1,639 research outputs found

    Classical and quantized aspects of dynamics in five dimensional relativity

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    A null path in 5D can appear as a timelike path in 4D, and for a certain gauge in 5D the motion of a massive particle in 4D obeys the usual quantization rule with an uncertainty-type relation. Generalizations of this result are discussed in regard to induced-matter and membrane theory.Comment: 26 pages, in press in Class. Quant. Gra

    An exact solution of the five-dimensional Einstein equations with four-dimensional de Sitter-like expansion

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    We present an exact solution to the Einstein field equations which is Ricci and Riemann flat in five dimensions, but in four dimensions is a good model for the early vacuum-dominated universe.Comment: 6 pages; to appear in Journal of Mathematical Physics; v2: reference 3 correcte

    Causal Anomalies in Kaluza-Klein Gravity Theories

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    Causal anomalies in two Kaluza-Klein gravity theories are examined, particularly as to whether these theories permit solutions in which the causality principle is violated. It is found that similarly to general relativity the field equations of the space-time-mass Kaluza-Klein (STM-KK) gravity theory do not exclude violation of causality of G\"odel type, whereas the induced matter Kaluza-Klein (IM-KK) gravity rules out noncausal G\"odel-type models. The induced matter version of general relativity is shown to be an efficient therapy for causal anomalies that occurs in a wide class of noncausal geometries. Perfect fluid and dust G\"odel-type solutions of the STM-KK field equations are studied. It is shown that every G\"odel-type perfect fluid solution is isometric to the unique dust solution of the STM-KK field equations. The question as to whether 5-D G\"odel-type non-causal geometries induce any physically acceptable 4-D energy-momentum tensor is also addressed.Comment: 16 page. LaTex file. To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. A (1998

    Wave Mechanics and General Relativity: A Rapprochement

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    Using exact solutions, we show that it is in principle possible to regard waves and particles as representations of the same underlying geometry, thereby resolving the problem of wave-particle duality

    FLRW Universes from "Wave-Like" Cosmologies in 5D

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    We consider the evolution of a 4D-universe embedded in a five-dimensional (bulk) world with a large extra dimension and a cosmological constant. The cosmology in 5D possesses "wave-like" character in the sense that the metric coefficients in the bulk are functions of the extra coordinate and time in a way similar to a pulse or traveling wave propagating along the fifth dimension. This assumption is motivated by some recent work presenting the big-bang as a higher dimensional shock wave. We show that this assumption, together with an equation of state for the effective matter quantities in 4D, allows Einstein's equations to be fully integrated. We then recover the familiar FLRW universes, on the four-dimensional hypersurfaces orthogonal to the extra dimension. Regarding the extra dimension we find that it is {\em growing} in size if the universe is speeding up its expansion. We also get an estimate for the relative change of the extra dimension over time. This estimate could have important observational implications, notably for the time variation of rest mass, electric charge and the gravitational "constant". Our results extend previous ones in the literature.Comment: Few comments added, references updated. To appear in Int. J. of Mod. Phys.

    Extra symmetry in the field equations in 5D with spatial spherical symmetry

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    We point out that the field equations in 5D, with spatial spherical symmetry, possess an extra symmetry that leaves them invariant. This symmetry corresponds to certain simultaneous interchange of coordinates and metric coefficients. As a consequence a single solution in 5D can generate very different scenarios in 4D, ranging from static configurations to cosmological situations. A new perspective emanates from our work. Namely, that different astrophysical and cosmological scenarios in 4D might correspond to the same physics in 5D. We present explicit examples that illustrate this point of view.Comment: Typos corrected. Accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Cosmological Implications of a Non-Separable 5D Solution of the Vacuum Einstein Field Equations

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    An exact class of solutions of the 5D vacuum Einstein field equations (EFEs) is obtained. The metric coefficients are found to be non-separable functions of time and the extra coordinate ll and the induced metric on ll = constant hypersurfaces has the form of a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology. The 5D manifold and 3D and 4D submanifolds are in general curved, which distinguishes this solution from previous ones in the literature. The singularity structure of the manifold is explored: some models in the class do not exhibit a big bang, while other exhibit a big bang and a big crunch. For the models with an initial singularity, the equation of state of the induced matter evolves from radiation like at early epochs to Milne-like at late times and the big bang manifests itself as a singular hypersurface in 5D. The projection of comoving 5D null geodesics onto the 4D submanifold is shown to be compatible with standard 4D comoving trajectories, while the expansion of 5D null congruences is shown to be in line with conventional notions of the Hubble expansion.Comment: 8 pages, in press in J. Math. Phy

    Null Geodesics in Five Dimensional Manifolds

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    We analyze a class of 5D non-compact warped-product spaces characterized by metrics that depend on the extra coordinate via a conformal factor. Our model is closely related to the so-called canonical coordinate gauge of Mashhoon et al. We confirm that if the 5D manifold in our model is Ricci-flat, then there is an induced cosmological constant in the 4D sub-manifold. We derive the general form of the 5D Killing vectors and relate them to the 4D Killing vectors of the embedded spacetime. We then study the 5D null geodesic paths and show that the 4D part of the motion can be timelike -- that is, massless particles in 5D can be massive in 4D. We find that if the null trajectories are affinely parameterized in 5D, then the particle is subject to an anomalous acceleration or fifth force. However, this force may be removed by reparameterization, which brings the correct definition of the proper time into question. Physical properties of the geodesics -- such as rest mass variations induced by a variable cosmological ``constant'', constants of the motion and 5D time-dilation effects -- are discussed and are shown to be open to experimental or observational investigation.Comment: 19 pages, REVTeX, in press in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Possible Wormhole Solutions in (4+1) Gravity

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    We extend previous analyses of soliton solutions in (4+1) gravity to new ranges of their defining parameters. The geometry, as studied using invariants, has the topology of wormholes found in (3+1) gravity. In the induced-matter picture, the fluid does not satisfy the strong energy conditions, but its gravitational mass is positive. We infer the possible existance of (4+1) wormholes which, compared to their (3+1) counterparts, are less exotic.Comment: 3 pages, latex, 1 figure

    The extinction and dust-to-gas structure of the planetary nebula NGC 7009 observed with MUSE

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    The large field and wavelength range of MUSE is well suited to mapping Galactic planetary nebulae (PN). The bright PN NGC 7009 was observed with MUSE on the VLT during the Science Verification of the instrument in seeing of 0.6". Emission line maps in hydrogen Balmer and Paschen lines were formed from analysis of the MUSE cubes. The measured electron temperature and density from the MUSE cube were employed to predict the theoretical hydrogen line ratios and map the extinction distribution across the nebula. After correction for the interstellar extinction to NGC 7009, the internal dust-to-gas ratio (A_V/N_H) has been mapped for the first time in a PN. The extinction map of NGC 7009 has considerable structure, broadly corresponding to the morphological features of the nebula. A large-scale feature in the extinction map, consisting of a crest and trough, occurs at the rim of the inner shell. The nature of this feature was investigated and instrumental and physical causes considered; no convincing mechanisms were identified to produce this feature, other than mass loss variations in the earlier asymptotic giant branch phase. The dust-to-gas ratio A_V/N_H increases from 0.7 times the interstellar value to >5 times from the centre towards the periphery of the ionized nebula. The integrated A_V/N_H is about 2 times the mean ISM value. It is demonstrated that extinction mapping with MUSE provides a powerful tool for studying the distribution of PN internal dust and the dust-to-gas ratio. (Abridged.)Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by A&
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