2,193 research outputs found
Improving local search heuristics for some scheduling problems - I
Local search techniques like simulated annealing and tabu search are based on a neighborhood structure defined on a set of feasible solutions of a discrete optimization problem. For the scheduling problems and we replace a simple neighborhood by a neighborhood on the set of all locally optimal solutions. This allows local search on the set of solutions that are locally optimal
Emotional numbing and lessons learned after a violent conflict - Experimental evidence from Ambon, Indonesia
Violent conflict is sometimes believed to provoke discrimination, but sometimes also seen to reduce pro-sociality in general. While discrimination may reinforce conflict, a lack of pro-sociality hinders peace reconciliation, social capital formation and development. We test which of these viewpoints finds support and how activation of memories of the conflict affects people's pro-social behavior. Lab-in-the-field experiments were run among Muslim and Christian students in post-conflict Ambon, Indonesia, and combined with data from a post-experimental questionnaire. With the help of dictator, ultimatum and trust games, we investigate the impact of activation of memories of the conflict on different types of pro-sociality. We do not find evidence for discrimination against out-group members. Instead, pro-sociality is significantly reduced if subjects are reminded of the conflict. This effect is particularly strong if subjects had been highly exposed to violence and thus particularly dismal memories were activated. Our findings run counter to the viewpoint that conflict, group identities and discrimination reinforce each other and lead to a downward spiral. They are supportive of emotional numbing. Subjects behave pro-socially, potentially due to the lessons learned from the conflict, unless memories of the conflict are activated. For peace reconciliation, it is thus important to avoid activation of such memories
Ações afirmativas perante a Constituição Federal de 1988: a discriminação positiva como consagração do princÃpio da igualdade
A discriminação social é elemento indissociável das relações humanas atuais e pretéritas, consubstanciando-se numa prática que, se não combatida, tende a se perpetuar. O Estado, nesse contexto, assume uma posição ativa, criando mecanismos em prol das minorias marginalizadas, na tentativa de corrigir as diversas formas de desigualdade que assolam a sociedade. Assim, na presente monografia será analisada a possibilidade da adoção de ações afirmativas perante a Constituição Federal de 1988, observados os princÃpios e fundamentos que norteiam o texto constitucional vigente, especialmente na condição de instrumento consagrador da igualdade material. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, desenvolvida por meio do método dedutivo e de procedimento técnico baseado em bibliografia e documentos. Para alcançar o objetivo principal deste trabalho, o enfrentamento do tema terá inÃcio com uma abordagem acerca do Estado Democrático de Direito e seus aspectos fundamentais. Em seguida, far-se-á uma análise acerca da origem, natureza, evolução histórica das ações afirmativas, especialmente no contexto brasileiro. Por fim, examinar-se-á a recepção do instituto das ações afirmativas pela Constituição da República vigente, abordando-se os seus aspectos estruturantes, com ênfase especial ao princÃpio e direito fundamental da igualdade, mediante a análise de seus dispositivos legais e o posicionamento do Supremo Tribunal Federal diante do tema. Nesse sentido, conclui-se que a adoção de polÃticas públicas afirmativas encontra guarida na Constituição Federal, notadamente na condição de ferramenta consagradora do princÃpio da igualdade
Systems theory training as a context for healing : an autoethnography
The mini-dissertation explains how systems theory provided a healing context
for me in my training as a clinical psychologist over two years. The
emergence of my authentic voice is narrated in an autoethnography (five act
drama) about what happened. The main theoretical bases for the dissertation
are – constructivism to understand the learning and teaching I experienced;
learning as a collaborative endeavour and the emergence of my authentic
voice with help from more skilled others. Systems theory informs the entire
study at every theoretical level. Bowen’s family therapy theory is significant
for the differentiation of the self and his I-position is equated with the
emergence of an authentic voice. Myth, epic narratives, the hero’s journey
amplify my interpretation of the differentiation of self. The raw data for the
qualitative research were observations, interviews, creative writing, photocollage,
a collection of readings, songs and dialogues. The themes emerging
from the autoethnography were about obstructions because of the
authoritarian nature of my upbringing, life and work. These themes lessened
in force in clinical training until my authentic voice emerged in relation to self
and as a clinical psychologist. A recommendation from the dissertation is that
autoethnography provides a good vehicle for reflection and intense interior
scrutiny needed to become a practising clinical psychologist; the
autoethnographical exercise could be used by training clinical psychologists
more extensively on their journey to maturity.PsychologyM.A. (Clinical Psychology
Emotion vs. cognition - Experimental evidence on cooperation from the 2014 Soccer World Cup
We investigate methods for stimulating cooperation by help of a controlled lab-inthefield experiment. This allows us to compare group-related emotional and cognitive stimuli. The experiment was carried out in a sober classroom and in an emotionally loaded environment, a Bavarian beer garden during a public viewing event with a large screen displaying the soccer game. Contrary to widespread belief, we do not find shared and contagious emotions at the public viewing event to advance cooperation. Variations of the game reveal that only cognitive factors, namely the joint attention to a common goal, substantially increase cooperation
Untersuchungen zur Aussagekraft von Blutparametern und Milchinhaltsstoffen bei Milchkühen
Zu Laktationsbeginn kann der Energiebedarf bei Hochleistungskühen meist nicht ausreichend über die Futteraufnahme gedeckt werden. Das entstehende Energiedefizit kann die Gesundheit und die Fruchtbarkeit der Kuh negativ beeinflussen. Die Energiebilanz kann einerseits aus dem Energiebedarf und der Energieaufnahme direkt errechnet werden, die Sammlung der dafür benötigten Daten ist jedoch sehr aufwändig und unter Praxisbedingungen kaum durchführbar. Andererseits können jedoch Hilfsparameter wie Milch- oder Blutinhaltsstoffe herangezogen werden, um Aussagen zur Energiebilanz der Milchkuh zu erhalten. Die vorliegende Untersuchung soll Aufschluss darüber geben, ob die an punktuell gezogenen Proben untersuchten Gehalte an β-Hydroxybuttersäure (BHB) und freien Fettsäuren (FFS) im Blut besser dazu geeignet sind, die Energiebilanz abzubilden als Wochenmittelwerte der Milchinhaltsstoffgehalte Fett-, Eiweiß bzw. des Fett-Eiweißquotienten (FEQ). Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage wurden Daten von vier Versuchen aus den Jahren 2002 bis 2014 mit insgesamt 240 Laktationen von 138 Milchkühen der Rassen Braunvieh, Fleckvieh und Holstein Friesian statistisch ausgewertet. Bei Beachtung der Rasse, der Laktationsanzahl und der Laktationswoche wurden die Blutparameter und die Milchinhaltsstoffe in den ersten 15 Laktationswochen der Energiebilanz gegenübergestellt. Das Ergebnis zeigte, dass die Milchinhaltsstoffe, vor allem der Milchfettgehalt und der FEQ, bei Unterteilung des Auswertungszeitraums in drei Abschnitte eine höhere Konstanz hinsichtlich des signifikanten Zusammenhangs mit der Energiebilanz aufwiesen als die punktuell gezogenen Blutparameter BHB und FFS. Die Milchinhaltsstoffgehalte können kostengünstig einen ersten Aufschluss über die Energieversorgung der Milchkuh geben. Zusätzlich ist die Beobachtung des individuellen BCS- und Lebendmasse- Verlaufs zu empfehlen und auch noch andere Aspekte (Rasse, Laktationsanzahl, individuelle Anpassung der Kühe an das Energiedefizit) müssen beachtet werden
Vergleich zweier Kuhtypen hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für ein low-input Produktionssystem unter alpinen Bedingungen
The core task of sustainable milk production is the conversion of forage into milk, dairy products and, as a by-product, into meat. In Europe and North America, for decades dairy cows were selected for a high genetic merit for milk production under high input farming conditions. It is therefore questionable whether these "high input genotypes" are suitable for forage-based, organic farming systems. The objective of this study was to compare two cow types concerning their suitability for an Alpine organic, low input dairy production system. The cow types used were conventional Brown Swiss (BV) on the one hand and a specific strain of Holstein Friesian (HFL), selected for lifetime performance, on the other. Both cow types were managed within one herd in an organic, pasture-based system with seasonal calving. Data from 91 lactations showed that BV animals were heavier and superior in milk production. HFL cows lost less body weight during lactation and showed a higher reproductive performance, which may indicate a greater suitability for low-input dairy production systems
Uncovering metabolic pathways relevant to phenotypic traits of microbial genomes
A new machine learning-based method is presented here for the identification of metabolic pathways related to specific phenotypes in multiple microbial genomes
Comparison of two different dairy cow types in an organic, low input milk production system under Alpine conditions
The core task of sustainable milk production is the conversion of forage into milk, dairy products and, as a by-product, into meat. In Europe and North America, for decades dairy cows were selected for a high genetic merit for milk production under high input farming conditions. It is therefore questionable whether these "high input genotypes" are suitable for forage-based, organic farming systems. The objective of this study was to compare two cow types concerning their suitability for an Alpine organic, low input dairy production system. The cow types used were conventional Brown Swiss (BS) on the one hand and a specific strain of Holstein Friesian (HFL), selected for lifetime performance, on the other. Both cow types were managed within one herd in an organic, pasture-based system with seasonal calving. Data from 89 lactations showed that BS animals were heavier and superior in milk production. HFL cows lost less body weight during lactation and showed a higher reproductive performance, which may indicate a greater suitability for low-input dairy production systems
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