13 research outputs found

    Product innovation and public involvement

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    Chemie in transitie : van kenniscreatie naar toepassing

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    Transitions and strategic niche management : towards a competence kit for practitioners

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    Structural problems in modern societies, such as climate change and congestion problems, require 'transitions' towards a more susTWNnable fulfilment of social needs. Recent research shows that experimenting in niches is crucial for learning about social challenges and stimulating transitions. Through a series of 'transition experiments' in different niches, social innovations can be improved and eventually replace dominant practice. This article reviews the literature on transitions and strategic niche management and argues that it has a strong analytical core, but less effort has been made to develop a managerial perspective. The authors aim to contribute to such perspective by developing a 'competence kit': a learning module that provides practitioners (e.g., policy makers, companies, intermediary organisations and NGO's) that are involved in transition experiments with an analytical framework, guidelines and tools and recognisable examples. The results from the first workshop with practitioners to explore potential applications of the competence kit are promising. Copyright © 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

    Naar een toekomstbestendig energiesysteem : Flexibiliteit met waarde

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    In dit rapport staat de vraag centraal welke aanpassingen aan het Nederlandse energiesysteem en aan het functioneren van energiemarkten nodig zijn om het toekomstbestendig te maken, een toekomst waarin hernieuwbare energiebronnen voorzien in een substantieel en groeiend aandeel van onze energiebehoefte en waarin de lokale opwekking van energie door burgers en MKB volwassen wordt

    The Geopolitics of Shale Gas : The Implications of the US' Shale Gas Revolution on Intrastate Stability within Traditional Oil- and Natural Gas-Exporting Countries in the EU Neighborhood

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    The US’ shale gas revolution could in the long term destabilize traditional oil- and gas exporters in the European Union (EU) neighborhood: A combination of substitution effects and greater energy efficiency, could put pressure on the price of oil, leading to fiscal difficulties in traditional hydrocarbon exporting countries