26,467 research outputs found

    Degenerate states of narrow semiconductor rings in the presence of spin orbit coupling: Role of time-reversal and large gauge transformations

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    The electron Hamiltonian of narrow semiconductor rings with the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin orbit terms is invariant under time-reversal operation followed by a large gauge transformation. We find that all the eigenstates are doubly degenerate when integer or half-integer quantum fluxes thread the quantum ring. The wavefunctions of a degenerate pair are related to each other by the symmetry operation. These results are valid even in the presence of a disorder potential. When the Zeeman term is present only some of these degenerate levels anticross

    Magnetic field-tuned Aharonov-Bohm oscillations and evidence for non-Abelian anyons at v=5/2

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    We show that the resistance of the v=5/2 quantum Hall state, confined to an interferometer, oscillates with magnetic field consistent with an Ising-type non-Abelian state. In three quantum Hall interferometers of different sizes, resistance oscillations at v=7/3 and integer filling factors have the magnetic field period expected if the number of quasiparticles contained within the interferometer changes so as to keep the area and the total charge within the interferometer constant. Under these conditions, an Abelian state such as the (3,3,1) state would show oscillations with the same period as at an integer quantum Hall state. However, in an Ising-type non-Abelian state there would be a rapid oscillation associated with the "even-odd effect" and a slower one associated with the accumulated Abelian phase due to both the Aharonov-Bohm effect and the Abelian part of the quasiparticle braiding statistics. Our measurements at v=5/2 are consistent with the latter.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, includes Supplemental Material

    Imaging Transport Resonances in the Quantum Hall Effect

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    We use a scanning capacitance probe to image transport in the quantum Hall system. Applying a DC bias voltage to the tip induces a ring-shaped incompressible strip (IS) in the 2D electron system (2DES) that moves with the tip. At certain tip positions, short-range disorder in the 2DES creates a quantum dot island in the IS. These islands enable resonant tunneling across the IS, enhancing its conductance by more than four orders of magnitude. The images provide a quantitative measure of disorder and suggest resonant tunneling as the primary mechanism for transport across ISs.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PRL. For movies and additional infomation, see http://electron.mit.edu/scanning/; Added scale bars to images, revised discussion of figure 3, other minor change

    Photovoltaic Oscillations Due to Edge-Magnetoplasmon Modes in a Very-High Mobility 2D Electron Gas

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    Using very-high mobility GaAs/AlGaAs 2D electron Hall bar samples, we have experimentally studied the photoresistance/photovoltaic oscillations induced by microwave irradiation in the regime where both 1/B and B-periodic oscillations can be observed. In the frequency range between 27 and 130 GHz we found that these two types of oscillations are decoupled from each other, consistent with the respective models that 1/B oscillations occur in bulk while the B-oscillations occur along the edges of the Hall bars. In contrast to the original report of this phenomenon (Ref. 1) the periodicity of the B-oscillations in our samples are found to be independent of L, the length of the Hall bar section between voltage measuring leads.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Current-induced nuclear-spin activation in a two-dimensional electron gas

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    Electrically detected nuclear magnetic resonance was studied in detail in a two-dimensional electron gas as a function of current bias and temperature. We show that applying a relatively modest dc-current bias, I_dc ~ 0.5 microAmps, can induce a re-entrant and even enhanced nuclear spin signal compared with the signal obtained under similar thermal equilibrium conditions at zero current bias. Our observations suggest that dynamic nuclear spin polarization by small current flow is possible in a two-dimensional electron gas, allowing for easy manipulation of the nuclear spin by simple switching of a dc current.Comment: 5 pages, 3 fig

    Microwave photoresistance of a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas in a triangular antidot lattice

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    The microwave (MW) photoresistance has been measured on a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas patterned with a shallow triangular antidot lattice, where both the MW-induced resistance oscillations (MIRO) and magnetoplasmon (MP) resonance are observed superposing on sharp commensurate geometrical resonance (GR). Analysis shows that the MIRO, MP, and GR are decoupled from each other in these experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, paper accepted by PR

    A novel interplanetary communications relay

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    A case study of a potential Earth-Mars interplanetary communications relay, designed to ensure continuous communications, is detailed. The relay makes use of orbits based on artificial equilibrium points via the application of continuous low thrust, which allows a spacecraft to hover above the orbital plane of Mars and thus ensure communications when the planet is occulted with respect to the Earth. The artificial equilibria of two different low-thrust propulsion technologies are considered: solar electric propulsion, and a solar sail/solar electric propulsion hybrid. In the latter case it is shown that the combination of sail and solar electric propulsion may prove advantageous, but only under specific circumstances of the relay architecture suggested. The study takes into account factors such as the spacecraft's power requirements and communications band utilized to determine the mission and system architecture. A detailed contingency analysis is considered for recovering the relay after increasing periods of spacecraft motor failure, and combined with a consideration for how best to deploy the relay spacecraft to maximise propellant reserves and mission duration
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