14 research outputs found

    Records and sequences of records from random variables with a linear trend

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    We consider records and sequences of records drawn from discrete time series of the form Xn=Yn+cnX_{n}=Y_{n}+cn, where the YnY_{n} are independent and identically distributed random variables and cc is a constant drift. For very small and very large drift velocities, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of the probability pn(c)p_n(c) of a record occurring in the nnth step and the probability PN(c)P_N(c) that all NN entries are records, i.e. that X1<X2<...<XNX_1 < X_2 < ... < X_N. Our work is motivated by the analysis of temperature time series in climatology, and by the study of mutational pathways in evolutionary biology.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Correlations of record events as a test for heavy-tailed distributions

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    A record is an entry in a time series that is larger or smaller than all previous entries. If the time series consists of independent, identically distributed random variables with a superimposed linear trend, record events are positively (negatively) correlated when the tail of the distribution is heavier (lighter) than exponential. Here we use these correlations to detect heavy-tailed behavior in small sets of independent random variables. The method consists of converting random subsets of the data into time series with a tunable linear drift and computing the resulting record correlations.Comment: Revised version, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Record statistics and persistence for a random walk with a drift

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    We study the statistics of records of a one-dimensional random walk of n steps, starting from the origin, and in presence of a constant bias c. At each time-step the walker makes a random jump of length \eta drawn from a continuous distribution f(\eta) which is symmetric around a constant drift c. We focus in particular on the case were f(\eta) is a symmetric stable law with a L\'evy index 0 < \mu \leq 2. The record statistics depends crucially on the persistence probability which, as we show here, exhibits different behaviors depending on the sign of c and the value of the parameter \mu. Hence, in the limit of a large number of steps n, the record statistics is sensitive to these parameters (c and \mu) of the jump distribution. We compute the asymptotic mean record number after n steps as well as its full distribution P(R,n). We also compute the statistics of the ages of the longest and the shortest lasting record. Our exact computations show the existence of five distinct regions in the (c, 0 < \mu \leq 2) strip where these quantities display qualitatively different behaviors. We also present numerical simulation results that verify our analytical predictions.Comment: 51 pages, 22 figures. Published version (typos have been corrected

    Record statistics for biased random walks, with an application to financial data

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    We consider the occurrence of record-breaking events in random walks with asymmetric jump distributions. The statistics of records in symmetric random walks was previously analyzed by Majumdar and Ziff and is well understood. Unlike the case of symmetric jump distributions, in the asymmetric case the statistics of records depends on the choice of the jump distribution. We compute the record rate Pn(c)P_n(c), defined as the probability for the nnth value to be larger than all previous values, for a Gaussian jump distribution with standard deviation σ\sigma that is shifted by a constant drift cc. For small drift, in the sense of c/σn1/2c/\sigma \ll n^{-1/2}, the correction to Pn(c)P_n(c) grows proportional to arctan(n)(\sqrt{n}) and saturates at the value c2σ\frac{c}{\sqrt{2} \sigma}. For large nn the record rate approaches a constant, which is approximately given by 1(σ/2πc)exp(c2/2σ2)1-(\sigma/\sqrt{2\pi}c)\textrm{exp}(-c^2/2\sigma^2) for c/σ1c/\sigma \gg 1. These asymptotic results carry over to other continuous jump distributions with finite variance. As an application, we compare our analytical results to the record statistics of 366 daily stock prices from the Standard & Poors 500 index. The biased random walk accounts quantitatively for the increase in the number of upper records due to the overall trend in the stock prices, and after detrending the number of upper records is in good agreement with the symmetric random walk. However the number of lower records in the detrended data is significantly reduced by a mechanism that remains to be identified.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Record-breaking temperatures reveal a warming climate

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    We present a mathematical analysis of records drawn from independent random variables with a drifting mean. To leading order the change in the record rate is proportional to the ratio of the drift velocity to the standard deviation of the underlying distribution. We apply the theory to time series of daily temperatures for given calendar days, obtained from historical climate recordings of European and American weather stations as well as re-analysis data. We conclude that the change in the mean temperature has increased the rate of record-breaking events in a moderate but significant way: for the European station data covering the time period 1976-2005, we find that about 5 of the 17 high temperature records observed on average in 2005 can be attributed to the warming climate. Copyright (C) EPLA, 201

    Rounding Effects in Record Statistics

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    We analyze record-breaking events in time series of continuous random variables that are subsequently discretized by rounding to integer multiples of a discretization scale Delta > 0. Rounding leads to ties of an existing record, thereby reducing the number of new records. For an infinite number of random variables that are drawn from distributions with a finite upper limit, the number of discrete records is finite, while for distributions with a thinner than exponential upper tail, fewer discrete records arise compared to continuous variables. In the latter case, the record sequence becomes highly regular at long times


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