106 research outputs found

    Paleoseismic and Slip-Rate Observations along the Honey Lake Fault Zone, Northeastern California, USA

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    The Honey Lake fault is a major strike-slip fault in northeastern California that accommodates northwest-directed right-lateral shear in the northern Walker Lane. We reexamine the fault’s paleoseismic history and slip rate by evaluating a natural stream bank exposure of the fault and offset terrace riser. Structural and stratigraphic relations within the modern stream cut, radiocarbon ages, and a detailed topographic survey of the offset terrace riser are used to estimate a Holocene fault slip rate of 1.7–0.6 mm/yr or more. We also interpret the occurrence of at least four surface-rupturing earthquakes during the last 7025 calendar years before present (B.P.). Three of the surface-rupturing earthquakes occurred prior to 4670 calendar years B.P. and have interevent times that range between 730 and 990 yr. The stratigraphic record is limited after ~4670 calendar years B.P., and records evidence for at least one more subsequent surface-rupturing earthquake

    Scaling differences between large interplate and intraplate earthquakes

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    A study of large intraplate earthquakes with well-determined source parameters shows that these earthquakes obey a scaling law similar to large interplate earthquakes, in which M_0 ∝ L^2 or u = αL, where L is rupture length and u is slip. In contrast to interplate earthquakes, for which α ≈ 1 × 10^(−5), for for the intraplate events α ≈ 6 × 10^(−5), which implies that these earthquakes have stress drops about 6 times higher than interplate events. This result is independent of focal mechanism type. This implies that intraplate faults have a higher frictional strength than do plate boundaries, and hence that faults are velocity or slip weakening in their behavior. This factor may be important in producing the concentrated deformation that creates and maintains plate boundaries

    Integration of geological and seismological data for the analysis of seismic hazard: A case study of Japan

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    Seismic hazard analyses are associated with large uncertainties when historical data are insufficient to define secular rates of seismicity. Such uncertainties may be decreased with geological data in areas where seismicity is shallow and produced by Quaternary faulting. To illustrate, we examine intraplate Japan. Large intraplate earthquakes in Japan characteristically produce surface ruptures along mappable Quaternary faults and show a systematic relation between seismic moment, M_0 and rupture length I (log M_0 = 23.5 + 1.94 × log I). It is observed that, within the bounds placed by geologically assessed slip rates, the mean regional moment release rate M_0 resulting from slip on mapped Quaternary faults is in accord with estimates of M_0 determined with the 400-yr record of seismicity. Recent work also shows that when the repeat time T of earthquakes on Quaternary faults in southwest Japan is assumed to equal M_0/M_0^g (where M_0 is estimated for rupture extended over the entire fault length and M_0^g is the geologically assessed moment release rate of each fault), the moment frequency distribution of earthquakes predicted from the geologic record is virtually identical to that seen with the 400-yr record of seismicity. These observations indicate that the geologic record of Quaternary fault offsets contains sufficient information to predict both the spatial and size distribution of intraplate earthquakes in Japan. A contour map of the average recurrence time of ground shaking of JMA intensity ≧V is thus computed using an empirical relation between seismic moment and the areal distribution of seismic intensity and assuming that the repeat time T of earthquakes on each Quaternary fault equals M_0/M_0^g. The map demonstrates how Quaternary fault data may be used to assess long-term seismic hazard in areas of active faulting where historical records of seismicity are relatively short or absent. Another shortcoming of conventional seismic hazard analysis is that hazard is not considered a function of the time since each fault in a region last ruptured. A simple procedure is used to demonstrate how the time-dependent nature of the earthquake cycle affects the evaluation of seismic hazard. The distribution of seismic shaking characteristic of large interplate earthquakes offshore of Japan is estimated from published isoseismal maps. The observed average repeat times of ruptures along specific segments of the plate boundaries then provide the basis to make probabilistic estimates of the next expected time of seismic shaking due to plate boundary earthquakes. When data are too few to document the average repeat times of rupture, the estimates of probability are calculated with data relating to the relative coseismic slip during past earthquakes and the rate of interseismic strain accumulation, interpreted within the framework of the time predictable model of earthquake occurrence. Results are displayed as maps of instantaneous seismic hazard: the probability that seismic shaking will occur conditional to knowledge of where in time each fault in a region presently resides with respect to the earthquake cycle

    Historical seismicity and rates of crustal deformation along the margins of the Ordos block, north China

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    Earthquakes in China show an empirical relation between seismic moment (M_0) and the areal distribution of Modified Mercalli intensities VI and VIII (log M_0 = 16.66 + 0.91 log A^(VIII) and log M_0 = 14.35 + 1.16 log A^(VI), where A and M_0 are measured in squared kilometers and Newton-meter, respectively). The empirical relations may be used to estimate M_0 for historical earthquakes in China to within a factor of three, on average, when sufficient isoseismal data exist. This observation and an extensive collection of isoseismal maps are used to estimate M_0 for large earthquakes that occurred along the margins of the Ordos block during the last 700 yr. Focal parameters of the historical events are inferred from the orientation and displacements across Quaternary faults. Average rates of crustal deformation are then estimated from the 700-yr historical record with formulas that relate the occurrence rate of seismic moment in a region to rates of crustal strain. The Shanxi and northern Ningxia graben systems are situated along the eastern and northwestern edges of the Ordos block, respectively. Normal faults in the two systems trend northeasterly and are characterized by a component of right-lateral slip. The deformation resulting from slip during earthquakes in each of the respective fault systems is estimated at about 0.5 to 1.0 mm/yr of both right-lateral shear and north by northwest extension. The Weihe graben system bounds the southern edge of the Ordos block, strikes easterly and conjugate to the Shanxi and northern Ningxia fault systems, and exhibits left-lateral normal fault displacements. The average rate of deformation across Weihe is described by about 1.0 mm/yr of north by northwest extension and 1.5 mm/yr left-lateral east-west shear. The Hetao fault system delineates the northern edge of the Ordos block and displays Quaternary faults similar in orientation and mechanism to that observed in Weihe. Although mapped faults in Hetao exhibit evidence of Quaternary displacement, crustal deformation rates are not estimated because there exists no historical record of large earthquakes in the area. In southern Ningxia, at the southwest boundary of the Ordos block, deformation occurs by slip on left-lateral strike-slip faults oriented in an easterly azimuth and thrust faults with strikes ranging from southeast to south. The average deformation rate in southern Ningxia is found to be about 4.0 mm/yr of east by northeast contraction and 10.0 mm/yr of left-lateral shear. Deformation of each of the fault systems is consistent with a regional compressive stress that trends northeast and results in an average of about 3.0 mm/yr each of contraction at N70°E and extension of N160°E across the entire region. Inasmuch as uncertainties in estimates of M0 for historical earthquakes are about a factor of three, a similar uncertainty is attached to rates of crustal strain determined in this manner

    Holocene Earthquakes and Late Pleistocene Slip Rate Estimates on the Wassuk Range Fault Zone, Nevada, USA

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    The Wassuk Range fault zone is an 80‐km‐long, east‐dipping, high‐angle normal fault that flanks the eastern margin of the Wassuk Range in central Nevada. Observations from two alluvial fan systems truncated by the fault yield information on the vertical slip rate and Holocene earthquake history along the range front. At the apex of the Rose Creek alluvial fan, radiocarbon dating of offset stratigraphy exposed in two fault trenches shows that multiple earthquakes resulted in 7.0 m of vertical offset along the fault since ∼9400 cal B.P. These data yield a Holocene vertical slip rate of 0.7±0.1  mm/yr. The south trench exposure records at least two faulting events since ∼9400 cal B.P., with the most recent displacement postdating ∼2810 cal B.P. The north trench exposure records an ∼1  m offset between ∼610 cal B.P. and A.D. ∼1850, a 1.3‐m minimum offset prior to ∼1460 cal B.P., and one earlier undated earthquake of a similar size. Variations in stratigraphy and limited datable material preclude a unique correlation of paleoevents between the two trenches. Approximately 25 km north, the range‐front fault has truncated and uplifted a remnant of the Penrod Canyon fan by \u3e40  m since the surface was deposited ∼113  ka, based on cosmogenic dating of two large boulders. These data allow an estimate of the minimum late Pleistocene vertical slip rate at \u3e0.3–0.4  mm/yr for the Wassuk Range fault zone

    Holocene Earthquakes and Late Pleistocene Slip-Rate Estimates on the Wassuk Range Fault Zone, Nevada

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    The Wassuk Range fault zone is an 80‐km‐long, east‐dipping, high‐angle normal fault that flanks the eastern margin of the Wassuk Range in central Nevada. Observations from two alluvial fan systems truncated by the fault yield information on the vertical slip rate and Holocene earthquake history along the range front. At the apex of the Rose Creek alluvial fan, radiocarbon dating of offset stratigraphy exposed in two fault trenches shows that multiple earthquakes resulted in 7.0 m of vertical offset along the fault since ∼9400 cal B.P. These data yield a Holocene vertical slip rate of 0.7±0.1  mm/yr. The south trench exposure records at least two faulting events since ∼9400 cal B.P., with the most recent displacement postdating ∼2810 cal B.P. The north trench exposure records an ∼1  m offset between ∼610 cal B.P. and A.D. ∼1850, a 1.3‐m minimum offset prior to ∼1460 cal B.P., and one earlier undated earthquake of a similar size. Variations in stratigraphy and limited datable material preclude a unique correlation of paleoevents between the two trenches. Approximately 25 km north, the range‐front fault has truncated and uplifted a remnant of the Penrod Canyon fan by \u3e40  m since the surface was deposited ∼113  ka, based on cosmogenic dating of two large boulders. These data allow an estimate of the minimum late Pleistocene vertical slip rate at \u3e0.3–0.4  mm/yr for the Wassuk Range fault zone

    Aperiodicity in one-way Markov cycles and repeat times of large earthquakes in faults

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    A common use of Markov Chains is the simulation of the seismic cycle in a fault, i.e. as a renewal model for the repetition of its characteristic earthquakes. This representation is consistent with Reid's elastic rebound theory. Here it is proved that in {\it any} one-way Markov cycle, the aperiodicity of the corresponding distribution of cycle lengths is always lower than one. This fact concurs with observations of large earthquakes in faults all over the world

    Universal mean moment rate profiles of earthquake ruptures

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    Earthquake phenomenology exhibits a number of power law distributions including the Gutenberg-Richter frequency-size statistics and the Omori law for aftershock decay rates. In search for a basic model that renders correct predictions on long spatio-temporal scales, we discuss results associated with a heterogeneous fault with long range stress-transfer interactions. To better understand earthquake dynamics we focus on faults with Gutenberg-Richter like earthquake statistics and develop two universal scaling functions as a stronger test of the theory against observations than mere scaling exponents that have large error bars. Universal shape profiles contain crucial information on the underlying dynamics in a variety of systems. As in magnetic systems, we find that our analysis for earthquakes provides a good overall agreement between theory and observations, but with a potential discrepancy in one particular universal scaling function for moment-rates. The results reveal interesting connections between the physics of vastly different systems with avalanche noise.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Depinning with dynamic stress overshoots: A hybrid of critical and pseudohysteretic behavior

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    A model of an elastic manifold driven through a random medium by an applied force F is studied focussing on the effects of inertia and elastic waves, in particular {\it stress overshoots} in which motion of one segment of the manifold causes a temporary stress on its neighboring segments in addition to the static stress. Such stress overshoots decrease the critical force for depinning and make the depinning transition hysteretic. We find that the steady state velocity of the moving phase is nevertheless history independent and the critical behavior as the force is decreased is in the same universality class as in the absence of stress overshoots: the dissipative limit which has been studied analytically. To reach this conclusion, finite-size scaling analyses of a variety of quantities have been supplemented by heuristic arguments. If the force is increased slowly from zero, the spectrum of avalanche sizes that occurs appears to be quite different from the dissipative limit. After stopping from the moving phase, the restarting involves both fractal and bubble-like nucleation. Hysteresis loops can be understood in terms of a depletion layer caused by the stress overshoots, but surprisingly, in the limit of very large samples the hysteresis loops vanish. We argue that, although there can be striking differences over a wide range of length scales, the universality class governing this pseudohysteresis is again that of the dissipative limit. Consequences of this picture for the statistics and dynamics of earthquakes on geological faults are briefly discussed.Comment: 43 pages, 57 figures (yes, that's a five followed by a seven), revte

    Statistics of Earthquakes in Simple Models of Heterogeneous Faults

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    Simple models for ruptures along a heterogeneous earthquake fault zone are studied, focussing on the interplay between the roles of disorder and dynamical effects. A class of models are found to operate naturally at a critical point whose properties yield power law scaling of earthquake statistics. Various dynamical effects can change the behavior to a distribution of small events combined with characteristic system size events. The studies employ various analytic methods as well as simulations.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 3 figures (eps-files), uses eps