6 research outputs found

    Proficiencies for Instruction Librarians: Is There Still a Disconnect Between Professional Education and Professional Responsibilities

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    In 1993, based on the proficiencies for bibliographic instruction librarians (1986), Diana Shonrock and Craig Mulder investigated if and where librarians were acquiring these proficiencies. In 2007, ACRL approved a revised set of proficiencies: Proficiencies for Instruction Librarians and Coordinators. The authors recreated the 1993 study, using the revised set of proficiencies. Librarians find the new set of proficiencies to be more relevant to their jobs than the older set of proficiencies; however, they are still most likely to acquire the proficiencies primarily outside their library school education

    Students Helping Students: Creating and Evaluating a Collaborative Service Model in the Library

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    This study identifies the successes and challenges associated with the addition of a nonlibrary service desk in a university library’s learning commons. The authors wanted to know whether a training and service collaboration with an outside unit could reliably and efficiently connect students to the librarians, academic support services, and other resources that they need; and if advanced skills (including information literacy) training could be successfully built into the existing infrastructure of academic support departments. The authors identified strategies to address barriers when maintaining and improving a collaborative relationship and a dual-desk service model

    Municipalización de la gestión educativa en las escuelas públicas primarias del distrito de Motupe, periodo 2009 y 2010

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    Esta investigación se centra en determinar ¿Cuáles son los factores que limitaron el proceso de Municipalización de la Gestión Educativa de las escuelas públicas primarias del distrito de Motupe periodo 2009 y 2010? Teniendo como objetivo principal, determinar los factores que limitaron el proceso de Municipalización de la Gestión Educativa de las escuelas públicas primarias del distrito de Motupe periodo 2009 y 2010. Es importante analizar y determinar los factores que limitaron el proceso de Municipalización Educativa en los distritos ya mencionados, dado que se dio con la finalidad de mejorar la educación de una manera más eficiente y equitativa, en beneficio de la población. Para poder cumplir con los objetivos planteados en la investigación, se utilizara un diseño exploratorio y desde una estrategia de estudio de casos. La población sujeto de estudio está constituida por directores, docentes, comités de APAFA, funcionarios y ex funcionarios públicos del sector educación, Alcalde, ex Alcalde y concejales del distrito de Motupe, así como también secretarios y miembros de SUTEP-Lambayeque. La recolección de datos se da mediante una revisión documental, entrevistas a profundidad, grupos focales y encuestas, procesándose a través de las técnicas de categorización y análisis de contenido. Los resultados obtenidos de las entrevistas realizadas a las personas involucradas en el proceso de Municipalización Educativa y además de la realización de una encuesta aplicada a los docentes. Corroboramos que los factores que limitaron el proceso de Municipalización de la gestión Educativa de las escuelas públicas primarias del distrito Motupe periodo 2009 y 2010 son; incertidumbre laboral afecto en 21%, burocracia del gobierno local en 25%, asignación presupuestaria en 16%, capacitación a los docentes en 21%, y débil de difusión del proceso afecto en 16%.Tesi

    Proficiencies for Instruction Librarians: Is There Still a Disconnect Between Professional Education and Professional Responsibilities

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    In 1993, based on the proficiencies for bibliographic instruction librarians (1986), Diana Shonrock and Craig Mulder investigated if and where librarians were acquiring these proficiencies. In 2007, ACRL approved a revised set of proficiencies: Proficiencies for Instruction Librarians and Coordinators. The authors recreated the 1993 study, using the revised set of proficiencies. Librarians find the new set of proficiencies to be more relevant to their jobs than the older set of proficiencies; however, they are still most likely to acquire the proficiencies primarily outside their library school education

    Aldo Leopold Distinguished Lecture Series

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    The Aldo Leopold Distinguished Lecture Series (ALDLS) was established in 2018 with the goal of engaging the University of Northern Iowa community, providing opportunities throughout the academic year to interact with a dynamic set of visiting speakers focusing on our relationship with the natural world. In its inaugural year, the ALDLS planning group coordinated lectures, accompanying educational events, and supplemental reading and materials for six distinguished speakers. Additionally, they collected all of the lectures and accompanying material in ScholarWorks, UNI’s institutional repository so that the knowledge presented through the ALDLS will be available far beyond each immediate audience. The speakers’ topics represented a broad diversity of sustainability issues and speakers’ views represented a range of political backgrounds. So far, the ALDLS has engaged thousands of people, drawing audiences from campus, throughout the Cedar Valley, and beyond. The success of the ALDLS is a testament to the urgency and interest in sustainability and to the benefits of interdisciplinary and cross-campus collaboration