10 research outputs found

    Random antiferromagnetic quantum spin chains: Exact results from scaling of rare regions

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    We study XY and dimerized XX spin-1/2 chains with random exchange couplings by analytical and numerical methods and scaling considerations. We extend previous investigations to dynamical properties, to surface quantities and operator profiles, and give a detailed analysis of the Griffiths phase. We present a phenomenological scaling theory of average quantities based on the scaling properties of rare regions, in which the distribution of the couplings follows a surviving random walk character. Using this theory we have obtained the complete set of critical decay exponents of the random XY and XX models, both in the volume and at the surface. The scaling results are confronted with numerical calculations based on a mapping to free fermions, which then lead to an exact correspondence with directed walks. The numerically calculated critical operator profiles on large finite systems (L<=512) are found to follow conformal predictions with the decay exponents of the phenomenological scaling theory. Dynamical correlations in the critical state are in average logarithmically slow and their distribution show multi-scaling character. In the Griffiths phase, which is an extended part of the off-critical region average autocorrelations have a power-law form with a non-universal decay exponent, which is analytically calculated. We note on extensions of our work to the random antiferromagnetic XXZ chain and to higher dimensions.Comment: 19 pages RevTeX, eps-figures include

    Low-energy fixed points of random Heisenberg models

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    The effect of quenched disorder on the low-energy and low-temperature properties of various two- and three-dimensional Heisenberg models is studied by a numerical strong disorder renormalization group method. For strong enough disorder we have identified two relevant fixed points, in which the gap exponent, omega, describing the low-energy tail of the gap distribution, P(Delta) ~ Delta^omega is independent of disorder, the strength of couplings and the value of the spin. The dynamical behavior of non-frustrated random antiferromagnetic models is controlled by a singlet-like fixed point, whereas for frustrated models the fixed point corresponds to a large spin formation and the gap exponent is given by omega ~ 0. Another type of universality classes is observed at quantum critical points and in dimerized phases but no infinite randomness behavior is found, in contrast to one-dimensional models.Comment: 11 pages RevTeX, eps-figs included, language revise

    Inhalation developmental toxicology studies: Teratology study of 1,3-butadiene in mice: Final report

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    Maternal toxicity, reproductive performance and developmental toxicology were evaluated in CD-1 mice following whole-body, inhalation exposures to 0, 40, 200 and 1000 ppM of 1,3-butadiene. The female mice, which had mated with unexposed males were exposed to the chemical for 6 hours/day on 6 through 15 dg and sacrificed on 18 dg. Maternal animals were weighed prior to mating and on 0, 6, 11 and 18 dg; the mice were observed for mortality, morbidity and signs of toxicity during exposure and examined for gross tissue abnormalities at necropsy. Live fetuses were weighed and subjected to external, visceral and skeletal examinations to detect growth retardation and morphologic anomalies. Significant concentration-related decreases were detected in a number of maternal body weight measures. There was a significant concentration-related depression of fetal body weights and placental weights. Body weights of male fetuses of all exposed groups were significantly lower than values for control fetuses; weights of female fetuses were significantly depressed in the mice exposed to 200 and 1000 ppM. In the 200- and 1000-ppM exposure groups, weights of placentas of male fetuses were significantly decreased, but placental weights of female fetuses were significantly affected only in litters exposed to the highest 1,3-butadiene concentration. This exposure regimen produced significant signs of maternal toxicity at concentrations of 200 and 1000 ppM 1,3-butadiene

    Dominant lethal study in CD-1 mice following inhalation exposure to 1,3-butadiene: Final technical report

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    The effects of whole-body inhalation exposures to 1,3-butadiene on the reproductive system was evaluated. The results of dominant lethality in CD-1 male mice that were exposed to 1,3-butadiene are described. Subsequent to exposure, males were mated with two unexposed females. Mating was continued for 8 weeks with replacement of two females each week. Gravid uteri were removed, and the total number, position and status of implantations were determined. The mice were weighed prior to exposure and at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 weeks after exposure and at sacrifice. The animals were observed for mortality, morbidity and signs of toxicity throughout the study. 19 refs., 5 figs., 9 tabs

    Suppression of kindling epileptogenesis in rats by intrahippocampal cholinergic grafts

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    Selective immunolesioning of the basal forebrain cholinergic system by 192 IgG-saporin, which leads to a dramatic loss of the cholinergic innervation in cortical and hippocampal regions, facilitates the development of hippocampal kindling in rats. The aim of the present study was to explore whether grafted cholinergic neurones are able to reverse the lesion-induced increase of seizure susceptibility. Intraventricular 192 IgG-saporin was administered to rats which 3 weeks later were implanted with rat embryonic, acetylcholine-rich septal-diagonal band tissue ('cholinergic grafts') or cortical tissue/vehicle ('sham grafts') bilaterally into the hippocampal formation. After 3 months, the grafted animals as well as non-lesioned control rats were subjected to daily hippocampal kindling stimulations. In the animals with cholinergic grafts, which had reinnervated the hippocampus and dentate gyrus bilaterally, there was a marked suppression of the development of seizures as compared with the hyperexcitable, sham-grafted rats. This effect was significantly correlated to the density of the graft-derived cholinergic innervation of the host hippocampal formation. The kindling rate in the rats with cholinergic grafts was similar to that in non-lesioned controls. These results provide further evidence that the intrinsic basal forebrain cholinergic system dampens kindling epileptogenesis and demonstrate that this function can be exerted also by grafted cholinergic neurones