24 research outputs found

    Millicharged Scalar Fields, Massive Photons and the Breaking of SU(3)C×U(1)EMSU(3)_{C} \times U(1)_{\rm EM}

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    Under the assumption that the current epoch of the Universe is not special, i.e. is not the final state of a long history of processes in particle physics, the cosmological fate of SU(3)C×U(1)EMSU(3)_C \times U(1)_{\rm EM} is investigated. Spontaneous symmetry breaking of U(1)EMU(1)_{\rm EM} at the temperature of the Universe today is carried out. The charged scalar field ϕEM\phi_{\rm EM} which breaks the symmetry is found to be ruled out for the charge of the electron, q=eq=e. Scalar fields with millicharges are viable and limits on their masses and charges are found to be q≲10−3eq\lesssim10^{-3}e and mϕEM≲10−5eVm_{\phi_{\rm EM}}\lesssim10^{-5} \rm eV. Furthermore, it is possible that U(1)EMU(1)_{\rm EM} has already been broken at temperatures higher than T=2.7KT=2.7K given the nonzero limits on the mass of the photon. A photon mass of mγ=10−18eVm_{\gamma}=10^{-18} \rm eV, the current upper limit, is found to require a spontaneously symmetry breaking scalar mass of mϕEM∼10−13eVm_{\phi_{\rm EM}}\sim 10^{-13} \rm eV with charge q=10−6eq=10^{-6}e, well within the allowed parameter space of the model. Finally, the cosmological fate of the strong interaction is studied. SU(3)CSU(3)_C is tested for complementarity in which the confinement phase of QCD ++ colored scalars is equivalent to a spontaneously broken SU(3)SU(3) gauge theory. If complementarity is not applicable, SU(3)CSU(3)_C has multiple symmetry breaking paths with various final symmetry structures. The stability of the colored vacuum at finite temperature in this scenario is nonperturbative and a definitive statement on the fate of SU(3)CSU(3)_C is left open. Cosmological implications for the metastability of the vacua - electromagnetic, color and electroweak - are discussed.Comment: 7 pages. Version accepted for publication in PR

    Asymmetric Dark Matter and Baryogenesis from SU(2)â„“SU(2)_{\ell}

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    We propose a theory in which the Standard Model gauge symmetry is extended by a new SU(2)ℓSU(2)_\ell group acting nontrivially on the lepton sector which is spontaneously broken at the TeV scale. Under this SU(2)ℓSU(2)_\ell the ordinary leptons form doublets along with new lepton partner fields. This construction naturally contains a dark matter candidate, the partner of the right-handed neutrino, stabilized by a residual global U(1)χU(1)_\chi symmetry. We show that one can explain baryogenesis through an asymmetric dark matter scenario, in which generation of related asymmetries in the dark matter and baryon sectors is driven by the SU(2)ℓSU(2)_\ell instantons during a first order phase transition in the early universe.Comment: Version accepted for publication in Physical Review D. 11 pages, 4 figures. References added, minor change

    Quantum Chromodynamics Resolution of the ATOMKI Anomaly in 4He{\rm {^4He}} Nuclear Transitions

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    Recent observations of the angular correlation spectra in the decays 4He∗→4He+e+e− {\rm ^4He}^*\to {\rm ^4He}+ e^+e^- and 8Be∗→8Be+e+e− {\rm ^8Be}^*\to {\rm ^8Be}+ e^+e^- have been suggested as due to the creation and subsequent decay to an electron-positron pair of a new light particle with a mass of ∼17\sim 17 MeV. In this work, we present a calculation of the invariant me+e−m_{e^+e^-} mass spectrum of the electromagnetic transition of an excited state of helium and estimate the differential and total width of the decay. We investigate the possibility that the source of the signal is an e+e−e^+ e^- pair created by a new electromagnetic decay of 4He\rm ^4He caused by a proposed 12-quark hidden-color Fock state in the 4He{\rm {^4He}} nuclear wavefunction, the "hexadiquark.'' We find that we can fit the shape of the signal with the QCD Fock state at excitation energy E∗≃17.9{\rm E^*}\simeq 17.9 MeV and a Gaussian form factor for the electromagnetic decay. We address the physical issues with the fit parameters using properties of the hexadiquark state. In light of this work, we emphasize the need for independent experimental confirmation or refutation of the ATOMKI results as well as further experiments to detect the proposed new excitation of 4He{\rm ^4He}.Comment: Condensed version, 8 pages, 3 figures, comments welcom

    Physical Implications of the Extrapolation and Statistical Bootstrap of the Nucleon Structure Function Ratio F2nF2p\frac{F_2^n}{F_2^p} for Mirror Nuclei 3^3He and 3^3H}

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    A nuclear physics example of statistical bootstrap is used on the MARATHON data nucleon structure function ratio, F2nF2p\frac{F_2^n}{F_2^p}, in the quark momentum fraction xB→0x_B\rightarrow0 and xB→1x_B\rightarrow1 regions. The extrapolated F2F_2 ratio value as quark momentum fraction xB→1x_B\rightarrow 1 approaches 0.4 and this value is compared to theoretical predictions. The extrapolated ratio when xB→0x_B\rightarrow 0 favors the simple model of isospin symmetry with the complete dominance of seaquarks at low momentum fraction. At high-xBx_B, the proton quark distribution function ratio d/ud/u is derived from the x→1x\rightarrow 1 ratio F2nF2p→0.4\frac{F_2^n}{F_2^p}\rightarrow 0.4 and found to be d/u→1/6d/u \rightarrow 1/6. Our extrapolated values for both the F2nF2p\frac{F_2^n}{F_2^p} ratio and the d/ud/u parton distribution function ratio most closely match perturbative QCD values from quark counting and helicity conservation arguments but still differ by roughly 7%7\%. The mismatch to theoretical predictions may be ameliorated if two compatible models act simultaneously in the nucleon wavefunction. One such example is nucleon wavefunctions composed of a linear combination of a quark-diquark state and a 3-valence quark correlated state with coefficients that combine to give the extrapolated F2F_2 ratio of 0.40.4

    Searching for an Enhanced Signal of the Onset of Color Transparency in Baryons with D(e,e′p)n Scattering

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    Observation of the onset of color transparency in baryons would provide a new means of studying the nuclear strong force and would be the first clear evidence of baryons transforming into a color-neutral point-like size in the nucleus as predicted by quantum chromodynamics. Recent C (e, e′p) results from electron-scattering did not observe the onset of color transparency (CT) in protons up to spacelike four-momentum transfers squared, Q2 = 14.2 GeV 2 . The traditional methods of searching for CT in (e, e′p) scattering use heavy targets favoring kinematics with already initially reduced final state interactions (FSIs) such that any CT effect that further reduces FSIs will be small. The reasoning behind this choice is the difficulty in accounting for all FSIs. D (e, e′p)η , on the other hand, has well-understood FSI contributions from double scattering with a known dependence on the kinematics and can show an increased sensitivity to hadrons in point-like configurations. Double scattering is the square of the re-scattering amplitude in which the knocked-out nucleon interacts with the spectator nucleon, a process that is suppressed in the presence of point-like configurations and is particularly well-studied for the deuteron. This suppression yields a quadratic sensitivity to CT effects and is strongly dependent on the choice of kinematics. Here, we describe a possible Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) electron-scattering experiment that utilizes these kinematics and explores the potential signal for the onset of CT with enhanced sensitivity as compared to recent experiments

    Diffractive Dissociation of Alpha Particles as a Test of Isophobic Short-Range Correlations inside Nuclei

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    The CLAS collaboration at Jefferson Laboratory has compared nuclear parton distributions for a range of nuclear targets and found that the EMC effect measured in deep inelastic lepton-nucleus scattering has a strongly "isophobic" nature. This surprising observation suggests short-range correlations between neighboring nn and pp nucleons in nuclear wavefunctions that are much stronger compared to p−pp-p or n−nn-n correlations. In this paper we propose a definitive experimental test of the nucleon-nucleon explanation of the isophobic nature of the EMC effect: the diffractive dissociation on a nuclear target AA of high energy 4He\rm ^4He nuclei to pairs of nucleons nn and pp with high relative transverse momentum, α+A→n+p+A′+X\alpha + A \to n + p + A' + X . The comparison of n−pn-p events with p−pp-p and n−nn-n events directly tests the postulated breaking of isospin symmetry. The experiment also tests alternative QCD-level explanations for the isophobic EMC effect. In particular it will test a proposal for hidden-color degrees of freedom in nuclear wavefunctions based on isospin-zero [ud][ud] diquarks.Comment: 5 pages, references added, clarifications due to helpful referee comments (latexdiff for all changes). Accepted for publication in Physics Letters