered light. From the rest-frame UV emission, we derive instantaneous, dust-corrected star formation rates (SFRs) in the range 25 < SFRUV_{\rm{UV}} < 365 M_{\odot}yr1^{-1}, with an average SFRUV_{\rm{UV}} = 130 ±\pm 95 M_{\odot}yr1^{-1}. We find a broad correlation between SFRUV_{\rm{UV}} and the bolometric quasar luminosity. Overall, our results show evidence for coeval star formation and black hole accretion occurring in luminous, reddened quasars at the peak epoch of galaxy formation

    Saudi SCD patients’ symptoms and quality of life relative to the number of ED visits

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    Background Individuals living with sickle cell disease (SCD) have significantly increased emergency department (ED) use compared to the general population. In Saudi Arabia, health care is free for all individuals and therefore has no bearing on increased ED visits. However, little is known about the relationship between quality of life (QoL) and frequency of acute care utilization in this patient population. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted on 366 patients with SCD who attended the outpatient department at King Fahad Hospital, Hofuf, Saudi Arabia. Data were collected through self-administered surveys, which included: demographics, SCD-related ED visits, clinical issues, and QoL levels. We assessed the ED use by asking for the number of SCD-related ED visits within a 6-month period. Results The self-report survey of ED visits was completed by 308 SCD patients. The median number of SCD-related ED visits within a 6-month time period (IQR) was four (2-7 visits). According to the unadjusted negative binomial model, the rate of SCD-related ED visits increased by (46, 39.3, 40, and 53.5 %) for patients with fever, skin redness with itching, swelling, and blood transfusion, respectively. Poor QoL tends to increase the rate of SCD-related ED visits. Well education and poor general health positively influenced the rate of SCD-related ED visits. Well education tends to increase the rate of SCD-related ED visits by 50.2 %. The rate of SCD-related ED visits decreased by 1.4 % for every point increase in general health. Conclusion Saudi patients with sickle cell disease reported a wide range of SCD-related ED visits. It was estimated that six of 10 SCD patients had at least three ED visits within a 6-month period. Well education and poor general health resulted in an increase in the rate of SCD-related ED visits