1,184 research outputs found

    Photoemission Measurement of Equilibrium Segregation at GeSi Surfaces

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    Photoemission spectroscopy is used to demonstrate that Ge segregates to the first atomic layer of Ge0.5Si0.5(100)2×1 and that the second layer is predominantly Si. Comparison of the resolved signals from the dimer atoms of the reconstructed (100)2×1 surfaces of Ge, Si, and equiatomic Ge‐Si alloy shows that the surface layer of the alloy is extremely Ge rich and the second layer is occupied mainly by Si atoms. This result is in good agreement with theoretical predictions

    Metallic behaviour of carrier-polarized C60_{60} molecular layers: Experiment and Theory

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    Although C60_{60} is a molecular crystal with a bandgap Eg_g of ~2.5 eV, we show that Eg_g is strongly affected by injected charge. In sharp contrast to the Coulomb blockade typical of quantum dots, Eg_g is {\it reduced} by the Coulomb effects. The conductance of a thin C60_{60} layer sandwiched between metal (Al, Ag, Au, Mg and Pt) contacts is investigated. Excellent Ohmic conductance is observed for Al electrodes protected with ultra-thin LiF layers. First-principles calculations, Hubbard models etc., show that the energy gap of C60_{60} is dramatically reduced when electrons hop from C60_{60}^- to C60_{60}.Comment: 4 PRL style pages, 2 figures. email: [email protected]

    Family history of breast and ovarian cancer and triple negative subtype in hispanic/latina women.

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    Familial breast and ovarian cancer prevalence was assessed among 1150 women of Mexican descent enrolled in a case-only, binational breast cancer study. Logistic regression was conducted to compare odds of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) to non-TNBC according to family history of breast and breast or ovarian cancer among 914 of these women. Prevalence of breast cancer family history in a first- and first- or second-degree relative was 13.1% and 24.1%, respectively; that for breast or ovarian cancer in a first-degree relative was 14.9%. After adjustment for age and country of residence, women with a first-degree relative with breast cancer were more likely to be diagnosed with TNBC than non-TNBC (OR=1.98; 95% CI, 1.26-3.11). The odds of TNBC compared to non-TNBC were 1.93 (95% CI, 1.26-2.97) for women with a first-degree relative with breast or ovarian cancer. There were non-significant stronger associations between family history and TNBC among women diagnosed at age <50 compared to ≥50 years for breast cancer in a first-degree relative (P-interaction = 0.14) and a first- or second-degree relative (P-interaction = 0.07). Findings suggest that familial breast cancers are associated with triple negative subtype, possibly related to BRCA mutations in Hispanic/Latina women, which are strongly associated with TNBC. Family history is an important tool to identify Hispanic/Latina women who may be at increased risk of TNBC, and could benefit from prevention and early detection strategies

    A Local Moment Approach to magnetic impurities in gapless Fermi systems

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    A local moment approach is developed for the single-particle excitations of a symmetric Anderson impurity model (AIM), with a soft-gap hybridization vanishing at the Fermi level with a power law r > 0. Local moments are introduced explicitly from the outset, and a two-self-energy description is employed in which the single-particle excitations are coupled dynamically to low-energy transverse spin fluctuations. The resultant theory is applicable on all energy scales, and captures both the spin-fluctuation regime of strong coupling (large-U), as well as the weak coupling regime. While the primary emphasis is on single particle dynamics, the quantum phase transition between strong coupling (SC) and (LM) phases can also be addressed directly; for the spin-fluctuation regime in particular a number of asymptotically exact results are thereby obtained. Results for both single-particle spectra and SC/LM phase boundaries are found to agree well with recent numerical renormalization group (NRG) studies. A number of further testable predictions are made; in particular, for r < 1/2, spectra characteristic of the SC state are predicted to exhibit an r-dependent universal scaling form as the SC/LM phase boundary is approached and the Kondo scale vanishes. Results for the `normal' r = 0 AIM are moreover recovered smoothly from the limit r -> 0, where the resultant description of single-particle dynamics includes recovery of Doniach-Sunjic tails in the Kondo resonance, as well as characteristic low-energy Fermi liquid behaviour.Comment: 52 pages, 19 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Self Consistent Molecular Field Theory for Packing in Classical Liquids

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    Building on a quasi-chemical formulation of solution theory, this paper proposes a self consistent molecular field theory for packing problems in classical liquids, and tests the theoretical predictions for the excess chemical potential of the hard sphere fluid. Results are given for the self consistent molecular fields obtained, and for the probabilities of occupancy of a molecular observation volume. For this system, the excess chemical potential predicted is as accurate as the most accurate prior theories, particularly the scaled particle (Percus-Yevick compressibility) theory. It is argued that the present approach is particularly simple, and should provide a basis for a molecular-scale description of more complex solutions.Comment: 6 pages and 5 figure

    Paramagnetic Phase of a Heavy-Fermion Compound, CeFePO, Probed by 57Fe M\"{o}ssbauer Spectroscopy

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    57Fe M\"{o}ssbauer spectroscopy was applied to an iron-based layered compound CeFePO. At temperatures from 9.4 to 293 K, no magnetic splitting was observed in the M\"ossbauer spectra of CeFePO indicating a paramagnetic phase of the Fe magnetic sublattice. All the spectra were fitted with a small quadrupole splitting, and the Debye temperature of CeFePO was found to be \sim448 K. The isomer shift at room temperature, 0.32 mm/s, was almost equal to those of LnFeAsO (Ln = La, Ce, Sm). Comparing s-electron density using the isomer shifts and unit cell volumes, it was found that the Fe of CeFePO has a similar valence state to other layered iron-based quaternary oxypnictides except LaFePO

    Production, characterization, and antigen specificity of recombinant 62-71-3, a candidate monoclonal antibody for rabies prophylaxis in humans

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    Rabies kills many people throughout the developing world every year. The murine monoclonal antibody (mAb) 62-71-3 was recently identified for its potential application in rabies postexposure prophylaxis (PEP). The purpose here was to establish a plant-based production system for a chimeric mouse-human version of mAb 62-71-3, to characterize the recombinant antibody and investigate at a molecular level its interaction with rabies virus glycoprotein. Chimeric 62-71-3 was successfully expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana. Glycosylation was analyzed by mass spectroscopy; functionality was confirmed by antigen ELISA, as well as rabies and pseudotype virus neutralization. Epitope characterization was performed using pseudotype virus expressing mutagenized rabies glycoproteins. Purified mAb demonstrated potent viral neutralization at 500 IU/mg. A critical role for antigenic site I of the glycoprotein, as well as for two specific amino acid residues (K226 and G229) within site I, was identified with regard to mAb 62-71-3 neutralization. Pseudotype viruses expressing glycoprotein from lyssaviruses known not to be neutralized by this antibody were the controls. The results provide the molecular rationale for developing 62-71-3 mAb for rabies PEP; they also establish the basis for developing an inexpensive plant-based antibody product to benefit low-income families in developing countries.—Both, L., van Dolleweerd, C., Wright, E., Banyard, A. C., Bulmer-Thomas, B., Selden, D., Altmann, F., Fooks, A. R., Ma, J. K.-C. Production, characterization, and antigen specificity of recombinant 62-71-3, a candidate monoclonal antibody for rabies prophylaxis in humans

    Photoemission study of the metal-insulator transition in VO_2/TiO_2(001) : Evidence for strong electron-electron and electron-phonon interaction

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    We have made a detailed temperature-dependent photoemission study of VO_2/TiO_2(001) thin films, which show a metal-insulator transition at \sim 300 K. Clean surfaces were obtained by annealing the films in an oxygen atmosphere. Spectral weight transfer between the coherent and incoherent parts accompanying the metal-insulator transition was clearly observed. We also observed a hysteretic behavior of the spectra for heating-cooling cycles. We have derived the ``bulk'' spectrum of the metallic phase and found that it has a strong incoherent part. The width of the coherent part is comparable to that given by band-structure calculation in spite of its reduced spectral weight, indicating that the momentum dependence of the self-energy is significant. This is attributed to by ferromagnetic fluctuation arising from Hund's rule coupling between different d orbitals as originally proposed by Zylbersztejn and Mott. In the insulating phase, the width of the V 3d band shows strong temperature dependence. We attribute this to electron-phonon interaction and have reproduced it using the independent boson model with a very large coupling constant.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Interesting magnetic properties of Fe1x_{1-x}Cox_xSi alloys

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    Solid solution between nonmagnetic narrow gap semiconductor FeSi and diamagnetic semi-metal CoSi gives rise to interesting metallic alloys with long-range helical magnetic ordering, for a wide range of intermediate concentration. We report various interesting magnetic properties of these alloys, including low temperature re-entrant spin-glass like behaviour and a novel inverted magnetic hysteresis loop. Role of Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interaction in the magnetic response of these non-centrosymmetric alloys is discussed.Comment: 11 pages and 3 figure

    Criticality in strongly correlated fluids

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    In this brief review I will discuss criticality in strongly correlated fluids. Unlike simple fluids, molecules of which interact through short ranged isotropic potential, particles of strongly correlated fluids usually interact through long ranged forces of Coulomb or dipolar form. While for simple fluids mechanism of phase separation into liquid and gas was elucidated by van der Waals more than a century ago, the universality class of strongly correlated fluids, or in some cases even existence of liquid-gas phase separation remains uncertain.Comment: Proceedings of Scaling Concepts and Complex Systems, Merida, Mexic